adds app manager and capability server launcher for kobuki
Add missing run dependency on yocs_cmd_vel_mux
Contributors: Daniel Stonier, Jihoon Lee, Jorge Santos, Marcus Liebhardt
0.5.5 (2013-10-11)
Add ftdi dependency.
0.5.4 (2013-09-06)
0.5.3 (2013-08-30)
adds view robot launcher.
0.5.0 (2013-08-29)
Added new interface about custom PID gain setting.
Added extra url info on all packages.
Updated old rnd email address.
lock api for protecting data access with asynchronous getXXX calls.
Fix URL to the previous changelog wiki.
Changelogs at package level.
Reset odometry also for heading.
Set use_imu_heading as true (default).
Do not use robot_pose_ekf. Instead, use imu for heading and encoders por x and y. However, parameter use_imu_heading makes trivial to switch back to the previous system.
Added a debug topic that publish actual base command sent to robot.
Added flexible logging features to using named logging system of ros/log4cxx.
Reset odometry also works for heading (gyro).
Do not use robot_pose_ekf; use imu for heading and encoders for position.
0.4.0 (2013-08-09)
Change deprecated state_publisher to robot_state_publisher in launch files.