Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 * lambda.c : integer ambiguity resolution
00003 *
00004 *          Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by T.TAKASU, All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * reference :
00007 *     [1] P.J.G.Teunissen, The least-square ambiguity decorrelation adjustment:
00008 *         a method for fast GPS ambiguity estimation, J.Geodesy, Vol.70, 65-82,
00009 *         1995
00010 *     [2] X.-W.Chang, X.Yang, T.Zhou, MLAMBDA: A modified LAMBDA method for
00011 *         integer least-squares estimation, J.Geodesy, Vol.79, 552-565, 2005
00012 *
00013 * version : $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2008/07/17 21:48:06 $
00014 * history : 2007/01/13 1.0 new
00015 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00017 #include <string.h>
00018 #include <math.h>
00019 #include <stdio.h>
00020 #include <cblas.h>
00021 #include <clapack.h>
00022 #include "amb_kf.h"
00024 /* constants/macros ----------------------------------------------------------*/
00026 #define LOOPMAX     10000           /* maximum count of search loop */
00028 #define SGN(x)      ((x)<=0.0?-1.0:1.0)
00029 #define ROUND(x)    (floor((x)+0.5))
00030 #define SWAP(x,y)   do {double tmp_; tmp_=x; x=y; y=tmp_;} while (0)
00033 static void triu2(u32 n, double *M)
00034 {
00035   for (u32 i=1; i<n; i++) {
00036     for (u32 j=0; j<i; j++) {
00037       M[i*n + j] = 0;
00038     }
00039   }
00040 }
00042 static void eye2(u32 n, double *M)
00043 {
00044   memset(M, 0, n * n * sizeof(double));
00045   for (u32 i=0; i<n; i++) {
00046     M[i*n + i] = 1;
00047   }
00048 }
00050 static s8 udu2(u32 n, double *M, double *U, double *D) //todo: replace with DSYTRF
00051 {
00052   double alpha, beta;
00053   triu2(n, M);
00054   eye2(n, U);
00055   memset(D, 0, n * sizeof(double));
00057   for (u32 j=n; j>=2; j--) {
00058     D[j - 1] = M[(j-1)*n + j-1];
00059     if (D[j-1] > 0) {
00060       alpha = 1.0 / D[j-1];
00061     } else {
00062       alpha = 0.0;
00063     }
00064     for (u32 k=1; k<j; k++) {
00065       beta = M[(k-1)*n + j-1];
00066       U[(k-1)*n + j-1] = alpha * beta;
00067       for (u32 kk = 0; kk < k; kk++) {
00068         M[kk*n + k-1] = M[kk*n + k-1] - beta * U[kk*n + j-1];
00069       }
00070     }
00072   }
00073   D[0] = M[0];
00074   return 0;
00075 }
00078 /* LD factorization (Q=L'*diag(D)*L) -----------------------------------------*/
00079 int LD(int n, const double *Q, double *L, double *D)
00080 {
00081     int i,j,k,info=0;
00082     double a;
00083     double A[n*n];
00084     memset(L, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00085     memset(D, 0, sizeof(double)*n);
00087     memcpy(A,Q,sizeof(double)*n*n);
00088     for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--) {
00089         if ((D[i]=A[i+i*n])<=0.0) {info=-1; break;}
00090         a=sqrt(D[i]);
00091         for (j=0;j<=i;j++) L[i+j*n]=A[i+j*n]/a;
00092         for (j=0;j<=i-1;j++) for (k=0;k<=j;k++) A[j+k*n]-=L[i+k*n]*L[i+j*n];
00093         for (j=0;j<=i;j++) L[i+j*n]/=L[i+i*n];
00094     }
00095     if (info) {
00096         printf("%s : LD factorization error, trying UD from Gibbs (col major UD = LD)\n",__FILE__);
00097         double Qcopy[n * n];
00098         memcpy(Qcopy, Q, n * n * sizeof(double));
00099         udu2(n, Qcopy, L, D);
00100     }
00101     return info;
00102 }
00103 /* integer gauss transformation ----------------------------------------------*/
00104 void gauss(int n, double *L, double *Z, int i, int j)
00105 {
00106     int k,mu;
00108     if ((mu=(int)ROUND(L[i+j*n]))!=0) {
00109         for (k=i;k<n;k++) L[k+n*j]-=(double)mu*L[k+i*n];
00110         for (k=0;k<n;k++) Z[k+n*j]-=(double)mu*Z[k+i*n];
00111     }
00112 }
00113 /* permutations --------------------------------------------------------------*/
