Changelog for package beluga_example
2.0.2 (2024-06-18)
Change NDT sensor model default params (#397)
Contributors: Ramiro Serra
2.0.1 (2024-05-24)
2.0.0 (2024-05-21)
Add ROS 2 Jazzy to CI/CD and dev workflows (#378)
Use geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray instead of nav2_msgs::msg::ParticleCloud (#372)
Remap /turtlebot/scan to /scan for Flatland (#373)
Update more ROS version detection logic (#367)
Add example for NDT sensor model in beluga_example (#360)
Isolate Flatland dependency (#361)
Unify Beluga documentation (#346)
Make particle cloud message weights represent pdf (#260)
Add updated performance report (#255)
Fix perfect_odometry rosbag (#238)
Add cmake-format to pre-commit hooks (#243)
Reduce simulated odometry noise (#241)
Rename motion models in Beluga AMCL for ROS 1 (#242)
Add ROS Noetic support to beluga_example (#223)
Refactor launch files (#211)
Add new report after recent performance updates (#208)
Fix small issues with plotter and update MessageFilter tolerance before generating new report
Improve documentation and guidelines (#186)
Initialize particle filter with last known estimate (#185)
Update license year to 2023 (#175)
Add beam sensor model (#160)
Remove Git LFS from the repository (#162)
Performance comparison with nav2_amcl (#142)
Select mixin components at runtime (#126)
Add top level-readme (#125)
Update list of maintainers (#130)
Add script to run benchmarks (#117)
Add flake8 and pep257 to pre-commit hooks (#115)
Broadcast map-to-odom transform (#81)
Set initial pose from params (#105)
More configurable launch files (#103)
Make execution policy configurable (#100)
Add profiling instructions (#96)
Add max_beams parameter to beluga_amcl (#84)
Refactor laser_callback method (#89)
Add launch params to select localization node (#83)
Fix node clean up (#69)
Extract common nodes from example launch files (#71)
Add launch example with ROS bag (#65)
Export AMCL as a loadable component (#63)
Add reinitialize method to the particle filter (#51)
Add initial pose subscriber (#45)
Add lint step to CI (#37)
Integrate differential drive motion model (#33)
Fix robot geometry and reduce laser rate (#31)
Add pose estimation publisher (#30)
Implement likelihood estimation for particles (#25)
Add likelihood field pre-computation (#24)
Add flatland simulation (#23)
Add beluga_amcl package and example launch file (#21)
Contributors: Gerardo Puga, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo, Nahuel Espinosa, Olmer Garcia-Bedoya, Ramiro Serra