Changelog for package cob_navigation_local
0.6.7 (2018-07-21)
0.6.6 (2018-01-07)
- Merge pull request #97 from ipa320/indigo_release_candidate
Indigo release candidate
- Merge pull request #91 from ipa-fxm/update_maintainer
update maintainer
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #89 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license
use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fez, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.5 (2017-07-18)
- remove nav config for unsupported bases
- arg pkg_nav_config
- restructure nav config
- use exported robotlist and envlist
- remove cob4-1
- remove obsolete configs due to unsupported robots
- enable roslaunch checks (requires ros_comm #814 to be merged and released)
- add dependency to dwa_local_planner (was not automatically installed using apt-get)
- Added namespace to parameter loading
- Adapted config for cob_navigation_local
- adapt local rviz config
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, teddy
0.6.3 (2015-08-31)
- migration to package format v2, indentation fixes
- Contributors: ipa-mig
0.6.2 (2015-06-17)
0.6.1 (2014-09-18)
0.6.0 (2014-09-10)
0.5.2 (2014-08-28)
- Update package.xml
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.5.1 (2014-03-21)
- add changelog
- version bump
- remove more not needed files
- adjust CMakeLists and package.xml
- set author/maintainer email
- change config to groovy
- change to groovy rviz config
- Catkinisation and gitignore.
- remove dep to cob_driver
- add roslaunch tests
- adjust launch files for planner config files and add launch arg to linear nav
- introduce launch args
- add missing dependency
- added rviz launch files and config files
- add dwa as local navigation mode
- fix wiki links inf manifest.xml and stack.xml
- update on xml-files for correct remapping and to delete old parameters
- update of the manifest-files in cob_navigation_global/cob_navigation_local, cob_vel_integrator -> cob_base_velocity_smoother
- removal of cob_base_velocity_smoother, moved to stack cob_driver
- namechanges from cob_vel_integrator to cob_base_velocity_smoother
- adjust manifests for documentation
- update deps
- integrate cob_vel_integrator yaml and fix wrong inclusions
- merge branch raw3-1 into master
- fix roslaunch tests
- refactoring of cob_navigation_local
- refactoring of cob_navigation_config; current cob_drivers required
- modifications for raw3-1
- rearrange stack
- add missed file
- rename cob_linear_nav to cob_navigation_linear, rearrange again
- fix include mistakes
- tidy up and rearrange
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Mirus, Florian Weisshardt, Florian Weißhardt, IPR-SR2, ipa-fmw, ipa-frm, ipa-mig
- Catkinisation and gitignore.
- remove dep to cob_driver
- add roslaunch tests
- adjust launch files for planner config files and add launch arg to linear nav
- introduce launch args
- add missing dependency
- added rviz launch files and config files
- add dwa as local navigation mode
- fix wiki links inf manifest.xml and stack.xml
- update on xml-files for correct remapping and to delete old parameters
- update of the manifest-files in cob_navigation_global/cob_navigation_local, cob_vel_integrator -> cob_base_velocity_smoother
- removal of cob_base_velocity_smoother, moved to stack cob_driver
- namechanges from cob_vel_integrator to cob_base_velocity_smoother
- adjust manifests for documentation
- update deps
- integrate cob_vel_integrator yaml and fix wrong inclusions
- merge branch raw3-1 into master
- fix roslaunch tests
- refactoring of cob_navigation_local
- refactoring of cob_navigation_config; current cob_drivers required
- modifications for raw3-1
- rearrange stack
- add missed file
- rename cob_linear_nav to cob_navigation_linear, rearrange again
- fix include mistakes
- tidy up and rearrange
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Mirus, Florian Weißhardt, IPR-SR2, ipa-fmw, ipa-frm, ipa-mig