Changelog for package cob_camera_sensors
0.6.14 (2019-06-07)
0.6.13 (2019-03-14)
0.6.12 (2018-07-21)
0.6.11 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #341 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license
use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into feature/mimic_sim
- Merge pull request #351 from mikaelarguedas/add_tinyxml_dependency
add tinyxml to package.xml
- add tinyxml to package.xml
- Merge pull request #349 from ipa320/ipa-rmb-patch-1
Changed Maintainer
- Changed Maintainer
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, Mikael Arguedas, Richard Bormann, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.10 (2017-07-24)
0.6.9 (2017-07-18)
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2016-10-10)
0.6.7 (2016-04-02)
0.6.6 (2016-04-01)
0.6.5 (2015-08-31)
0.6.4 (2015-08-25)
- boost revision
- explicit dependency to boost
- more cleanup
- remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
0.6.1 (2014-09-17)
0.6.0 (2014-09-09)
0.5.7 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev
updates from hydro_dev
- 0.5.6
- update changelog
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt
0.5.6 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev
updates from hydro_dev
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- removed obsolete files
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- cob_camera_sensors: add missing dependency to message_generation/message_runtime
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- compiling but still some linker errors
- get frame id
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- fixed namespace, removed obsolete lines from manifest
- removed throttle node to perception common
- moved to cob_cam3d_throttle in cob_perception_common
- set queue size to 1
- remove launch file from driver stack
- added additional topics, added launch file for testing
- Merge branch 'master' of
- add subscription management
- fixed nodelet name
- add nodelet plugin file
- added cam3d throttle
- remove deprecated deps of cob_camera_sensors
- moved kinect image flip from cob_camera_sensors to cob_image_flip
- moved kinect image flip from cob_camera_sensors to cob_image_flip
- removed deprecated debs
- Merge branch 'release_fuerte'
- fuerte rosdep migration
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- fix lib directory
- removed deprecated launch files
- using tinyxml from system dependency
- merge
- using kinect driver without nodelet
- small changes
- Merge branch 'master' of
- add voxelgrid filter
- set frrequency of cameras to 10
- deactivate test for cam3d
- using env ROBOT
- small changes
- fix test for camera_sensors
- merge with 320
- merge
- Removed kinect stuff. To be replaced by rmb version
- added dummy depth calibration to kinect driver
- adapted cob_camera_sensors to new kinect driver in electric
- camera_sensors test
- fixed includes
- added rostest
- Updated camera calibration for cob3-3
- StdAFx
- merge
- Merge branch 'review-rmb'
- moved vision message and service files
- moved services to camera_sensors
- merge
- changed topic names
- enlarged wait_time
- added wait time for hztest_camera_left
- added wait_time
- adapted test files
- switched master/slave settings for cob3-2 since they are mounted the other way around
- updated timestamp in flipped images from kinect (because of rosbag play problem)
- changed the topic names again to the last change before they were overwritten by fmw
- sensor fusion finally working
- merg
- merge
- adjust camera parameter
- image flip
- uplaod param file
- merge
- new calibration for kinect
- higher resolution for cob3-1 cameras
- now saves the transxformation to head_axis_link
- calib script for cob3-3
- adapted tof test parameters
- test configuration
- changed test topic of tof
- changed frame names
- corrected the swissranger topics to the unified naming scheme
- merge
- more comments added to yaml generator script
- added Matlab script for generating yaml files
- correct camera startup order in all_cameras.launch
- added new camera properties to the driver and config files (auto exposure maximal duration)
- new auto exposure settings in yaml file
- renamed all_cameras.launch in demo-cell folder
- new link names for kinect sensors
- new links for kinect
- new link names for the prosilica cameras
- renamed the camera sensors launch files
- renamed topics for people detection
- Merge branch 'master' of
- added camera parameter paket_size
- configuration files now correct
- fixed position of rosparam in launch file
- added trigger_mode parameter to yaml files and corrected their values
- added settings for cob3-3 prosilica cameras
- merge
- cob_camera_sensor's launch files reorganized. almost done.
