Changelog for package bwi_kr_execution
0.3.12 (2016-09-14)
0.3.11 (2016-08-27)
0.3.10 (2016-08-15)
- added elevators
- added 4th floor map
- Contributors: Nathan John
0.3.9 (2016-08-05)
- Increased planner timeout from 20 seconds to 40 seconds to account
for longer planning times for traveling between floors.
- Modifed elevator domain fact file and added rooms for 1st Floor GDC to navigation fact file..
- Added first floor map information to navigation_facts and elevator_facts.
- Fixed static law for facing and beside door, D1 was not defined as a door.
- Fixed errors in 3rd floor objects. Added 2nd floor objects and rest of 3rd floor objects.
- Created action files for goto action and added goto action to asp_fomatter.
- Updated door approach points for 3rd floor map
- Added missing locations and fixed doors in navigation_facts
- Updated ASP fact files with addtional locations from updated 3rd floor map.
- Contributors: FernandezR
0.3.8 (2016-06-06)
- fix broken clingo dependency (#52)
- moved disabling static map from bwi_kr_execution to
segbot_logical_translator, where it should have been in the first
- the gothrough action disables the global costmap. the callelevator
action only expects the door in front of it to open.
- added simulated change floor action. added hack to make plan shorter
when using the elevator, and the other door opens.
- updated simulated calls that open the elevator doors to
automatically close those doors.
- added a simulation change floor action. Should be ready for real
robot testing now.
- added missing actions that won't be displayed in clingo output
- fixing planning issues with elevators
- some more updates to bwi_kr_execution. fixing some merge issues.
- merged with yuqian branch.
- updated navigation facts for simulation.
- Added additional facts for 2nd floor to navigation facts.
- Changed location of elavator doors on 2nd floor to l2_200 from
- Fixed static facts bug, by adding %#show hasdoor to
elavator_facts. Fixed navigation bug on 2nd floor, by adding 2nd
floor locations to navigation_facts.
- Clingo4 code fixes for current robot elevator code
- Contributors: Rolando Fernandez, Jack O'Quin, Piyush Khandelwal, Yuqian Jiang
0.3.2 (2015-03-24)
- updated Clingo to use the current state correctly.
- removed output that was placed in for debugging. closes #17.
- added missing directory installation. closes #16
- Contributors: Piyush Khandelwal
0.3.1 (2015-03-16)
- fixed broken link to costs.asp. costs are not being currently used.
- Contributors: Piyush Khandelwal
0.3.0 (2015-03-15)
- Initial release - migration from bwi_experimental into bwi_common.
- Contributors: Matteo Leonetti, Jack O'Quin, Piyush Khandelwal