Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright 2008 Isis Innovation Limited
00002 #include "Bundle.h"
00003 #include "MEstimator.h"
00004 #include <TooN/helpers.h>
00005 #include <TooN/Cholesky.h>
00006 #include <fstream>
00007 #include <iomanip>
00008 #include <gvars3/instances.h>
00010 using namespace GVars3;
00011 using namespace std;
00013 #ifdef WIN32
00014 inline bool isnan(double d) {return !(d==d);}
00015 #endif
00017 #include "settingsCustom.h"
00019 #define cout if(*mgvnBundleCout) cout
00021 // Some inlines which replace standard matrix multiplications 
00022 // with LL-triangle-only versions.
00023 inline void BundleTriangle_UpdateM6U_LL(Matrix<6> &m6U, Matrix<2,6> &m26A)
00024 {
00025   for(int r=0; r<6; r++)
00026     for(int c=0; c<=r; c++)
00027       m6U(r,c)+= m26A.T()(r,0)*m26A(0,c) + m26A.T()(r,1)*m26A(1,c);
00028 }
00029 inline void BundleTriangle_UpdateM3V_LL(Matrix<3> &m3V, Matrix<2,3> &m23B)
00030 {
00031   for(int r=0; r<3; r++) 
00032     for(int c=0; c<=r; c++) 
00033       m3V(r,c)+= m23B.T()(r,0)*m23B(0,c) + m23B.T()(r,1)*m23B(1,c); 
00034 }
00036 // Constructor copies MapMaker's camera parameters
00037 Bundle::Bundle(const ATANCamera &TCam)
00038   : mCamera(TCam)
00039 {
00040   mnCamsToUpdate = 0;
00041   mnStartRow = 0;
00042   GV3::Register(mgvnMaxIterations, "Bundle.MaxIterations", BUNDLE_MAX_ITERATIONS,  SILENT);
00043   GV3::Register(mgvdUpdateConvergenceLimit, "Bundle.UpdateSquaredConvergenceLimit", BUNDLE_UPDATE_SQUARED_CONV_LIMIT, SILENT);
00044   GV3::Register(mgvnBundleCout, "Bundle.Cout", BUNDLE_COUT, SILENT);
00045 };
00047 // Add a camera to the system, return value is the bundle adjuster's ID for the camera
00048 int Bundle::AddCamera(SE3<> se3CamFromWorld, bool bFixed)
00049 {
00050   int n = mvCameras.size();
00051   Camera c;
00052   c.bFixed = bFixed;
00053   c.se3CfW = se3CamFromWorld;
00054   if(!bFixed)
00055     {
00056       c.nStartRow = mnStartRow;
00057       mnStartRow += 6;
00058       mnCamsToUpdate++;
00059     }
00060   else
00061     c.nStartRow = -999999999; 
00062   mvCameras.push_back(c);
00064   return n;
00065 }
00067 // Add a map point to the system, return value is the bundle adjuster's ID for the point
00068 int Bundle::AddPoint(Vector<3> v3Pos)
00069 {
00070   int n = mvPoints.size();
00071   Point p;
00072   if(isnan(v3Pos * v3Pos))
00073     {
00074       cerr << " You sucker, tried to give me a nan " << v3Pos << endl;
00075       v3Pos = Zeros;
00076     }
00077   p.v3Pos = v3Pos;
00078   mvPoints.push_back(p);
00079   return n;
00080 }
00082 // Add a measurement of one point with one camera
00083 void Bundle::AddMeas(int nCam, int nPoint, Vector<2> v2Pos, double dSigmaSquared)
00084 {
00085   assert(nCam < (int) mvCameras.size());
00086   assert(nPoint < (int) mvPoints.size());
00087   mvPoints[nPoint].nMeasurements++;
00088   mvPoints[nPoint].sCameras.insert(nCam);
00089   Meas m;
00090   m.p = nPoint;
00091   m.c = nCam;
00092   m.v2Found = v2Pos;
00093   m.dSqrtInvNoise = sqrt(1.0 / dSigmaSquared);
00094   mMeasList.push_back(m);
00095 }
00097 // Zero temporary quantities stored in cameras and points
00098 void Bundle::ClearAccumulators()
00099 {
00100   for(size_t i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); ++i)
00101     {
00102       mvPoints[i].m3V = Zeros;
00103       mvPoints[i].v3EpsilonB = Zeros;
00104     }
00105   for(size_t i=0; i<mvCameras.size(); ++i)
00106     {
00107       mvCameras[i].m6U = Zeros;
00108       mvCameras[i].v6EpsilonA = Zeros;
00109     }
00110 }
00112 // Perform bundle adjustment. The parameter points to a signal bool 
00113 // which mapmaker will set to high if another keyframe is incoming
00114 // and bundle adjustment needs to be aborted.
