Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- c++ -*-
00002 // Copyright 2008 Isis Innovation Limited
00003 #include "PTAM/OpenGL.h"
00004 #include "GLWindowMenu.h"
00005 #include <gvars3/instances.h>
00006 #include <gvars3/GStringUtil.h>
00007 #include <sstream>
00009 using namespace GVars3;
00010 using namespace CVD;
00011 using namespace std;
00013 GLWindowMenu::GLWindowMenu(string sName, string sTitle)
00014 {
00015   msName = sName;
00016   msTitle = sTitle;
00018   GUI.RegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuButton", GUICommandCallBack, this);
00019   GUI.RegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuToggle", GUICommandCallBack, this);
00020   GUI.RegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuSlider", GUICommandCallBack, this);
00021   GUI.RegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuMonitor", GUICommandCallBack, this);
00022   GUI.RegisterCommand(msName+".ShowMenu", GUICommandCallBack, this);
00023   GV2.Register(mgvnMenuItemWidth, msName+".MenuItemWidth", 90, HIDDEN | SILENT);
00024   GV2.Register(mgvnMenuTextOffset, msName+".MenuTextOffset", 20, HIDDEN | SILENT);
00025   GV2.Register(mgvnEnabled, msName+".Enabled", 1, HIDDEN | SILENT);
00027   mmSubMenus.clear();
00028   msCurrentSubMenu="";
00029 }
00031 GLWindowMenu::~GLWindowMenu()
00032 {
00033   GUI.UnRegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuButton");
00034   GUI.UnRegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuToggle");
00035   GUI.UnRegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuSlider");
00036   GUI.UnRegisterCommand(msName+".AddMenuMonitor");
00037   GUI.UnRegisterCommand(msName+".ShowMenu");
00038 };
00041 void GLWindowMenu::GUICommandCallBack(void *ptr, string sCommand, string sParams)
00042 {
00043   ((GLWindowMenu*) ptr)->GUICommandHandler(sCommand, sParams);
00044 }
00046 void GLWindowMenu::GUICommandHandler(string sCommand, string sParams)
00047 {
00048   vector<string> vs = ChopAndUnquoteString(sParams);  
00050   if(sCommand==msName+".AddMenuButton")
00051     {
00052       if(vs.size()<3)
00053         {
00054           cout<< "? GLWindowMenu.AddMenuButton: Need 3/4 params: Target Menu, Name, Command , NextMenu=\"\"" << endl;
00055           return;
00056         };
00057       MenuItem m;
00058       m.type = Button;
00059       m.sName = vs[1];
00060       m.sParam = UncommentString(vs[2]);
00061       m.sNextMenu = (vs.size()>3)?(vs[3]):("");
00062       mmSubMenus[vs[0]].mvItems.push_back(m);
00063       return;
00064     }
00066   if(sCommand==msName+".AddMenuToggle")
00067     {
00068       if(vs.size()<3)
00069         {
00070           cout<< "? GLWindowMenu.AddMenuToggle: Need 3/4 params: Target Menu, Name, gvar_int name , NextMenu=\"\"" << endl;
00071           return;
00072         };
00073       MenuItem m;
00074       m.type = Toggle;
00075       m.sName = vs[1];
00076       GV2.Register(m.gvnIntValue, vs[2]);
00077       m.sNextMenu = (vs.size()>3)?(vs[3]):("");
00078       mmSubMenus[vs[0]].mvItems.push_back(m);
00079       return;
00080     }
00082   if(sCommand==msName+".AddMenuMonitor")
00083     {
00084       if(vs.size()<3)
00085         {
00086           cout<< "? GLWindowMenu.AddMenuMonitor: Need 3/4 params: Target Menu, Name, gvar name , NextMenu=\"\"" << endl;
00087           return;
00088         };
00089       MenuItem m;
00090       m.type = Monitor;
00091       m.sName = vs[1];
00092       m.sParam = vs[2];
00093       m.sNextMenu = (vs.size()>3)?(vs[3]):("");
00094       mmSubMenus[vs[0]].mvItems.push_back(m);
00095       return;
00096     }
00098   if(sCommand==msName+".AddMenuSlider")
00099     {
00100       if(vs.size()<5)
00101         {
00102           cout<< "? GLWindowMenu.AddMenuSlider: Need 5/6 params: Target Menu, Name, gvar_int name, min, max, NextMenu=\"\"" << endl;
00103           return;
00104         };
00105       MenuItem m;
00106       m.type = Slider;
00107       m.sName = vs[1];
00108       GV2.Register(m.gvnIntValue, vs[2]);
