Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "typelib.hh"
00003 #include <typelib/pluginmanager.hh>
00004 #include <typelib/importer.hh>
00005 #include <typelib/exporter.hh>
00006 #include <typelib/registryiterator.hh>
00007 #include <lang/csupport/standard_types.hh>
00008 #include <typelib/utilmm/configset.hh>
00009 #include <set>
00011 using namespace Typelib;
00012 using utilmm::config_set;
00013 using namespace std;
00014 using namespace typelib_ruby;
00015 using cxx2rb::RbRegistry;
00018 namespace typelib_ruby {
00019     VALUE cRegistry = Qnil;
00020     VALUE eNotFound = Qnil;
00021 }
00023 /***********************************************************************************
00024  *
00025  * Wrapping of the Registry class
00026  *
00027  */
00030 static 
00031 void registry_free(void* ptr)
00032 {
00033     using cxx2rb::WrapperMap;
00034     RbRegistry* rbregistry = reinterpret_cast<RbRegistry*>(ptr);
00035     WrapperMap& wrappers = rbregistry->wrappers;
00036     for (WrapperMap::iterator it = wrappers.begin(); it != wrappers.end(); ++it)
00037     {
00038         if (it->second.first)
00039             delete it->first;
00040     }
00042     delete rbregistry;
00043 }
00045 static
00046 void registry_mark(void* ptr)
00047 {
00048     using cxx2rb::WrapperMap;
00049     WrapperMap const& wrappers = reinterpret_cast<RbRegistry const*>(ptr)->wrappers;
00050     for (WrapperMap::const_iterator it = wrappers.begin(); it != wrappers.end(); ++it)
00051         rb_gc_mark(it->second.second);
00052 }
00054 static
00055 VALUE registry_wrap(VALUE klass, Registry* registry)
00056 {
00057     return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, registry_mark, registry_free, new RbRegistry(registry));
00058 }
00060 static
00061 VALUE registry_alloc(VALUE klass)
00062 {
00063     Registry* registry = new Registry;
00064     return registry_wrap(klass, registry);
00065 }
00068 static
00069 VALUE registry_includes_p(VALUE self, VALUE name)
00070 {
00071     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00072     Type const* type = registry.get( StringValuePtr(name) );
00073     return type ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
00074 }
00076 /* call-seq:
00077  *   registry.remove(type) => removed_types
00078  *
00079  * Removes +type+ from the registry, along with all the types that depends on
00080  * +type+.
00081  *
00082  * Returns the set of removed types
00083  */
00084 static
00085 VALUE registry_remove(VALUE self, VALUE rbtype)
00086 {
00087     RbRegistry& rbregistry = rb2cxx::object<RbRegistry>(self);
00088     Registry&   registry = *(rbregistry.registry);
00089     Type const& type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(rbtype));
00090     std::set<Type*> deleted = registry.remove(type);
00092     VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
00093     std::set<Type*>::iterator it, end;
00094     for (it = deleted.begin(); it != deleted.end(); ++it)
00095     {
00096         rb_ary_push(result, cxx2rb::type_wrap(**it, self));
00097         cxx2rb::WrapperMap::iterator wrapper_it = rbregistry.wrappers.find(*it);
00098         wrapper_it->second.first = true;
00099     }
00101     return result;
00102 }
00104 /* call-seq:
00105  *   registry.source_id_of(type) => source_or_nil
00106  *
00107  * Returns the source ID for the given type, if one is set
00108  */
00109 static
00110 VALUE registry_source_id_of(VALUE self, VALUE rbtype)
00111 {
00112     RbRegistry& rbregistry = rb2cxx::object<RbRegistry>(self);
00113     Registry&   registry = *(rbregistry.registry);
00114     Type const& type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(rbtype));
00116     RegistryIterator it = registry.find(type.getName());
00117     if (it == registry.end())
00118         rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "this registry has no type called %s", type.getName().c_str());
00120     std::string source = it.getSource();
00121     if (source.empty()) return Qnil;
00122     return rb_str_new(it.getSource().c_str(), it.getSource().length());
00123 }
00125 /* @overload registry.reverse_depends(type)
00126  *   Returns an array of the types that depend on another type, including the type itself
00127  *
00128  *   @param [Class<Typelib::Type>] type the type whose reverse dependencies we want
00129  *   @return [Array<Class<Typelib::Type>>] the types that depend on the given
00130  *     type, recursively and including the type itself.