00115 // Returns number of accepted iterations if all good, negative 
00116 // value for big error.
00117 int Bundle::Compute(bool *pbAbortSignal)
00118 {
00119   mpbAbortSignal = pbAbortSignal;
00121   // Some speedup data structures
00122   GenerateMeasLUTs();
00123   GenerateOffDiagScripts();
00125   // Initially behave like gauss-newton
00126   mdLambda = 0.0001;
00127   mdLambdaFactor = 2.0;
00128   mbConverged = false;
00129   mbHitMaxIterations = false;
00130   mnCounter = 0;
00131   mnAccepted = 0;
00133   // What MEstimator are we using today?
00134   static gvar3<string> gvsMEstimator("BundleMEstimator", BUNDLE_M_ESTIMATOR, SILENT);
00136   while(!mbConverged  && !mbHitMaxIterations && !*pbAbortSignal)
00137     {
00138       bool bNoError;
00139       if(*gvsMEstimator == "Cauchy")
00140         bNoError = Do_LM_Step<Cauchy>(pbAbortSignal);  
00141       else if(*gvsMEstimator == "Tukey")
00142         bNoError = Do_LM_Step<Tukey>(pbAbortSignal);
00143       else if(*gvsMEstimator == "Huber")
00144         bNoError = Do_LM_Step<Huber>(pbAbortSignal);
00145       else
00146         {
00147           cout << "Invalid BundleMEstimator selected !! " << endl;
00148           cout << "Defaulting to Tukey." << endl;
00149           *gvsMEstimator = "Tukey";
00150           bNoError = Do_LM_Step<Tukey>(pbAbortSignal);
00151         };
00153       if(!bNoError)
00154         return -1;
00155     }
00157   if(mbHitMaxIterations)
00158     cout << "  Hit max iterations." << endl;
00159   cout << "Final Sigma Squared: " << mdSigmaSquared << " (= " << sqrt(mdSigmaSquared) / 4.685 << " pixels.)" << endl;
00160   return mnAccepted;
00161 };
00163 // Reproject a single measurement, find error
00164 inline void Bundle::ProjectAndFindSquaredError(Meas &meas)
00165 {
00166   Camera &cam = mvCameras[meas.c];
00167   Point &point = mvPoints[meas.p];
00169   // Project the point.
00170   meas.v3Cam = cam.se3CfW * point.v3Pos;
00171   if(meas.v3Cam[2] <= 0)
00172     {
00173       meas.bBad = true;
00174       return;
00175     }
00176   meas.bBad = false;
00177   Vector<2> v2ImPlane = project(meas.v3Cam);
00178   Vector<2> v2Image   = mCamera.Project(v2ImPlane);
00179   meas.m2CamDerivs = mCamera.GetProjectionDerivs();
00180   meas.v2Epsilon = meas.dSqrtInvNoise * (meas.v2Found - v2Image);
00181   meas.dErrorSquared = meas.v2Epsilon * meas.v2Epsilon;
00182 }
00184 template<class MEstimator>
00185 bool Bundle::Do_LM_Step(bool *pbAbortSignal)
00186 {
00187   // Reset all accumulators to zero
00188   ClearAccumulators();
00190   //  Do a LM step according to Hartley and Zisserman Algo A6.4 in MVG 2nd Edition
00191   //  Actual work starts a bit further down - first we have to work out the 
00192   //  projections and errors for each point, so we can do tukey reweighting
00193   vector<double> vdErrorSquared;
00194   for(list<Meas>::iterator itr = mMeasList.begin(); itr!=mMeasList.end(); itr++)
00195     {
00196       Meas &meas = *itr;
00197       ProjectAndFindSquaredError(meas);
00198       if(!meas.bBad)
00199         vdErrorSquared.push_back(meas.dErrorSquared);
00200     };
00202   // Projected all points and got vector of errors; find the median, 
00203   // And work out robust estimate of sigma, then scale this for the tukey
00204   // estimator
00205   // BUG? 