00109       int *a;
00110       a = ParseAndAllocate<int>(vs[3]);
00111       if(a)
00112         {
00113           m.min = *a;
00114           delete a;
00115         }
00116       a = ParseAndAllocate<int>(vs[4]);
00117       if(a)
00118         {
00119           m.max = *a;
00120           delete a;
00121         }
00122       m.sNextMenu = (vs.size()>5)?(vs[5]):("");
00123       mmSubMenus[vs[0]].mvItems.push_back(m);
00124       return;
00125     }
00127   if(sCommand==msName+".ShowMenu")
00128     {
00129       if(vs.size()==0)
00130         msCurrentSubMenu = "";
00131       else
00132         msCurrentSubMenu = vs[0];
00133     };
00135 };
00137 void GLWindowMenu::LineBox(int l, int r, int t, int b)
00138 {
00139   glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
00140   glVertex2i(l,t);
00141   glVertex2i(l,b);
00142   glVertex2i(r,b);
00143   glVertex2i(r,t);
00144   glVertex2i(l,t);
00145   glEnd();
00146 }
00148 void GLWindowMenu::FillBox(int l, int r, int t, int b)
00149 {
00150   glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00151   glVertex2i(l,t);
00152   glVertex2i(l,b);
00153   glVertex2i(r,b);
00154   glVertex2i(r,t);
00155   glEnd();
00156 }
00158 void GLWindowMenu::Render(int nTop, int nHeight, int nWidth, GLWindow2 &glw)
00159 {
00160   if(!*mgvnEnabled)
00161     return;
00163   mnWidth = nWidth;
00164   mnMenuTop = nTop;
00165   mnMenuHeight = nHeight;
00167   double dAlpha = 0.8;
00168   if(msCurrentSubMenu=="")  // No Menu selected  - draw little arrow.
00169     {
00170       glColor4d(0,0.5,0,0.5);
00171       FillBox(mnWidth - 30, mnWidth - 1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00172       glColor4d(0,1,0,0.5);
00173       LineBox(mnWidth - 30, mnWidth - 1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00174       mnLeftMostCoord = mnWidth - 30;
00175       return;
00176     };
00178   SubMenu &m = mmSubMenus[msCurrentSubMenu];
00180   mnLeftMostCoord = mnWidth - (1 + m.mvItems.size()) * *mgvnMenuItemWidth;
00181   int nBase = mnLeftMostCoord;
00182   for(vector<MenuItem>::reverse_iterator i = m.mvItems.rbegin(); i!= m.mvItems.rend(); i++)
00183     {
00184       switch(i->type)
00185         {
00186         case Button:
00187           glColor4d(0,0.5,0,dAlpha);
00188           FillBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00189           glColor4d(0,1,0,dAlpha);
00190           LineBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00191           glw.PrintString(ImageRef( nBase + 3, mnMenuTop + *mgvnMenuTextOffset),
00192                           i->sName);
00193           break;
00195         case Toggle:
00196           if(*(i->gvnIntValue))
00197             glColor4d(0,0.5,0.5,dAlpha);
00198           else
00199             glColor4d(0.5,0,0,dAlpha);
00200           FillBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00201           if(*(i->gvnIntValue))
00202             glColor4d(0,1,0.5,dAlpha);
00203           else
00204             glColor4d(1,0,0,dAlpha);
00205           LineBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00206           glw.PrintString(ImageRef( nBase + 3, mnMenuTop + *mgvnMenuTextOffset),
00207                           i->sName + " " + ((*(i->gvnIntValue))?("On"):("Off")));
00208           break;
00210         case Monitor:
00211           glColor4d(0,0.5,0.5,dAlpha);
00212           FillBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00213           glColor4d(0,1,1,dAlpha);
00214           LineBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00215           glw.PrintString(ImageRef( nBase + 3, mnMenuTop + *mgvnMenuTextOffset),
00216                           i->sName + " " + GV2.StringValue(i->sParam, true));
00217           break;
00219         case Slider:
00220           {
00221             glColor4d(0.0,0.0,0.5,dAlpha);
00222             FillBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00223             glColor4d(0.5,0.0,0.5,dAlpha);
00224             double dFrac = (double) (*(i->gvnIntValue) - i->min) / (i->max - i->min);