00131  */
00132 static
00133 VALUE registry_reverse_depends(VALUE self, VALUE rbtype)
00134 {
00135     Registry const& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00136     Type const& type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(rbtype));
00137     std::set<Type const*> rdeps = registry.reverseDepends(type);
00139     VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
00140     std::set<Type const*>::iterator it, end;
00141     for (it = rdeps.begin(); it != rdeps.end(); ++it)
00142         rb_ary_push(result, cxx2rb::type_wrap(**it, self));
00144     return result;
00145 }
00147 static
00148 VALUE registry_do_get(VALUE self, VALUE name)
00149 {
00150     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00151     Type const* type = registry.get( StringValuePtr(name) );
00153     if (! type)
00154         rb_raise(eNotFound, "there is no type in this registry with the name '%s'", StringValuePtr(name));
00155     return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, self);
00156 }
00158 static
00159 VALUE registry_do_build(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
00160 {
00161     VALUE name = argv[0];
00162     int size = 0;
00163     if (argc == 0 || argc > 2)
00164         rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected one or two arguments, got %i", argc);
00165     else if (argc == 2)
00166         size = NUM2INT(argv[1]);
00168     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00169     try {
00170         Type const* type = StringValuePtr(name), size );
00171         if (! type) 
00172             rb_raise(eNotFound, "cannot find %s in registry", StringValuePtr(name));
00173         return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, self);
00174     }
00175     catch(std::exception const& e) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what()); }
00176 }
00179 /* call-seq:
00180  *  alias(new_name, name)           => self
00181  *
00182  * Make +new_name+ refer to the type named +name+
00183  */
00184 static
00185 VALUE registry_alias(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE aliased)
00186 {
00187     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00189     try { 
00190         registry.alias(StringValuePtr(aliased), StringValuePtr(name)); 
00191         return self;
00192     } catch(BadName) {
00193         rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid type name %s", StringValuePtr(name));
00194     } catch(Undefined) {
00195         rb_raise(eNotFound, "there is not type in this registry with the name '%s'", StringValuePtr(aliased));
00196     }
00197 }
00199 static
00200 void setup_configset_from_option_array(config_set& config, VALUE options)
00201 {
00202     int options_length = RARRAY_LEN(options);
00203     for (int i = 0; i < options_length; ++i)
00204     {
00205         VALUE entry = RARRAY_PTR(options)[i];
00206         VALUE k = RARRAY_PTR(entry)[0];
00207         VALUE v = RARRAY_PTR(entry)[1];
00209         if ( rb_obj_is_kind_of(v, rb_cArray) )
00210         {
00211             VALUE first_el = rb_ary_entry(v, 0);
00212             if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(first_el, rb_cArray))
00213             {
00214                 // We are building recursive config sets
00215                 for (int j = 0; j < RARRAY_LEN(v); ++j)
00216                 {
00217                     config_set* child = new config_set;
00218                     setup_configset_from_option_array(*child, rb_ary_entry(v, j));
00219                     config.insert(StringValuePtr(k), child);
00220                 }
00221             }
00222             else
00223             {
00224                 for (int j = 0; j < RARRAY_LEN(v); ++j)
00225                 {
00226                     VALUE value = rb_ary_entry(v, j);
00227                     config.insert(StringValuePtr(k), StringValuePtr(value));
00228                 }
00229             }
00230         }
00231         else if (TYPE(v) == T_TRUE || TYPE(v) == T_FALSE)
00232             config.set(StringValuePtr(k), RTEST(v) ? "true" : "false");
00233         else
00234             config.set(StringValuePtr(k), StringValuePtr(v));
00235     }
00236 }
00238 /* Private method to import a given file in the registry
00239  * We expect Registry#import to format the arguments before calling
00240  * do_import
00241  */
00242 static
00243 VALUE registry_import(VALUE self, VALUE file, VALUE kind, VALUE merge, VALUE options)
00244 {
00245     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00247     config_set config;
00248     setup_configset_from_option_array(config, options);
00250     std::string error_string;
00251     try { 
00252         if (RTEST(merge))
00253         {
00254             Registry temp;
00255             PluginManager::load(StringValuePtr(kind), StringValuePtr(file), config, temp); 