00206   if(vdErrorSquared.size() < 1) return false;
00207   mdSigmaSquared = MEstimator::FindSigmaSquared(vdErrorSquared);
00209   // Initially the median error might be very small - set a minimum
00210   // value so that good measurements don't get erased!
00211   static gvar3<double> gvdMinSigma("Bundle.MinTukeySigma", BUNDLE_MIN_TUKEY_SIGMA, SILENT);
00212   const double dMinSigmaSquared = *gvdMinSigma * *gvdMinSigma;
00213   if(mdSigmaSquared < dMinSigmaSquared)
00214     mdSigmaSquared = dMinSigmaSquared;
00217   //  OK - good to go! weights can now be calced on second run through the loop.
00218   //  Back to Hartley and Zisserman....
00219   //  `` (i) Compute the derivative matrices Aij = [dxij/daj]
00220   //      and Bij = [dxij/dbi] and the error vectors eij''
00221   //
00222   //  Here we do this by looping over all measurements
00223   // 
00224   //  While we're here, might as well update the accumulators U, ea, B, eb
00225   //  from part (ii) as well, and let's calculate Wij while we're here as well.
00227   double dCurrentError = 0.0;
00228   for(list<Meas>::iterator itr = mMeasList.begin(); itr!=mMeasList.end(); itr++)
00229     {
00230       Meas &meas = *itr;
00231       Camera &cam = mvCameras[meas.c];
00232       Point &point = mvPoints[meas.p];
00234       // Project the point.
00235       // We've done this before - results are still cached in meas.
00236       if(meas.bBad)
00237         {
00238           dCurrentError += 1.0;
00239           continue;
00240         };
00242       // What to do with the weights? The easiest option is to independently weight
00243       // The two jacobians, A and B, with sqrt of the tukey weight w;
00244       // And also weight the error vector v2Epsilon.
00245       // That makes everything else automatic.
00246       // Calc the square root of the tukey weight:
00247       double dWeight= MEstimator::SquareRootWeight(meas.dErrorSquared, mdSigmaSquared);
00248       // Re-weight error:
00249       meas.v2Epsilon = dWeight * meas.v2Epsilon;
00251       if(dWeight == 0)
00252         {
00253           meas.bBad = true;  
00254           dCurrentError += 1.0;
00255           continue;
00256         }
00258       dCurrentError += MEstimator::ObjectiveScore(meas.dErrorSquared, mdSigmaSquared);
00260       // To re-weight the jacobians, I'll just re-weight the camera param matrix
00261       // This is only used for the jacs and will save a few fmuls
00262       Matrix<2> m2CamDerivs = dWeight * meas.m2CamDerivs;
00264       const double dOneOverCameraZ = 1.0 / meas.v3Cam[2];
00265       const Vector<4> v4Cam = unproject(meas.v3Cam);
00267       // Calculate A: (the proj derivs WRT the camera)
00268       if(cam.bFixed)
00269         meas.m26A = Zeros;
00270       else 
00271         {
00272           for(int m=0;m<6;m++)
00273             {
00274               const Vector<4> v4Motion = SE3<>::generator_field(m, v4Cam);
00275               Vector<2> v2CamFrameMotion;
00276               v2CamFrameMotion[0] = (v4Motion[0] - v4Cam[0] * v4Motion[2] * dOneOverCameraZ) * dOneOverCameraZ;
00277               v2CamFrameMotion[1] = (v4Motion[1] - v4Cam[1] * v4Motion[2] * dOneOverCameraZ) * dOneOverCameraZ;
00278               meas.m26A.T()[m] = meas.dSqrtInvNoise * m2CamDerivs * v2CamFrameMotion;
00279             };
00280         }
00282       // Calculate B: (the proj derivs WRT the point)
00283       for(int m=0;m<3;m++)
00284         {
