What Is This?

This package provides several examples that demonstrate various inter-node communcations in ROS 2.

This package consists of the following examples:

  1. add_two_ints_client

  2. listener_serialized_message

  3. reuse_timer

  4. add_two_ints_client_async

  5. list_parameters

  6. set_and_get_parameters

  7. add_two_ints_server

  8. list_parameters_async

  9. set_and_get_parameters_async

  10. allocator_tutorial

  11. one_off_timer

  12. set_parameters_callback

  13. content_filtering_publisher

  14. parameter_blackboard

  15. talker

  16. content_filtering_subscriber

  17. parameter_event_handler

  18. talker_loaned_message

  19. even_parameters_node

  20. parameter_events

  21. talker_serialized_message

  22. listener

  23. parameter_events_async

  24. listener_best_effort

  25. matched_event_detect


Run the command below to compile the demo_nodes_cpp ROS 2 package:

colcon build --packages-up-to demo_nodes_cpp


Basic Talker & Listener

This runs a basic ROS 2 publisher and subscriber that exchanges the following string message with an incrementing integer:

Hello World: <count_>


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Listener [Default]

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

Listener [Best Effort]

Compared to Listener [Default], listener_best_effort runs a ROS 2 subscriber node that sets the Quality of Service (QoS) Reliability setting to Best Effort via the use of rclcpp::SensorDataQoS, as opposed to the default Reliable.

Messages sent using this policy configuration attempts to deliver samples but may lose them if the network is not robust.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener_best_effort

Basic Server & Client

This runs a ROS 2 server that provides a service to process two integers, outputting the sum back to ROS 2 client node.


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp add_two_ints_server

Client [Synchronous]

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp add_two_ints_client

Client [Asynchronous]

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp add_two_ints_client_async

One-Off Timer

This runs one_off_timer that runs a periodic timer callback that cancels and creates a Wall Timer every 3 callbacks.

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp one_off_timer

Reuse Timer

Similar to the previous demo, reuse_timer runs a periodic timer callback that reuses the same Wall Timer every 3 callbacks.

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp reuse_timer

Serialized Messaging

This runs talker_serialized_message ROS 2 node that publishes a manual CDR serialization of the same string message.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker_serialized_message

This runs listener_serialized_message ROS 2 node that subscribes and prints out the serialized string message published by talker_serialized_message.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener_serialized_message

Content-Filter Messaging

This runs content_filtering_subscriber and content_filtering_publisher ROS 2 nodes which exchanges temperature data on the /temperature topic.

However the subscriber requests that data is only sent if the temperature is less than -30 C or greater than 100 C, saving bandwidth.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp content_filtering_subscriber
# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp content_filtering_publisher

List Parameters

This runs list_parameters ROS 2 node which simply programmatically list example parameter names and prefixes:


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp list_parameters


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp list_parameters_async

Set & Get Parameters

This runs set_and_get_parameters ROS 2 node which programmatically sets and gets parameters.


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp set_and_get_parameters


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp set_and_get_parameters_async

Allocator Tutorial

This runs allocator_tutorial ROS 2 node that publishes a std_msgs/msg/UInt32 message that contains an integer representing the number of allocations and deallocations that happened during the program.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp allocator_tutorial

Parameter Events

This runs parameter_events/parameters_events_async ROS 2 node(s) which initiates 10 parameter events which changes an example string parameter.

foo -> bar -> baz -> foobar -> foo -> bar -> baz -> foobar -> foo -> bar


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameter_events


# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameters_events_async

Even Parameters Node

This runs even_parameters_node ROS 2 node which shows a parameter callback that rejects all parameter updates except those that set an even integer.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp even_parameters_node

Set Parameters Callback

This runs set_parameters_callback ROS 2 node which triggers a callback when ROS 2 double parameter param1 is set.