- kinect flip outputting image head over reverted (no bug, was already correct)
- kinect flip outputting image head over fixed
- merge
- prosilica can load intrinsic parameters from calibration automatically in cob_camera_sensors
- reorganizing launch files in cob_camera_sensors
- reorganizing launch files in cob_camera_sensors
- added script for loading camera parameters
- Merge branch 'master' of
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- reorganizing launch files in cob_camera_sensors
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- cam3d for cob3-1
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- reorganizing cob_camera_sensors launch files
- reorganizing cob_camera_sensors launch files
- kinect and prosilica calibration added for cob3-3
- camera and kinect calibration
- Merge branch 'review-320'
- Merge branch 'review-goa-aa'
- added missing nodelet_plugins.xml file for kinect flip
- camera image flip with respect to camera pose on head finished and tested
- added a nodelet for rotating the kinect image when the robots watches backwards
- added test for full_cloud2
- Merged Pointer for PMDCamCube and PMDCamBoard to PMDCam
- Merge branch 'review-320'
- undid last changes
- fixed typo
- testing other parameters
- Added encoding ro image message
- bugfix in VirtualRangeCam
- updates for cob_classifier_training
- updates because of cameraDataViewer adaptation to kinect
- updates because of cameraDataViewer adaptation to kinect
- Added CamBoard to AbstractRangeImagingSensor.h
- changed test duration to 10s
- added camera calibration files from matlab calibration
- camera settings added for head
- undo previous merge + commits
- merge with review-sven
- removed kinect form all cameras
- added kinect to all_cameras.launch
- added kinect to all_cameras.launch
- typo fixed
- modified parameters
- rostest file for tof camera
- deleted rostest file integration
- included rostest file
- included rostest file
- included rostest
- included rostest file
- cameras working and calibrated
- renamed camera topics
- Git adaptions
- def LINUX
- fixed libusb bug
- change back to cturtle
- merge
- merge
- starting kinect with cob_bringup
- removed mesa swissranger form the cob_bringup
- added dependency to prosilica driver
- fixed topics for camera test
- added camera tests
- now compatible to diamondback, does not compile anynmore with cturtle
- chenged manifest
- uncommented line
- made cameras working
- node for undistorting tof data
- removed libmesa in rosdep.yaml
- changed tof defaults
- set fps to 15
- cleanup in cob_driver
- launch file for all cameras with ros driver
- ros driver now working, add calibration data
- calibration files for cameras
- changes related to dc1394 ros driver
- added launch file for left camera, modified parameters
- launch file for camera1394
- ros/src/all_camera_viewer.cpp
some changes
- bugfix
- bugfix
- JSF: Bugfix
- JSF: Bugfixes
- JSF: Added filtering for calibrating with noisy tof greyscale images
- disabled sw trigger
- adapted topic names
- inserted frame_id to all camera topics
- removed unused channels from PointCloud2
- bugfix
- added params to toggle publishing
- added params to toggle publishing
- added params to toggle publishing
- tof now publishes also PointCloud
- add tf information
- tof now publishes also PointCloud2
- added feature mask
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- bug fixes
- launch files now independent of cob number
- launch files for color cameras on cob3-2
- launch file for all cameras
- removed blacklist
- restructured launch files for camera sensors
- JSF: Did not much
- adapted to new param names
- added support for virtual cameras
- Merge branch 'master' of
- added virtual camera support
- JSF: Removed dependency to libwm4
- JSF: Added filtering function for isolated points in point cloud
- JSF: Integrated image acquisition method for all cameras to calibrate
- JSF: Added image capture program to enable convenient calibration
- fixed assertion condition
- added filter functions to vision_utils
- JSF: refactoring
- JSF: refactored
- JSF: refactoring
- JSF: refactoring
- JSF: refactoring
- JSF: Refactoring
- parallel service and topic
- service mode changes
- service mode changes
- service mode changes
- service mode changes
- JSF: Bugfix for Pike camera for proper closing
- added image service to tof node
- added filtering of tear-off edges and amplitudes for TOF cameras
- Merge branch 'master' of into ipa320
- JSF: Fixed memory leaks
- cleanup in cob_driver
- Merge branch 'master' of
- changed distortion parameters
- launch file for all cameras on cob3-2
- JSF: Modified VirtualRangeCamera to acquire amplitude images instead of z images
- Merge branch 'review'
- Merge branch 'master' of
- changed directory for virtual cam
- JSF: Bugfix
- JSF: Bugfix
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- JSF: Added readme file
- JSF: Added tutorial for camera sensors
- JSF: Conflicts resolving
- JSF: Bugfixes
- JSF: Bugfix
- launch file for cob3-2 tof
- removed range depth image from Virtual Range Camera
- JSF: Implemented support of different intrinsic matrices
- JSF: Adapted intrinsic matrix handling
- JSF: Added intrinsic adaption to tof_viewer
- JSF: Added possibility to have several intrinsics
- switched intrinsics
- added camera paramters for hand-eye-calibration
- launch file for tof on cob3-2
- Merge branch 'master' into review
- added delay in grey image callback to improve quality
- new calibration data
- removed wrong number
- merge
- bugfixes and remap adaptions
- JSF: Adapted service parameters
- removed ros target libraries
- JSF: adapted namespaces
- JSF: Namespace adaptions
- Merge branch 'master' of into review
- JSF: Adapted namespaces
- merged conflict
- save commit
- removed dependencies
- removed 3D support from tof viewer because of dependency issues
- camera config file for cob3-2
- GOA: added 3D viewer
- GOA: renamed message in GetColoredPointCloud service
- GOA: changes in config files
- GOA: changed point cloud service
- merge with ipa320
- JSF: Cleaned up cob_camera_sensors
- JSF: Adapted size of remap matrix for undistortion to be adaptive to swissranger and PMD sensor
- launch file for camera synchronizer
- GOA: grey images can be saved in tof_camera_viewer now
added camera_synchronizer node
- bugfix
- bug fix
- GOA: added launch file for prosilica cameras
- JSF : Implemented all_cameras node to open all connected cameras at once. This enables triggereing of all cameras
- JSF: Added node to open all cameras at once
- JSF: Added node to open all cameras at once
- JSF: Merged conflicted files
- JSF: Adapted ROS Makefiles
- JSF: Adapted include paths
- JSF: Merged conflicts
- JSF: Adapted include paths
- JSF: Extended vision utils by two files two remove dependecy of cob_sensor_fusion from cob_camera_sensors
- JSF: Added short documentation for camera drivers
- JSF: Fixed problem with ToF viewer, added support for both color cameras
- link libdc1394 to cob_camera_sensors library
- renamed to general cob packages
- record changes
- modified play file, added kinect parameters
- modified launch files
- record acripts for kinect data
- merge
- changed name
- calib position update
- Merge branch 'review-320'
- changed to PointXYZ
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Georg, Georg Arbeiter, Jan Fischer, Richard Bormann, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cob3-1-pc2, cpc-pk, fmw-jk, goa, goa-uq, ipa-cob3-3, ipa-fmw, ipa-goa, ipa-goa-aa, ipa-jsf, ipa-mig, ipa-rmb, ipa-taj, ipa-uhr-fm, ipa320, unknown