00285           const Vector<3> v3Motion = cam.se3CfW.get_rotation().get_matrix().T()[m];
00286           Vector<2> v2CamFrameMotion;
00287           v2CamFrameMotion[0] = (v3Motion[0] - v4Cam[0] * v3Motion[2] * dOneOverCameraZ) * dOneOverCameraZ;
00288           v2CamFrameMotion[1] = (v3Motion[1] - v4Cam[1] * v3Motion[2] * dOneOverCameraZ) * dOneOverCameraZ;
00289           meas.m23B.T()[m] = meas.dSqrtInvNoise * m2CamDerivs * v2CamFrameMotion;
00290         };
00292       // Update the accumulators
00293       if(!cam.bFixed)
00294         {
00295           //      cam.m6U += meas.m26A.T() * meas.m26A;           // SLOW SLOW this matrix is symmetric
00296           BundleTriangle_UpdateM6U_LL(cam.m6U, meas.m26A);
00297           cam.v6EpsilonA += meas.m26A.T() * meas.v2Epsilon;
00298           // NOISE COVAR OMITTED because it's the 2-Identity
00299         }
00301       //            point.m3V += meas.m23B.T() * meas.m23B;             // SLOW-ish this is symmetric too
00302       BundleTriangle_UpdateM3V_LL(point.m3V, meas.m23B);
00303       point.v3EpsilonB += meas.m23B.T() * meas.v2Epsilon;
00305       if(cam.bFixed)
00306         meas.m63W = Zeros;
00307       else
00308         meas.m63W = meas.m26A.T() * meas.m23B;
00309     }
00311   // OK, done (i) and most of (ii) except calcing Yij; this depends on Vi, which should 
00312   // be finished now. So we can find V*i (by adding lambda) and then invert.
00313   // The next bits depend on mdLambda! So loop this next bit until error goes down.
00314   double dNewError = dCurrentError + 9999;
00315   while(dNewError > dCurrentError && !mbConverged && !mbHitMaxIterations && !*pbAbortSignal)
00316     {
00317       // Rest of part (ii) : find V*i inverse
00318       for(vector<Point>::iterator itr = mvPoints.begin(); itr!=mvPoints.end(); itr++)
00319         {
00320           Point &point = *itr;
00321           Matrix<3> m3VStar = point.m3V;
00322           if(m3VStar[0][0] * m3VStar[1][1] * m3VStar[2][2] == 0)
00323             point.m3VStarInv = Zeros;
00324           else
00325             {
00326               // Fill in the upper-r triangle from the LL;
00327               m3VStar[0][1] = m3VStar[1][0];
00328               m3VStar[0][2] = m3VStar[2][0];
00329               m3VStar[1][2] = m3VStar[2][1];
00331               for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
00332                 m3VStar[i][i] *= (1.0 + mdLambda);
00333               Cholesky<3> chol(m3VStar);
00334               point.m3VStarInv = chol.get_inverse();
00335             };
00336         }
00338       // Done part (ii), except calculating Yij;
00339       // But we can do this inline when we calculate S in part (iii).
00341       // Part (iii): Construct the the big block-matrix S which will be inverted.
00342       Matrix<> mS(mnCamsToUpdate * 6, mnCamsToUpdate * 6);
00343       mS = Zeros;
00344       Vector<> vE(mnCamsToUpdate * 6);
00345       vE = Zeros;
00347       Matrix<6> m6; // Temp working space
00348       Vector<6> v6; // Temp working space
00350       // Calculate on-diagonal blocks of S (i.e. only one camera at a time:)
00351       for(unsigned int j=0; j<mvCameras.size(); j++)
00352         {
00353           Camera &cam_j = mvCameras[j];
00354           if(cam_j.bFixed) continue;
00355           int nCamJStartRow = cam_j.nStartRow;
00357           // First, do the diagonal elements.
00358           //m6= cam_j.m6U;     // can't do this anymore because cam_j.m6U is LL!!
