File: world_canvas_msgs/Annotation.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Annotation: a generic descriptor for an element (object) in a semantic map
# An annotation can be used to introspect, visualize or key into database filters/searches without
# having to touch the described object directly
# - timestamp : Creation/last update time
# - world : World the object belongs to
# - id : Annotation unique id
# - data_id : Referenced object unique id (an object can be reference by 1 or more annotations)
# - name : Referenced object name
# - type : Referenced object type (a message type, as world canvas objects are ROS messages)
# - shape : One of 1 (CUBE), 2 (SPHERE), 3 (CYLINDER), 9 (TEXT)
# - color : R, G, B, A (optional)
# - size : X, Y, Z (optional)
# - keywords : Generic properties of this object: allows basic filtering without introspecting
# the object itself
# - relationships : List of associated annotations, used for retrieving operational sets of objects
# General properties
time timestamp
uuid_msgs/UniqueID id
uuid_msgs/UniqueID data_id
string world
string name
string type
# Physical properties
int32 shape
std_msgs/ColorRGBA color
geometry_msgs/Vector3 size
geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped pose
# Querying properties
string[] keywords
uuid_msgs/UniqueID[] relationships
Compact Message Definition