The callback then sets ROS 2 double parameter param2 to a fixed 4.0.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp set_parameters_callback

Parameter Blackboard

This runs parameter_blackboard ROS 2 node which instantiates a ROS 2 parameter server which acts as a global “blackboard” for all nodes to get and set parameters.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameters_blackboard

Parameter Event Handler

This runs parameter_event_handler ROS 2 node which monitors changes to the following parameters:

node: “this_node” parameter: “an_int_param”

  node: "/a_namespace/a_remote_node"
  parameter: "a_string_param"
# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameter_event_handler

Loaned Messager Talker

This runs loaned_message_talker ROS 2 node that publishes unique messages which eliminates unnecessary copies throughout the ROS 2 stack to maximize performance.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker_loaned_message

Matched Event Detect

This runs 3 ROS 2 nodes. matched_event_detect_node node that set matched event callback for publisher and subscription separately to output connection or disconnection information. multi_sub_node create/destroy subscriptions which connect the publisher of matched_event_detect_node. multi_pub_node create/destroy publishers which connect the subscription of matched_event_detect_node.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp matched_event_detect


Basic Talker & Listener

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

# In terminal running talker
[INFO] [1674551635.122315831] [talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 1'
[INFO] [1674551636.122275756] [talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 2'
[INFO] [1674551637.122274384] [talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 3'
[INFO] [1674551638.122235965] [talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 4'
[INFO] [1674551639.122277484] [talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 5'
# In terminal running listener/listener_best_effort
[INFO] [1674551636.122881229] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 1]
[INFO] [1674551637.122832606] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 2]
[INFO] [1674551638.122675099] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 3]
[INFO] [1674551639.122788087] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 4]
[INFO] [1674551640.122850575] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 5]

Basic Server & Client

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:


# In terminal running add_two_ints_server
[INFO] [1674553268.912391774] [add_two_ints_server]: Incoming request
a: 2 b: 3

Client [Synchronous]

# In terminal running add_two_ints_client
[INFO] [1674553268.912602310] [add_two_ints_client]: Result of add_two_ints: 5

Client [Asynchronous]

# In terminal running add_two_ints_client_async
[INFO] [1674553718.598690033] [add_two_ints_client]: Result of add_two_ints: 5

One-Off Timer

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

# In terminal running one_off_timer
[INFO] [1674552840.400680444] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552840.400915092] [one_off_timer]:   resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552841.401204072] [one_off_timer]: in one_off_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552842.400698264] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552842.400819311] [one_off_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552844.400695640] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552844.400819933] [one_off_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552846.400684373] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552846.400799868] [one_off_timer]:   resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552847.400948238] [one_off_timer]: in one_off_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552848.400703699] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552848.400828811] [one_off_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552850.400680424] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552850.400775977] [one_off_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552852.400690511] [one_off_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674552852.400815404] [one_off_timer]:   resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674552853.401060139] [one_off_timer]: in one_off_timer callback

Notice how the timer is reset only after two callback iterations.

Reuse Timer

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

[INFO] [1674554333.056000613] [reuse_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674554333.056432269] [reuse_timer]:   resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674554334.056732370] [reuse_timer]: in one_off_timer callback
[INFO] [1674554335.055978249] [reuse_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674554335.056111777] [reuse_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674554337.055978910] [reuse_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674554337.056108925] [reuse_timer]:   not resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674554339.055966108] [reuse_timer]: in periodic_timer callback
[INFO] [1674554339.056083983] [reuse_timer]:   resetting one off timer
[INFO] [1674554340.056295399] [reuse_timer]: in one_off_timer callback

Same as One-Off Timer.