00256             registry.merge(temp);
00257         }
00258         else
00259             PluginManager::load(StringValuePtr(kind), StringValuePtr(file), config, registry); 
00260         return Qnil;
00261     }
00262     catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e)   { error_string = e.what(); }
00263     catch(std::exception const& e) { error_string = e.what(); }
00265     rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", error_string.c_str());
00266 }
00268 /* Private method called by Registry#export. This latter method is supposed
00269  * to format the +options+ argument from a Ruby hash into an array suitable
00270  * for setup_configset_from_option_array
00271  */
00272 static
00273 VALUE registry_export(VALUE self, VALUE kind, VALUE options)
00274 {
00275     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00277     config_set config;
00278     setup_configset_from_option_array(config, options);
00280     string error_message;
00281     try {
00282         std::string exported = PluginManager::save(StringValuePtr(kind), config, registry);
00283         return rb_str_new(exported.c_str(), exported.length());
00284     }
00285     catch (std::exception const& e) { error_message = e.what(); }
00286     rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", error_message.c_str());
00287 }
00290 /*
00291  * call-seq:
00292  *   merge(other_registry) => self
00293  *
00294  * Move all types found in +other_registry+ into +self+
00295  */
00296 static
00297 VALUE registry_merge(VALUE self, VALUE rb_merged)
00298 {
00299     std::string error_string;
00301     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00302     Registry& merged   = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(rb_merged);
00303     try { 
00304         registry.merge(merged);
00305         return self;
00306     }
00307     catch(std::exception const& e) { error_string = e.what(); }
00308     rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", error_string.c_str());
00309 }
00312 /*
00313  * call-seq:
00314  *   resize(new_sizes) => nil
00315  *
00316  * Changes the size of some types, while modifying the types that depend on
00317  * them to keep the registry consistent.
00318  */
00319 static
00320 VALUE registry_resize(VALUE self, VALUE new_sizes)
00321 {
00322     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00324     std::map<std::string, size_t> sizes;
00325     size_t map_size   = RARRAY_LEN(new_sizes);
00326     VALUE* map_values = RARRAY_PTR(new_sizes);
00327     for (size_t i = 0; i < map_size; ++i)
00328     {
00329         VALUE* pair = RARRAY_PTR(map_values[i]);
00330         sizes.insert(std::make_pair(
00331                 StringValuePtr(pair[0]),
00332                 NUM2INT(pair[1])));
00333     }
00334     try { 
00335         registry.resize(sizes);
00336         return Qnil;
00337     }
00338     catch(std::exception const& e) {
00339         rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what());
00340     }
00341 }
00343 static
00344 VALUE registry_minimal(VALUE self, VALUE rb_auto, VALUE with_aliases)
00345 {
00346     std::string error_string;
00347     Registry& registry   = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00349     if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_auto, rb_cString))
00350     {
00351         try { 
00352             Registry* result = registry.minimal(StringValuePtr(rb_auto), RTEST(with_aliases));
00353             return registry_wrap(cRegistry, result);
00354         }
00355         catch(std::exception const& e)
00356         { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what()); }
00357     }
00358     else
00359     {
00360         Registry& auto_types = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(rb_auto);
00361         try { 
00362             Registry* result = registry.minimal(auto_types);
00363             return registry_wrap(cRegistry, result);
00364         }
00365         catch(std::exception const& e)
00366         { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what()); }
00367     }
00368 }
00371 static void yield_types(VALUE self, bool with_aliases, RegistryIterator it, RegistryIterator end)
00372 {
00373     if (with_aliases)
00374     {
00375         for (; it != end; ++it)
00376         {
00377             std::string const& type_name = it.getName();
00378             VALUE rb_type_name = rb_str_new(type_name.c_str(), type_name.length());
00379             rb_yield_values(2, rb_type_name, cxx2rb::type_wrap(*it, self));
00380         }
00381     }
00382     else
00383     {
00384         for (; it != end; ++it)
00385         {
00386             if (!it.isAlias())
00387                 rb_yield(cxx2rb::type_wrap(*it, self));
00388         }
00389     }
00390 }
00392 /* @overload each_type(prefix, false)
00393  *   Enumerates the types and not the aliases
