Changelog for package epos_hardware
0.0.3 (2015-06-18)
- Fixed quickstop diagnostics status
- Added diagnostics information from statusword
- Added ability to set fault recovery option
- Added nominal current and max current to diagnostics
- Added diagnostics warning if nominal current is exceeded
- Added diagnostics for motor output
- Added torque constant parameter
- Added support for velocity halt command
- Show error message if not all faults were cleared
- Don't write value if command is nan
- Limit profile velocity to specified limit
- Cast parameters to integers because sometimes it causes the configuration to fail
- Contributors: Mitchell Wills
0.0.2 (2015-03-06)
- Fixed so that udev rules file and example launch files are actually installed
- Contributors: Mitchell Wills
0.0.1 (2015-01-30)
- Initial release of epos_hardware
- Contributors: Mitchell Wills