Serialized Messaging

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

# In terminal running talker_serialized_message
ROS message:
Hello World:1
serialized message:
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 31 00
ROS message:
Hello World:2
serialized message:
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 32 00
ROS message:
Hello World:3
serialized message:
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 33 00
# In terminal running listerner_serialized_message
I heard data of length: 24
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 32 00 00 00
serialized data after deserialization: Hello World:2
I heard data of length: 24
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 33 00 00 00
serialized data after deserialization: Hello World:3
I heard data of length: 24
00 01 00 00 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 3a 34 00 00 00
serialized data after deserialization: Hello World:4

Content-Filtering Messaging

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

# In terminal running content_filtering_publisher
[INFO] [1674563203.567530898] [content_filtering_publisher]: Publishing: '-100.000000'
[INFO] [1674563204.567508197] [content_filtering_publisher]: Publishing: '-90.000000'
[INFO] [1674563205.567517142] [content_filtering_publisher]: Publishing: '-80.000000'
# In terminal running content_filtering_subscriber
[INFO] [1674563182.873825084] [content_filtering_subscriber]: subscribed to topic "/temperature" with content filter options "data < %0 OR data > %1, {-30.000000, 100.000000}"
[INFO] [1674563203.568310361] [content_filtering_subscriber]: I receive an emergency temperature data: [-100.000000]
[INFO] [1674563204.568128370] [content_filtering_subscriber]: I receive an emergency temperature data: [-90.000000]
[INFO] [1674563205.568082783] [content_filtering_subscriber]: I receive an emergency temperature data: [-80.000000]

List Parameters [Synchronous/Asynchronous]

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

[INFO] [1674563905.346022942] [list_paramters]: Setting parameters...
[INFO] [1674563905.347158439] [list_paramters]: Listing parameters...
[INFO] [1674563905.347570888] [list_paramters]:
Parameter names:
Parameter prefixes:

Set & Get Parameters [Synchronous/Asynchronous]

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

[INFO] [1674564137.057616328] [set_and_get_parameters]:
Parameter name: foo
Parameter value (integer): 2
Parameter name: baz
Parameter value (double): 1.450000
Parameter name: foobarbaz
Parameter value (bool_array): [true, false]
Parameter name: toto
Parameter value (byte_array): [0xff, 0x7f]

Allocator Tutorial

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

This simple demo shows off a custom memory allocator to count all
instances of new/delete in the program.  It can be run in either regular
mode (no arguments), or in intra-process mode (by passing 'intra' as a
command-line argument).  It will then publish a message to the
'/allocator_tutorial' topic every 10 milliseconds until Ctrl-C is pressed.
At that time it will print a count of the number of allocations and
deallocations that happened during the program.

Intra-process pipeline is OFF.

Run ros2 topic echo /allocator_tutorial to see the output in the ROS 2 topic, /allocator_tutorial:

# Open new terminal
data: 224
data: 228
data: 230
data: 231
data: 233
data: 234
data: 235

Parameter Events [Synchronous/Asynchronous]

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

[INFO] [1674565202.370104660] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370241604] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370303487] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370355113] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370398069] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370424143] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370447765] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370470405] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370492871] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

[INFO] [1674565202.370515168] [parameter_events]:
Parameter event:
 new parameters:
 changed parameters:
 deleted parameters:

Even Parameters Node

Run ros2 param set /even_parameters_node myint 2 to set the parameter to a valid even integer and produce a similar result like below:

[INFO] [1674566014.892688389] [even_parameters_node]: parameter 'myint' has changed and is now: 2

Run ros2 param set /even_parameters_node myint 3 to set the parameter to an invalid odd integer and produce a similar result like below:

[INFO] [1674566088.870030436] [even_parameters_node]: Requested value '3' for parameter 'myint' is not an even number: rejecting change...

Set Parameters Callback


Run ros2 param get /set_parameters_callback param1 should print the following to terminal:

Double value is: 0.0

Run ros2 param get /set_parameters_callback param2 should print the following to terminal:

Double value is 0.0


Run ros2 param set /set_parameters_callback param1 28.0 should print the following to terminal:

Set parameter successful


Run ros2 param get /set_parameters_callback param1 should print the following to terminal:

Double value is: 28.0

Run ros2 param get /set_parameters_callback param2 should print the following to terminal:

Double value is 4.0

Parameter Blackboard

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

INFO] [1674568261.762813104] [parameter_blackboard]: Parameter blackboard node named '/parameter_blackboard' ready, and serving '5' parameters already!

