Changelog for package evarobot_description
0.0.6 (2016-03-10)
- modify robot model for new mesh files
- separate gazebo libraries from evarobot_description
- change odom frame id (odom_combined) in gazebo plugin
- include config file
- configure dependencies
- delete unused lines
- delete unused meshes
- add dae version of wheel
- fix communication problem with evarobot
- changes for multi evarobot
- change stl with dae
- modify for multi evarobot
- changes for multi evarobot in gazebo
- change .stl with collada
- Add argument world_path
- changelog
- fix warning GetValueDouble -> Get<double>
- Contributors: Mehmet Akcakoca
- fix warning GetValueDouble -> Get<double>
- Contributors: Mehmet Akcakoca
0.0.5 (2015-09-03)
0.0.4 (2015-09-03)
- Add hector_gazebo_plugins to dependencies of evarobot_description
- Contributors: Mehmet Akcakoca
0.0.2 (2015-08-28)
- modified sensors in gazebo model
- modified placement of sonar and infrared sensors
- added eva50 gazebo model
- ...
- ...
- modified robot state
- added bumpers
- converted urdf to xacro
- fixed gazebo sensors and added new gazebo world
- packages added
- Contributors: Mehmet Akcakoca