This is the complete list of members for
GridMap, including all inherited members.
_cell_factory | GridMap | [private] |
_cells | GridMap | [private] |
_height | GridMap | [private] |
_m_per_cell | GridMap | [private] |
_map_center_x | GridMap | [private] |
_map_center_y | GridMap | [private] |
_unvisited_cell | GridMap | [private] |
_width | GridMap | [private] |
add_cols(const int cols_count, std::function< Row::iterator(Row &)> it) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
add_rows(const int rows_count, Map::iterator it) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
calc_sufficient_bound(const int container_coord, const int map_bound) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
cell_scale() const | GridMap | [inline] |
cell_value(const DiscretePoint2D &cell_coord) const | GridMap | [inline] |
cells() const | GridMap | [inline] |
closest_bounded_power_two(long x) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
GridMap(std::shared_ptr< GridCellFactory > cell_factory, const GridMapParams &init_params) | GridMap | [inline] |
has_cell(const DiscretePoint2D &cell_coord) const | GridMap | [inline, private] |
height() const | GridMap | [inline] |
map_center_x() const | GridMap | [inline] |
map_center_y() const | GridMap | [inline] |
resize_bound(const int dim, const int container_coord) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
RESIZE_BWD | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_DIM_BIT | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_DIR_BIT | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_DOWN | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_FWD | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_HORZ | GridMap | [private] |
resize_in_direction(const int delta, const int direction_flag) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
RESIZE_LEFT | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_RIGHT | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_UP | GridMap | [private] |
RESIZE_VERT | GridMap | [private] |
scale() const | GridMap | [inline] |
update_cell(const DiscretePoint2D &cell_coord, const Occupancy &new_value, double quality=1.0) | GridMap | [inline] |
update_size(const DiscretePoint2D &cell_coord) | GridMap | [inline, private] |
width() const | GridMap | [inline] |
world_cell_bounds(const DiscretePoint2D &cell_coord) | GridMap | [inline] |
world_to_cell(double x, double y) const | GridMap | [inline] |