
Usage with ament_cmake

Here is recommended approach on how to link filters to your project, using the filters::realtime_circular_buffer target.

find_package(filters CONFIG REQUIRED)

# Other library stuff here

target_link_libraries(my_library PUBLIC filters::realtime_circular_buffer)

For more information on using ament_cmake, see the ament_cmake tutorial.

Filters creates all of the following CMake targets, including:

  • filters::realtime_circular_buffer

  • filters::filter_chain

  • filters::mean

  • filters::params

  • filters::increment

  • filters::median

  • filters::transfer_function

It is recommended to only link to the libraries needed. Linking to filters::filter_base pulls in all necessary libraries and include directories for targets with classes that extend FilterBase. This is useful if you are writing your own filter.