00114 void perm(int n, double *L, double *D, int j, double del, double *Z)
00115 {
00116     int k;
00117     double eta,lam,a0,a1;
00119     eta=D[j]/del;
00120     lam=D[j+1]*L[j+1+j*n]/del;
00121     D[j]=eta*D[j+1]; D[j+1]=del;
00122     for (k=0;k<=j-1;k++) {
00123         a0=L[j+k*n]; a1=L[j+1+k*n];
00124         L[j+k*n]=-L[j+1+j*n]*a0+a1;
00125         L[j+1+k*n]=eta*a0+lam*a1;
00126     }
00127     L[j+1+j*n]=lam;
00128     for (k=j+2;k<n;k++) SWAP(L[k+j*n],L[k+(j+1)*n]);
00129     for (k=0;k<n;k++) SWAP(Z[k+j*n],Z[k+(j+1)*n]);
00130 }
00131 /* lambda reduction (z=Z'*a, Qz=Z'*Q*Z=L'*diag(D)*L) (ref.[1]) ---------------*/
00132 void reduction(int n, double *L, double *D, double *Z)
00133 {
00134     int i,j,k;
00135     double del;
00137     j=n-2; k=n-2;
00138     while (j>=0) {
00139         if (j<=k) for (i=j+1;i<n;i++) gauss(n,L,Z,i,j);
00140         del=D[j]+L[j+1+j*n]*L[j+1+j*n]*D[j+1];
00141         if (del+1E-6<D[j+1]) { /* compared considering numerical error */
00142             perm(n,L,D,j,del,Z);
00143             k=j; j=n-2;
00144         }
00145         else j--;
00146     }
00147 }
00148 /* modified lambda (mlambda) search (ref. [2]) -------------------------------*/
00149 static int search(int n, int m, const double *L, const double *D,
00150                   const double *zs, double *zn, double *s)
00151 {
00152     int i,j,k,c,nn=0,imax=0;
00153     double newdist,maxdist=1E99,y;
00154     double S[n*n];
00155     double dist[n];
00156     double zb[n];
00157     double z[n];
00158     double step[n];
00159     memset(S, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00161     k=n-1; dist[k]=0.0;
00162     zb[k]=zs[k];
00163     z[k]=ROUND(zb[k]); y=zb[k]-z[k]; step[k]=SGN(y);
00164     for (c=0;c<LOOPMAX;c++) {
00165         newdist=dist[k]+y*y/D[k];
00166         if (newdist<maxdist) {
00167             if (k!=0) {
00168                 dist[--k]=newdist;
00169                 for (i=0;i<=k;i++)
00170                     S[k+i*n]=S[k+1+i*n]+(z[k+1]-zb[k+1])*L[k+1+i*n];
00171                 zb[k]=zs[k]+S[k+k*n];
00172                 z[k]=ROUND(zb[k]); y=zb[k]-z[k]; step[k]=SGN(y);
00173             }
00174             else {
00175                 if (nn<m) {
00176                     if (nn==0||newdist>s[imax]) imax=nn;
00177                     for (i=0;i<n;i++) zn[i+nn*n]=z[i];
00178                     s[nn++]=newdist;
00179                 }
00180                 else {
00181                     if (newdist<s[imax]) {
00182                         for (i=0;i<n;i++) zn[i+imax*n]=z[i];
00183                         s[imax]=newdist;
00184                         for (i=imax=0;i<m;i++) if (s[imax]<s[i]) imax=i;
00185                     }
00186                     maxdist=s[imax];
00187                 }
00188                 z[0]+=step[0]; y=zb[0]-z[0]; step[0]=-step[0]-SGN(step[0]);
00189             }
00190         }
00191         else {
00192             if (k==n-1) break;
00193             else {
00194                 k++;
00195                 z[k]+=step[k]; y=zb[k]-z[k]; step[k]=-step[k]-SGN(step[k]);
00196             }
00197         }
00198     }
00199     for (i=0;i<m-1;i++) { /* sort by s */
00200         for (j=i+1;j<m;j++) {
00201             if (s[i]<s[j]) continue;
00202             SWAP(s[i],s[j]);
00203             for (k=0;k<n;k++) SWAP(zn[k+i*n],zn[k+j*n]);
00204         }
00205     }
00207     if (c>=LOOPMAX) {
00208         fprintf(stderr,"%s : search loop count overflow\n",__FILE__);
00209         return -1;
00210     }
00211     return 0;
00212 }
00214 /* lambda reduction transformation ------------------------------
00215 * integer least-square estimation. reduction is performed by lambda (ref.[1]),
00216 * and search by mlambda (ref.[2]).