00394  *
00395  *   @param [nil,String] prefix if non-nil, only types whose name is this prefix
00396  *     will be enumerated
00397  *   @yieldparam [Model<Typelib::Type>] type a type
00398  *
00399  * @overload each_type(prefix, true)
00400  *   Enumerates the types and the aliases
00401  *
00402  *   @param [nil,String] prefix if non-nil, only types whose name is this prefix
00403  *     will be enumerated
00404  *   @yieldparam [String] name the type name, it is different from for
00405  *     aliases
00406  *   @yieldparam [Model<Typelib::Type>] type a type
00407  */
00408 static
00409 VALUE registry_each_type(VALUE self, VALUE filter_, VALUE with_aliases_)
00410 {
00411     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00412     bool with_aliases = RTEST(with_aliases_);
00413     std::string filter;
00414     if (RTEST(filter_))
00415         filter = StringValuePtr(filter_);
00417     try 
00418     {
00419         if (filter.empty())
00420             yield_types(self, with_aliases, registry.begin(), registry.end());
00421         else
00422             yield_types(self, with_aliases, registry.begin(filter), registry.end(filter));
00424         return self;
00425     }
00426     catch(std::exception const& e)
00427     {
00428         rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what());
00429     }
00430 }
00432 /* call-seq:
00433  *  registry.merge_xml(xml) => registry
00434  * 
00435  * Build a registry from a string, which is formatted as Typelib's own XML
00436  * format.  See also #export, #import and #to_xml
00437  */
00438 static
00439 VALUE registry_merge_xml(VALUE rb_registry, VALUE xml)
00440 {
00441     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(rb_registry);
00443     std::istringstream istream(StringValuePtr(xml));
00444     config_set config;
00445     try { PluginManager::load("tlb", istream, config, registry); }
00446     catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e)
00447     { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "cannot load xml: %s", e.what()); }
00448     catch(std::exception const& e)
00449     { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "cannot load xml: %s", e.what()); }
00451     return rb_registry;
00452 }
00454 /*
00455  * call-seq:
00456  *  Registry.aliases_of(type) => list_of_names
00457  *
00458  * Lists all the known aliases for the given type
00459  */
00460 static VALUE registry_aliases_of(VALUE self, VALUE type_)
00461 {
00462     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00463     Type const& type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(type_));
00464     std::set<std::string> aliases =
00465         registry.getAliasesOf(type);
00467     VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
00468     for (set<string>::const_iterator it = aliases.begin(); it != aliases.end(); ++it)
00469         rb_ary_push(result, rb_str_new(it->c_str(), it->length()));
00470     return result;
00471 }
00473 /*
00474  * call-seq:
00475  *  registry.clear_aliases
00476  *
00477  * Removes all aliases defined on this registry
00478  */
00479 static VALUE registry_clear_aliases(VALUE self)
00480 {
00481     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00482     registry.clearAliases();
00483     return Qnil;
00484 }
00486 /*
00487  * call-seq:
00488  *  registry.size => size
00489  *
00490  * Returns the number of types registered in +self+
00491  */
00492 static VALUE registry_size(VALUE self)
00493 {
00494     Registry& registry = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(self);
00495     return INT2NUM(registry.size());
00496 }
00498 /*
00499  * call-seq:
00500  *  Registry.available_containers => container_names
00501  *
00502  * Returns the set of known container names
00503  */
00504 static VALUE registry_available_container(VALUE registry_module)
00505 {
00506     Typelib::Container::AvailableContainers containers =
00507         Typelib::Container::availableContainers();
00509     VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
00510     Typelib::Container::AvailableContainers::const_iterator
00511         it = containers.begin(),
00512         end = containers.end();
00514     while (it != end)
00515     {
00516         std::string name = it->first;
00517         rb_ary_push(result, rb_str_new(name.c_str(), name.length()));
00518         ++it;
00519     }
00520     return result;
00521 }
00523 /*
00524  * call-seq:
00525  *  registry.define_container(name, kind, element_type, size) => new_type
00526  *
00527  * Defines a new container instance with the given container kind and element
00528  * type. +element_type+ is a type object, i.e. a subclass of Type, that has to
00529  * be part of +registry+ (obtained through registry.get or If
00530  * +element_type+ comes from another registry object, the method raises
00531  * ArgumentError.