00359           for(int r=0; r<6; r++)
00360             {
00361               for(int c=0; c<r; c++)
00362                 m6[r][c] = m6[c][r] = cam_j.m6U[r][c];
00363               m6[r][r] = cam_j.m6U[r][r];
00364             };
00366           for(int nn = 0; nn< 6; nn++)
00367             m6[nn][nn] *= (1.0 + mdLambda);
00369           v6 = cam_j.v6EpsilonA;
00371           vector<Meas*> &vMeasLUTj = mvMeasLUTs[j];
00372           // Sum over measurements (points):
00373           for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00374             {
00375               Meas* pMeas = vMeasLUTj[i];
00376               if(pMeas == NULL || pMeas->bBad)
00377                 continue;
00378               m6 -= pMeas->m63W * mvPoints[i].m3VStarInv * pMeas->m63W.T();  // SLOW SLOW should by 6x6sy
00379               v6 -= pMeas->m63W * (mvPoints[i].m3VStarInv * mvPoints[i].v3EpsilonB);
00380             }
00381           mS.slice(nCamJStartRow, nCamJStartRow, 6, 6) = m6;
00382           vE.slice(nCamJStartRow,6) = v6;
00383         }
00385       // Now find off-diag elements of S. These are camera-point-camera combinations, of which there are lots.
00386       // New code which doesn't waste as much time finding i-jk pairs; these are pre-stored in a per-i list.
00387       for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00388         {
00389           Point &p = mvPoints[i];
00390           int nCurrentJ = -1;
00391           int nJRow = -1;
00392           Meas* pMeas_ij;
00393           Meas* pMeas_ik;
00394           Matrix<6,3> m63_MIJW_times_m3VStarInv;
00396           for(vector<OffDiagScriptEntry>::iterator it=p.vOffDiagonalScript.begin();
00397               it!=p.vOffDiagonalScript.end();
00398               it++)
00399             {
00400               OffDiagScriptEntry &e = *it;
00401               pMeas_ik = mvMeasLUTs[e.k][i];
00402               if(pMeas_ik == NULL || pMeas_ik->bBad)
00403                 continue;
00404               if(e.j != nCurrentJ)
00405                 {
00406                   pMeas_ij = mvMeasLUTs[e.j][i];
00407                   if(pMeas_ij == NULL || pMeas_ij->bBad)
00408                     continue;
00409                   nCurrentJ = e.j;
00410                   nJRow = mvCameras[e.j].nStartRow;
00411                   m63_MIJW_times_m3VStarInv = pMeas_ij->m63W * p.m3VStarInv;
00412                 }
00413               int nKRow = mvCameras[pMeas_ik->c].nStartRow;
00414 #ifndef WIN32
00415                   mS.slice(nJRow, nKRow, 6, 6) -= m63_MIJW_times_m3VStarInv * pMeas_ik->m63W.T();
00416 #else
00417                   Matrix<6> m = mS.slice(nJRow, nKRow, 6, 6);
00418                   m -= m63_MIJW_times_m3VStarInv * pMeas_ik->m63W.T();
00419           mS.slice(nJRow, nKRow, 6, 6) = m;
00420 #endif
00421               assert(nKRow < nJRow);
00422             }
00423         }
00425       // Did this purely LL triangle - now update the TR bit as well!
00426       // (This is actually unneccessary since the lapack cholesky solver
00427       // uses only one triangle, but I'm leaving it in here anyway.)
00428       for(int i=0; i<mS.num_rows(); i++)
00429         for(int j=0; j<i; j++)
00430           mS[j][i] = mS[i][j];
00432       // Got fat matrix S and vector E from part(iii). Now Cholesky-decompose
00433       // the matrix, and find the camera update vector.
