Changelog for package canopen_motor_node
0.6.8 (2017-07-18)
0.6.7 (2017-03-28)
0.6.6 (2017-03-18)
- do not call handleReadread in HandleLayer::handleRecover
this prevents a race condition, it is not needed anyway.
- protect ObjectVariables with mutex
- added test for norm function
- introduced per-controller enforce_limits parameter
- implemented per-joint limits handling
- backport: check if hardware interface matches mode
- Contributors: Mathias Lüdtke
0.6.5 (2016-12-10)
- protect MotorChain setup with RosChain lock
- Merge pull request #153 from ipa-mdl/deprecated-canswitch
deprecated canSwitch
- fix for issue #171
- Merge pull request #168 from ipa-mdl/state-filters
added filter chain for state values
- do not start driver if filter config fails
- added filter chain for state values
- log control period settings
- use update_period_ for controll unless use_realtime_period is set true
- better initialize last_time_
- removed canSwitch implementation, added compile-time check for prepareSwitch
- exit code for generic error should be 1, not -1
- styled and sorted CMakeLists.txt
* removed boilerplate comments
* indention
* reviewed exported dependencies
- styled and sorted package.xml
- update package URLs
- foward commands ony if enabled in doSwitch
- moved switch implemenation to non-RT prepareSwitch
- migrated to non-const prepareSwitch
- Splitted control_node.cpp into control_node.cpp, robot_layer.cpp and robot_layer.h
- renamed chain_ros.h to ros_chain.h, fixes #126
- added strictness to service call, extend error message for doSwitch fails
- stop controllers that failed switching via service call
- stop all cotnroller joints if one failed to switch
- check for ready state before controller/mode switching
- improved init bevaviour:
* URDF is not read again (was not needed anyway=
* register interfaces only of first init
- remove unnecessary atomic reads
- halt motor if switch failed
- Fix for switching controllers with same mode
- More expressive comments for compile-time check
- Contributors: Mathias Lüdtke, Michael Stoll
0.6.4 (2015-07-03)
0.6.3 (2015-06-30)
- added motor prefix to allocator entry
- only register limit interfaces with actual limits
- added motor_layer settings
- Migrated to ClassAllocator helper
- do not run controller manager on shutdown
- migrated to motor plug-in
- working compile-time check
- reset commands without controllers to current value
- got rid of getModeMask
- added check for old unit factors
- added closing braces in default conversion strings
- forgot var_func assignment in constructor
- ensured UnitConverter access to factory is valid during lifetime
- add unit conversion based on muparser
- dependency on muparser
- Refer to ipa320/ros_control overlay
- migrated to new hwi switch interface
- atomic joint handle pointer
- test if mode is support, add No_Mode
- enabled limit enforcing again
- removed debug output
- Fixes
- Enforce limits and current_state necessary for writing
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'mdl/indigo_dev' into refactor_sm
- refactored Layer mechanisms
- Fixes crash for unitialized boost pointer for target_vel_ and target_pos_
- MotorChain is now a template
- early check if joint is listed in URDF
- introduced 'joint' parameter (defaults to 'name')
- 'modules' was renamed to 'nodes'
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #70 from ipa-mdl/pluginlib
added plugin feature to socketcan_interface
- compile-time check for ros_control notifyHardwareInterface supportcompü
- added driver_plugin parameter for pluginlib look-up
- implemented threading in CANLayer
- removed SimpleLayer, migrated to Layer
- Layer::pending and Layer::halt are now virtual pure as well
- Eliminates Internal State conflict
- Treats exceptions inside the state machine
- keep loop running
- proper locking for hardware interface switch (might fix #61)
- Merge branch 'auto_scale' into indigo_dev
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'ipa320/indigo_dev' into indigo_dev
- removed MasterType form template
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into merge
- added unit factor parameter parsing
- Scale factor acquired from yaml file
- Contributors: Mathias Lüdtke, thiagodefreitas
0.6.2 (2014-12-18)
0.6.1 (2014-12-15)
- remove ipa_* and IPA_* prefixes
- fixed catkin_lint errors
- added descriptions and authors
- renamed ipa_canopen_motor_control to canopen_motor_node
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, Mathias Lüdtke