00532  *
00533  * Moreover, the method raises NotFound if +kind+ is not a known container name.
00534  */
00535 static VALUE registry_define_container(VALUE registry, VALUE kind, VALUE element, VALUE _size)
00536 {
00537     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00538     Type const& element_type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(element));
00539     // Check that +reg+ contains +element_type+
00540     if (!reg.isIncluded(element_type))
00541         rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "the given type object comes from a different type registry");
00543     try {
00544         Container const& new_type = Container::createContainer(reg, StringValuePtr(kind), element_type);
00545         size_t size = NUM2INT(_size);
00546         if (size != 0)
00547             reg.get_(new_type).setSize(size);
00548         return cxx2rb::type_wrap(new_type, registry);
00549     } catch(Typelib::UnknownContainer) {
00550         rb_raise(eNotFound, "%s is not a known container type", StringValuePtr(kind));
00551     }
00552 }
00554 /*
00555  * call-seq:
00556  *  Registry.add_standard_cxx_types(registry) => registry
00557  *
00558  * Adds to +registry+  some standard C/C++ types that Typelib can represent
00559  */
00560 static VALUE registry_add_standard_cxx_types(VALUE klass, VALUE registry)
00561 {
00562     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00563     try { Typelib::CXX::addStandardTypes(reg); }
00564     catch(Typelib::AlreadyDefined e)
00565     { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s", e.what()); }
00566     return registry;
00567 }
00569 /*
00570  * call-seq:
00571  *   registry.do_create_compound(name, field_defs, size)
00572  *
00573  * Creates a new compound type in which the fields are provided by +field_defs+
00574  */
00575 static VALUE registry_create_compound(VALUE registry, VALUE name, VALUE field_defs, VALUE _size)
00576 {
00577     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00579     std::auto_ptr<Typelib::Compound> new_t(new Typelib::Compound(StringValuePtr(name)));
00581     int field_count = RARRAY_LEN(field_defs);
00582     for (int i = 0; i < field_count; ++i)
00583     {
00584         VALUE field = rb_ary_entry(field_defs, i);
00586         VALUE rb_name = rb_ary_entry(field, 0);
00587         std::string field_name(StringValuePtr(rb_name));
00588         Typelib::Type& field_type(rb2cxx::object<Type>(rb_ary_entry(field, 1)));
00589         int offset(NUM2INT(rb_ary_entry(field, 2)));
00590         new_t->addField(field_name, field_type, offset);
00591     }
00593     Typelib::Compound* type = new_t.release();
00594     size_t size = NUM2INT(_size);
00595     if (size != 0)
00596         type->setSize(size);
00597     try { reg.add(type, true, ""); }
00598     catch(std::runtime_error e) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s", e.what()); }
00599     return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, registry);
00600 }
00602 /*
00603  * call-seq:
00604  *   registry.create_enum(name, symbol_defs, size)
00605  *
00606  * Creates a new compound type in which the fields are provided by +field_defs+
00607  */
00608 static VALUE registry_create_enum(VALUE registry, VALUE name, VALUE symbol_defs, VALUE _size)
00609 {
00610     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00612     std::auto_ptr<Typelib::Enum> new_t(new Typelib::Enum(StringValuePtr(name)));
00614     int symbol_count = RARRAY_LEN(symbol_defs);
00615     for (int i = 0; i < symbol_count; ++i)
00616     {
00617         VALUE sym = rb_ary_entry(symbol_defs, i);
00619         VALUE rb_name = rb_ary_entry(sym, 0);
00620         std::string sym_name(StringValuePtr(rb_name));
00621         int sym_value(NUM2INT(rb_ary_entry(sym, 1)));
00622         new_t->add(sym_name, sym_value);
00623     }
00625     Typelib::Enum* type = new_t.release();
00626     size_t size = NUM2INT(_size);
00627     if (size != 0) type->setSize(size);
00628     try { reg.add(type, true, ""); }
00629     catch(std::runtime_error e) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s", e.what()); }
00630     return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, registry);
00631 }
00633 /*
00634  * call-seq:
00635  *   registry.create_opaque(name, size)
00636  *
00637  * Creates a new opaque type with the given name and size
00638  */
00639 static VALUE registry_create_opaque(VALUE registry, VALUE _name, VALUE _size)
00640 {
00641     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00642     Typelib::Type* type = new Typelib::OpaqueType(StringValuePtr(_name), NUM2INT(_size));
00643     try { reg.add(type, true, ""); }
00644     catch(std::runtime_error e) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s", e.what()); }
