Changelog for package jsk_smart_gui
0.0.2 (2015-11-29)
0.0.1 (2015-11-27)
- CMakeLists.txt: remove find_package which is not actually used
- [jsk_smart_apps] use kinect_head instead of openni following pr2 default naming
- [jsk_smart_gui] add missing deps jsk_android_gui for tablet_receiver.l
- no more rosmake
- put find_package roseus down in jsk_pr2_core_apps; revert unexpectedly deleted manifest.xml
- catkinize local_app_manager and its deps; still jsk_android_gui_api9 is not set deps correctly
- add euslisp_INCLUDE_DIRS
- remove unused package when build
- remove jsk_maps from build_depend
Former-commit-id: d56ebf413e7c8069613b0db8ab032a200aafdd9f
- Add cmake_modules
Former-commit-id: a82d5f68cbd28cf1abe527d54c02941b0e66a493
- add falign-functions=16 for compiling
Former-commit-id: 655ff8264bd1e3b967ed7743ced07bcfd5372fa9
- Add include path of euslisp
- Install android SDK on travis
- catkinize jsk_smart_gui
- add .gitignore for jsk_smart_gui
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into use-tf2
- use tf2 to decrease CPU load
- remove object_snapshotter dependency for #17
- added manipulation callback for tablet
- add jsk_rosjava_messages
- add :spin-once to tablet actions
- add (ros::load-ros-manifest object_snapshotter) to get_template.l
- comment out object_snapshotter
- fix for groovy
- update demo actions
- slow down the speed of tablet/cmd_vel
- added joystick cb to jsk_smart_gui, default is nil, click manipulation->switchjoy to enable joystick mode
- removed tablet_marker, usr tablet_marker_array, fixed bug of / counts
- temporary backup for migration
- added auto launch file generator for reusing template
- updated switchsensor function , also assoc camera_info
- updated open-fridge function same to detect_cans demo
- updated for visualizing, sending apeal button and task lists
- updated visualize
- get template origin coords for memorizing tasks
- added set_template function
- updated mux switch for avoid miss switching
- changed msg type from tablet to stringstamped
- added stop action and navigation tools from tablet, using actionlib
- removed ray_coords message , check cam-method-name, added new dependancy : object_snapshotter
- separated get_spots.l, added get_template.l for memorizing tasks
- auto script for making spots yaml file from eng2-scene.l , for android
- we dont use jsk_pcl_ros/SwithTopic anymore , just user mux to select the right topic
- added patch script for BGR conversion on android SDK by murase
- updated spot function for move_base
- typo and fixed camera switcher name
- added switch sensor callback for changeing camera device and 3Dsensor device
- added tablet msg definition
- added show3dline function
- fixed launch for those havenot put roseus on PATH
- forgot to add srv
- removed dependancy for ipad_gui
- added load-manfest for ipad_gui
- added dependency
- added launch file for tablet receiver
- added jsk_smart_gui package, contains scripts for tablet receiver
- Contributors: Hiroyuki Mikita, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Inagaki, Haseru Chen, Shohei Fujii, Kazuto Murase