00434       Vector<> vCamerasUpdate(mS.num_rows());
00435       vCamerasUpdate = Cholesky<>(mS).backsub(vE);
00437       // Part (iv): Compute the map updates
00438       Vector<> vMapUpdates(mvPoints.size() * 3);
00439       for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00440         {
00441           Vector<3> v3Sum;
00442           v3Sum = Zeros;
00443           for(unsigned int j=0; j<mvCameras.size(); j++)
00444             {
00445               Camera &cam = mvCameras[j];
00446               if(cam.bFixed)
00447                 continue;
00448               Meas *pMeas = mvMeasLUTs[j][i];
00449               if(pMeas == NULL || pMeas->bBad)
00450                 continue;
00451               v3Sum+=pMeas->m63W.T() * vCamerasUpdate.slice(cam.nStartRow,6);
00452             }
00453           Vector<3> v3 = mvPoints[i].v3EpsilonB - v3Sum;
00454           vMapUpdates.slice(i * 3, 3) = mvPoints[i].m3VStarInv * v3;
00455           if(isnan(vMapUpdates.slice(i * 3, 3) * vMapUpdates.slice(i * 3, 3)))
00456             {
00457               cerr << "NANNERY! " << endl;
00458               cerr << mvPoints[i].m3VStarInv << endl;
00459             };
00460         }
00462       // OK, got the two update vectors.
00463       // First check for convergence..
00464       // (this is a very poor convergence test)
00465       double dSumSquaredUpdate = vCamerasUpdate * vCamerasUpdate + vMapUpdates * vMapUpdates;
00466       if(dSumSquaredUpdate< *mgvdUpdateConvergenceLimit)
00467         mbConverged = true;
00469       // Now re-project everything and measure the error;
00470       // NB we don't keep these projections, SLOW, bit of a waste.
00472       // Temp versions of updated pose and pos:
00473       for(unsigned int j=0; j<mvCameras.size(); j++)
00474         {
00475           if(mvCameras[j].bFixed)
00476             mvCameras[j].se3CfWNew = mvCameras[j].se3CfW;
00477           else
00478             mvCameras[j].se3CfWNew = SE3<>::exp(vCamerasUpdate.slice(mvCameras[j].nStartRow, 6)) * mvCameras[j].se3CfW;
00479         }
00480       for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00481         mvPoints[i].v3PosNew = mvPoints[i].v3Pos + vMapUpdates.slice(i*3, 3);
00482       // Calculate new error by re-projecting, doing tukey, etc etc:
00483       dNewError = FindNewError<MEstimator>();
00485       cout <<setprecision(1) << "L" << mdLambda << setprecision(3) <<  "\tOld " << dCurrentError << "  New " << dNewError << "  Diff " << dCurrentError - dNewError << "\t";
00487       // Was the step good? If not, modify lambda and try again!!
00488       // (if it was good, will break from this loop.)
00489       if(dNewError > dCurrentError)
00490         {
00491           cout << " TRY AGAIN " << endl;
00492           ModifyLambda_BadStep();
00493         };
00495       mnCounter++;
00496       if(mnCounter >= *mgvnMaxIterations)
00497         mbHitMaxIterations = true;
00498     }   // End of while error too big loop
00500   if(dNewError < dCurrentError) // Was the last step a good one?
00501     {
00502       cout << " WINNER            ------------ " << endl;
00503       // Woo! got somewhere. Update lambda and make changes permanent.
00504       ModifyLambda_GoodStep();
00505       for(unsigned int j=0; j<mvCameras.size(); j++)
00506         mvCameras[j].se3CfW = mvCameras[j].se3CfWNew;
00507       for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00508         mvPoints[i].v3Pos = mvPoints[i].v3PosNew; 
00509       mnAccepted++;
00510     }
00512   // Finally, ditch all the outliers.
00513   vector<list<Meas>::iterator> vit;
00514   for(list<Meas>::iterator itr = mMeasList.begin(); itr!=mMeasList.end(); itr++)
00515     if(itr->bBad)
00516       {
00517         vit.push_back(itr);
00518         mvOutlierMeasurementIdx.push_back(make_pair(itr->p, itr->c));
00519         mvPoints[itr->p].nOutliers++;
00520         mvMeasLUTs[itr->c][itr->p] = NULL;
00521       };
00523   for(unsigned int i=0; i<vit.size(); i++)
00524     mMeasList.erase(vit[i]);
00526   cout << "Nuked " << vit.size() << " measurements." << endl;
00527   return true;
00528 }
00530 // Find the new total error if cameras and points used their 
00531 // new coordinates
00532 template<class MEstimator>
00533 double Bundle::FindNewError()
00534 {
00535   ofstream ofs;
00536   double dNewError = 0;
00537   vector<double> vdErrorSquared;
00538   for(list<Meas>::iterator itr = mMeasList.begin(); itr!=mMeasList.end(); itr++)
00539     {
00540       Meas &meas = *itr;
00541       // Project the point.