Running ros2 param list should reveal the 5 parameters served:


Parameter Event Handler

Run ros2 param set this_node an_int_param 21 in a new terminal will produce the following results:

# In terminal running parameter_event_handler
[INFO] [1674569608.306038487] [this_node]: cb1: Received an update to parameter "an_int_param" of type integer: "21"
[INFO] [1674569608.306356753] [this_node]: cb3: Received an update to parameter "an_int_param" of type: integer: "21"

Run ros2 param set /a_namespace/a_remote_node a_string_param "string value to set" in a new terminal will produce the following results:

[INFO] [1674569622.728945232] [this_node]: cb2: Received an update to parameter "a_string_param" of type: string: "string value to set"
[INFO] [1674569622.729143396] [this_node]: cb3: Received an update to parameter "a_string_param" of type: string: "string value to set"
[INFO] [1674569622.729246614] [this_node]: cb3: Received an update to parameter "a_string_param" of type: string: "string value to set"

Loaned Message Talker

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

# In terminal running loaned_message_talker
[INFO] [1674570146.112222368] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 1'
[INFO] [1674570147.111670599] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: '2.000000'
[INFO] [1674570147.111853637] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 2'
[INFO] [1674570148.111662758] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: '3.000000'
[INFO] [1674570148.111804226] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 3'
[INFO] [1674570149.111651863] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: '4.000000'
[INFO] [1674570149.111819520] [loaned_message_talker]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 4'

Note that Fast-DDS does not support the loaned messages. The loaned message API is used in iceoryx right now, which workes with CycloneDDS.

Matched Event Detect

When executed correctly, strings should be printed to terminal similar to what is shown below:

#  In terminal running matched_event_detect
[INFO] [1679887690.127684740] [multi_sub_node]: Create a new subscription.
[INFO] [1679887690.128090105] [matched_event_detect_node]: First subscription is connected.
[INFO] [1679887690.128836774] [multi_sub_node]: Create a new subscription.
[INFO] [1679887690.129157780] [matched_event_detect_node]: The changed number of connected subscription is 1 and current number of connected subscription is 2.
[INFO] [1679887690.129193220] [multi_sub_node]: Destroy a subscription.
[INFO] [1679887690.130552475] [matched_event_detect_node]: The changed number of connected subscription is -1 and current number of connected subscription is 1.
[INFO] [1679887690.130588555] [multi_sub_node]: Destroy a subscription.
[INFO] [1679887690.131355128] [matched_event_detect_node]: Last subscription is disconnected.
[INFO] [1679887690.132014952] [multi_pub_node]: Create a new publisher.
[INFO] [1679887690.132262901] [matched_event_detect_node]: First publisher is connected.
[INFO] [1679887690.132898522] [multi_pub_node]: Create a new publisher.
[INFO] [1679887690.133143624] [matched_event_detect_node]: The changed number of connected publisher is 1 and current number of connected publisher is 2.
[INFO] [1679887690.133178687] [multi_pub_node]: Destroy a publisher.
[INFO] [1679887690.134139929] [matched_event_detect_node]: The changed number of connected publisher is -1 and current number of connected publisher is 1.
[INFO] [1679887690.134176647] [multi_pub_node]: Destroy a publisher.
[INFO] [1679887690.134887946] [matched_event_detect_node]: Last publisher is disconnected.


Q: Encountered the following error in terminal when running Loaned Message Talker:

[INFO] [1674570146.112148792] [rclcpp]: Currently used middleware can't loan messages. Local allocator will be used.

A: Ensure that CycloneDDS RMW is used by running export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.


  1. Zero-Copy via Loaned Messages

  2. ROS 2 Quality of Service Policies

  3. Creating a content filtering subscription