Changelog for package ur_description
1.1.11 (2018-01-06)
- Merge pull request #320 from gavanderhoorn/bp_268_indigo-devel
Backport #268 to Indigo
- Fix elbow joint limits (#268)
- Contributors: Beatriz Leon, G.A. vd. Hoorn
1.1.10 (2017-08-04)
1.1.9 (2017-01-02)
- reintroduce 'pi', unbrake dependent xacros.
- use '--inorder' to trigger use of jade+ xacro on Indigo.
- Contributors: gavanderhoorn
1.1.8 (2016-12-30)
- all: update maintainers.
- Contributors: gavanderhoorn
1.1.7 (2016-12-29)
- Fix xacro warnings in Jade (#251)
- added default values to xacro macro
- tested joint limits modification
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, G.A. vd. Hoorn, philip 14.04
1.1.6 (2016-04-01)
- unify mesh names
- add color to avoid default color 'red' for collision meshes
- use correct DH parameter + colored meshes
- introducing urdf for ur3 - first draft
- unify common xacro files
- remove obsolete urdf files
- description: add '_joint' suffix to newly introduced joint tags.
This is more in-line with naming of existing joint tags.
- description: add ROS-I base and tool0 frames. Fix #49 and #95.
Note that 'base' is essentially 'base_link' but rotated by 180
degrees over the Z-axis. This is necessary as the visual and
collision geometries appear to also have their origins rotated
180 degrees wrt the real robot.
'tool0' is similar to 'ee_link', but with its orientation such
that it coincides with an all-zeros TCP setting on the UR
controller. Users are expected to attach their own TCP frames
to this frame, instead of updating it (see also [1]).
- description: minor whitespace cleanup of UR5 & 10 xacros.
- regenerate urdf files
- use PositionJointInterface as hardwareInterface in transmissions - affects simulation only
- Contributors: gavanderhoorn, ipa-fxm
1.0.2 (2014-03-31)
1.0.1 (2014-03-31)
- changes due to file renaming
- generate urdfs from latest xacros
- file renaming
- adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
- fixed typo in limits
- add joint_limited urdf.xacros for both robots
- (re-)add ee_link for both robots
- updates for latest gazebo under hydro
- remove ee_link - as in ur10
- use same xacro params as ur10
- use new transmission interfaces
- update xml namespaces for hydro
- remove obsolete urdf file
- remove obsolete urdf file
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
- Update ur10.urdf.xacro
Corrected UR10's urdf to faithfully represent joint effort thresholds, velocity limits, and dynamics parameters.
- Update ur5.urdf.xacro
Corrected effort thresholds and friction values for UR5 urdf.
- added corrected mesh file
- Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
- Corrected warning on xacro-files in hydro.
- Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
- Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
- fixed name of ur5 transmissions
- patched gazebo.urdf.xacro to be compatible with gazebo 1.5
- fixed copy&paste error (?)
- prefix versions of gazebo and transmission macros
- Added joint limited urdf and associated moveit package. The joint limited package is friendlier to the default KLD IK solution
- Added ur5 moveit library. The Kinematics used by the ur5 move it library is unreliable and should be replaced with the ur_kinematics
- Updated urdf files use collision/visual models.
- Reorganized meshes to include both collision and visual messhes (like other ROS-I robots). Modified urdf xacro to include new models. Removed extra robot pedestal link from urdf (urdfs should only include the robot itself).
- minor changes on ur5 xacro files
- Removed extra stl files and fixed indentions
- Renamed packages and new groovy version
- Added ur10 and renamed packages
- Contributors: Denis Štogl, IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, Shaun Edwards, ipa-nhg, jrgnicho, kphawkins, robot