00542       Vector<3> v3Cam = mvCameras[meas.c].se3CfWNew * mvPoints[meas.p].v3PosNew;
00543       if(v3Cam[2] <= 0)
00544         {
00545           dNewError += 1.0;
00546           cout << ".";
00547           continue;
00548         };
00549       Vector<2> v2ImPlane = project(v3Cam);
00550       Vector<2> v2Image   = mCamera.Project(v2ImPlane);
00551       Vector<2> v2Error =   meas.dSqrtInvNoise * (meas.v2Found - v2Image);
00552       double dErrorSquared = v2Error * v2Error;
00553       dNewError += MEstimator::ObjectiveScore(dErrorSquared, mdSigmaSquared);
00554     }
00555   return dNewError;
00556 }
00558 // Optimisation: make a bunch of tables, one per camera
00559 // which point to measurements (if any) for each point
00560 // This is faster than a std::map lookup.
00561 void Bundle::GenerateMeasLUTs()
00562 {
00563   mvMeasLUTs.clear();
00564   for(unsigned int nCam = 0; nCam < mvCameras.size(); nCam++)
00565     {
00566       mvMeasLUTs.push_back(vector<Meas*>());
00567       mvMeasLUTs.back().resize(mvPoints.size(), NULL);
00568     };
00569   for(list<Meas>::iterator it = mMeasList.begin(); it!=mMeasList.end(); it++)
00570     mvMeasLUTs[it->c][it->p] =  &(*it);
00571 }
00573 // Optimisation: make a per-point list of all
00574 // observation camera-camera pairs; this is then
00575 // scanned to make the off-diagonal elements of matrix S
00576 void Bundle::GenerateOffDiagScripts()
00577 {
00578   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00579     {
00580       Point &p = mvPoints[i];
00581       p.vOffDiagonalScript.clear();
00582       for(set<int>::iterator it_j = p.sCameras.begin(); it_j!=p.sCameras.end(); it_j++)
00583         {
00584           int j = *it_j;
00585           if(mvCameras[j].bFixed)
00586             continue;
00587           Meas *pMeas_j = mvMeasLUTs[j][i];
00588           assert(pMeas_j != NULL);
00590           for(set<int>::iterator it_k = p.sCameras.begin(); it_k!=it_j; it_k++)
00591             {
00592               int k = *it_k;
00593               if(mvCameras[k].bFixed)
00594                 continue;
00596               Meas *pMeas_k = mvMeasLUTs[k][i];
00597               assert(pMeas_k != NULL);
00599               OffDiagScriptEntry e;
00600               e.j = j;
00601               e.k = k;
00602               p.vOffDiagonalScript.push_back(e);
00603             }
00604         }
00605     }
00606 }
00608 void Bundle::ModifyLambda_GoodStep()
00609 {
00610   mdLambdaFactor = 2.0;
00611   mdLambda *= 0.3;
00612 };
00614 void Bundle::ModifyLambda_BadStep()
00615 {
00616   mdLambda = mdLambda * mdLambdaFactor;
00617   mdLambdaFactor = mdLambdaFactor * 2;
00618 };
00621 Vector<3> Bundle::GetPoint(int n)
00622 {
00623   return mvPoints.at(n).v3Pos;
00624 }
00626 SE3<> Bundle::GetCamera(int n)
00627 {
00628   return mvCameras.at(n).se3CfW;
00629 }
00631 set<int> Bundle::GetOutliers()
00632 {
00633   set<int> sOutliers;
00634   set<int>::iterator hint = sOutliers.begin();
00635   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mvPoints.size(); i++)
00636     {
00637       Point &p = mvPoints[i];
00638       if(p.nMeasurements > 0 && p.nMeasurements == p.nOutliers)
00639         hint = sOutliers.insert(hint, i);
00640     }
00641   return sOutliers;
00642 };
00645 vector<pair<int, int> > Bundle::GetOutlierMeasurements()
00646 {
00647   return mvOutlierMeasurementIdx;
00648 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:30:11