00225             if(dFrac<0.0)
00226               dFrac = 0.0;
00227             if(dFrac>1.0)
00228               dFrac = 1.0;
00229             FillBox(nBase, (int) (nBase + dFrac * (*mgvnMenuItemWidth +1)), mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00230             glColor4d(0,1,1,dAlpha);
00231             LineBox(nBase, nBase + *mgvnMenuItemWidth +1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00232             ostringstream ost;
00233             ost << i->sName << " " << *(i->gvnIntValue);
00234             glw.PrintString(ImageRef( nBase + 3, mnMenuTop + *mgvnMenuTextOffset),
00235                             ost.str());
00236           }
00237           break;
00238         }
00239       nBase += *mgvnMenuItemWidth;
00240     };
00241   glColor4d(0.5, 0.5, 0,dAlpha);
00242   FillBox(mnWidth - *mgvnMenuItemWidth, mnWidth-1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00243   glColor4d(1,1,0,dAlpha);
00244   LineBox(mnWidth - *mgvnMenuItemWidth, mnWidth-1, mnMenuTop, mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight);
00245   ImageRef ir( mnWidth - *mgvnMenuItemWidth + 5, mnMenuTop + *mgvnMenuTextOffset);
00246   if(msCurrentSubMenu == "Root")
00247     glw.PrintString(ir, msTitle+":");
00248   else
00249     glw.PrintString(ir, msCurrentSubMenu+":");
00250 };
00253 bool GLWindowMenu::HandleClick(int nMouseButton, int state, int x, int y)
00254 {
00255   if(!*mgvnEnabled)
00256     return false;
00258   if((y<mnMenuTop)||(y>mnMenuTop + mnMenuHeight))
00259     return false;
00260   if(x<mnLeftMostCoord)
00261     return false;
00263   // if no menu displayed, then must display root menu!
00264   if(msCurrentSubMenu == "")
00265     {
00266       msCurrentSubMenu = "Root";
00267       return true;
00268     };
00270   // Figure out which button was pressed:
00271   int nButtonNumber = (mnWidth - x) / *mgvnMenuItemWidth;
00272   if(nButtonNumber > (int)(mmSubMenus[msCurrentSubMenu].mvItems.size()))
00273     nButtonNumber = 0;
00275   if(nButtonNumber==0) // Clicked on menu name .. . go to root.
00276     {
00277       if(msCurrentSubMenu =="Root")
00278         msCurrentSubMenu = "";
00279       else
00280         msCurrentSubMenu = "Root";
00281       return true;
00282     };
00284   MenuItem SelectedItem  = mmSubMenus[msCurrentSubMenu].mvItems[nButtonNumber-1];
00285   msCurrentSubMenu=SelectedItem.sNextMenu;
00286   switch(SelectedItem.type)
00287     {
00288     case Button:
00289       GUI.ParseLine(SelectedItem.sParam);
00290       break;
00291     case Toggle:
00292       *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue)^=1;
00293       break;
00294     case Slider:
00295       {
00296         if(nMouseButton == GLWindow::BUTTON_WHEEL_UP)
00297           {
00298             *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue)+=1;
00299             if(*(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue) > SelectedItem.max)
00300               *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue) = SelectedItem.max;
00301           }
00302         else if(nMouseButton == GLWindow::BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN)
00303           {
00304             *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue)-=1;
00305             if(*(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue) < SelectedItem.min)
00306               *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue) = SelectedItem.min;
00307           }
00308         else
00309           {
00310             int nPos = *mgvnMenuItemWidth - ((mnWidth - x) % *mgvnMenuItemWidth);
00311             double dFrac = (double) nPos / *mgvnMenuItemWidth;
00312             *(SelectedItem.gvnIntValue) = (int)(dFrac * (1.0 + SelectedItem.max - SelectedItem.min)) + SelectedItem.min;
00313           };
00314       }
00315       break;
00316     case Monitor:
00317       break;
00318     };
00319   return true;
00321 };

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:30:11