This is the "intersting" patch I did : Now extract_image works also with rosbag containing compressed images, if these images are decodable by opencv (this is the case for JPG and PNG compression).
In this python script, I added "import rospy" to be able to run this script in a Catkin environment.
Then, I removed the option "sameq" of the ffmpeg process. In ubuntu 14.04, ffmpeg is now called avconv, on my computer I have a symlink from avconv to ffmpeg, so calling ffmpeg still work. But with this version of FFMPEG (avconv 9.16), there is nolonger the sameq argument. Maybe it could be interesting to call avconc and rather than ffmpeg is ffmpeg executable is not found...
Syntax error fixed in this script.
Changes for indigo
preparing for indigo. changed prints for ros logs
added gps_to_std_gt and services_timer from fuerte
added missing dependency
hydro catkinization changes
added python setup files and wet'ed plot tools
wet repo
new script for topic extraction
remove_tf now removes child tfs as well
new script for changing a topic in a bagfile
added bag processor for single cameras
added export flags to manifest
made camera info optional
added batch processing script
new script for tf manipulation
improved help text
added script for making videos from bagfiles
removed unused method
new binary for image extraction
changed logging output
added param for file pattern
added link to boost signals
added some more processing
new executable for stereo processing inbag->outbag, some refactoring
added license for cut script
Merge branch 'master' of
changed manifests
added BSD license
new script for cutting bagfiles
removed unused import
changed parameter handling for image sequence publisher node to use rosparams instead of command line arguments
added parsers to the python scripts
added main README and bag_tools README
fixed boost dependency for fuerte
removed extract_images script as now there is a better c++ code for that
new binary for extraction of stereo images from a bagfile
new image sequence publisher
added camera info parser as seperate script
fixed launch, added cv_bridge to manifest
added launch files for image extraction
fixed wrong package name
new script for header time modification
added median calc and support for /tf topic
added support for multiple bagfile input in check_delay
new script for delay check
new script for camera info changing
bugfix, output bagfile contained only changed topics before
added script: change frame id of topics in bagfile
added script: replaces bagfile message time with header timestamp