00645     return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, registry);
00646 }
00648 /*
00649  * call-seq:
00650  *   registry.create_null(name)
00651  *
00652  * Creates a new null type with the given name
00653  */
00654 static VALUE registry_create_null(VALUE registry, VALUE _name)
00655 {
00656     Registry& reg = rb2cxx::object<Registry>(registry);
00657     Typelib::Type* type = new Typelib::NullType(StringValuePtr(_name));
00658     try { reg.add(type, true, ""); }
00659     catch(std::runtime_error e) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s", e.what()); }
00660     return cxx2rb::type_wrap(*type, registry);
00661 }
00663 void typelib_ruby::Typelib_init_registry()
00664 {
00665     VALUE mTypelib  = rb_define_module("Typelib");
00666     cRegistry = rb_define_class_under(mTypelib, "Registry", rb_cObject);
00667     eNotFound = rb_define_class_under(mTypelib, "NotFound", rb_eRuntimeError);
00668     rb_define_alloc_func(cRegistry, registry_alloc);
00669     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "size", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_size), 0);
00670     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "get", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_do_get), 1);
00671     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "build", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_do_build), -1);
00672     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "each_type", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_each_type), 2);
00673     // do_import is called by the Ruby-defined import, which formats the 
00674     // option hash (if there is one), and can detect the import type by extension
00675     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_import", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_import), 4);
00676     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_export", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_export), 2);
00677     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "merge_xml", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_merge_xml), 1);
00678     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "alias", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_alias), 2);
00679     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "clear_aliases", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_clear_aliases), 0);
00680     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "aliases_of", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_aliases_of), 1);
00681     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "merge", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_merge), 1);
00682     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_minimal", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_minimal), 2);
00683     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "includes?", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_includes_p), 1);
00684     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_resize", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_resize), 1);
00685     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "reverse_depends", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_reverse_depends), 1);
00686     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "remove", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_remove), 1);
00687     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "source_id_of", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_source_id_of), 1);
00688     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_create_compound", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_create_compound), 3);
00689     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "do_create_enum", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_create_enum), 3);
00690     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "create_opaque", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_create_opaque), 2);
00691     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "create_null", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_create_null), 1);
00693     rb_define_singleton_method(cRegistry, "add_standard_cxx_types", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_add_standard_cxx_types), 1);
00695     rb_define_singleton_method(cRegistry, "available_containers", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_available_container), 0);
00696     rb_define_method(cRegistry, "define_container", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(registry_define_container), 3);
00697 }

Author(s): Sylvain Joyeux/
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:49:22