00217 * args   : int    n      I  number of float parameters
00218 *          double *a     I  float parameters (n x 1)
00219 *          double *Q     I  covariance matrix of float parameters (n x n)
00220 * return : status (0:ok,other:error)
00221 * notes  : matrix stored by column-major order (fortran convension)
00222 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00223 int lambda_reduction(int n, const double *Q, double *Z)
00224 {
00225     int info;
00227     if (n<=0) return -1;
00229     double L[n*n];
00230     double D[n];
00232     /* L = zeros(n,n) */
00233     memset(L, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00235     /* Z = eye(n) */
00236     memset(Z, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00237     for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
00238       Z[i+n*i] = 1;
00240     /* LD factorization */
00241     if (!(info=LD(n,Q,L,D))) {
00242         /* lambda reduction */
00243         reduction(n,L,D,Z);
00244     }
00246     return info;
00247 }
00249 /* multiply matrix (wrapper of blas dgemm) -------------------------------------
00250 * multiply matrix by matrix (C=alpha*A*B+beta*C)
00251 * args   : char   *tr       I  transpose flags ("N":normal,"T":transpose)
00252 *          int    n,k,m     I  size of (transposed) matrix A,B
00253 *          double alpha     I  alpha
00254 *          double *A,*B     I  (transposed) matrix A (n x m), B (m x k)
00255 *          double beta      I  beta
00256 *          double *C        IO matrix C (n x k)
00257 * return : none
00258 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00259 void matmul(const char *tr, integer n, integer k, integer m, double alpha,
00260                    const double *A, const double *B, double beta, double *C)
00261 {
00262     integer lda=tr[0]=='T'?m:n,ldb=tr[1]=='T'?k:m;
00264     dgemm_((char *)tr,(char *)tr+1,&n,&k,&m,&alpha,(double *)A,&lda,(double *)B,
00265            &ldb,&beta,C,&n);
00266 }
00268 /* solve linear equation -------------------------------------------------------
00269 * solve linear equation (X=A\Y or X=A'\Y)
00270 * args   : char   *tr       I   transpose flag ("N":normal,"T":transpose)
00271 *          double *A        I   input matrix A (n x n)
00272 *          double *Y        I   input matrix Y (n x m)
00273 *          int    n,m       I   size of matrix A,Y
00274 *          double *X        O   X=A\Y or X=A'\Y (n x m)
00275 * return : status (0:ok,0>:error)
00276 * notes  : matirix stored by column-major order (fortran convention)
00277 *          X can be same as Y
00278 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00279 int solve(const char *tr, const double *A, const double *Y, integer n,
00280                  integer m, double *X)
00281 {
00282     double B[n*n];
00283     integer info;
00284     integer ipiv[n];
00286     memcpy(B, A, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00287     memcpy(X, Y, sizeof(double)*n*m);
00288     dgetrf_(&n,&n,B,&n,ipiv,&info);
00289     if (!info) dgetrs_((char *)tr,&n,&m,B,&n,ipiv,X,&n,&info);
00290     return info;
00291 }
00294 /* lambda/mlambda integer least-square estimation ------------------------------
00295 * integer least-square estimation. reduction is performed by lambda (ref.[1]),
00296 * and search by mlambda (ref.[2]).
00297 * args : int n I number of float parameters
00298 * int m I number of fixed solutions
00299 * double *a I float parameters (n x 1)
00300 * double *Q I covariance matrix of float parameters (n x n)
00301 * double *F O fixed solutions (n x m)
00302 * double *s O sum of squared residulas of fixed solutions (1 x m)
00303 * return : status (0:ok,other:error)
00304 * notes : matrix stored by column-major order (fortran convension)
00305 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00306 int lambda_solution(int n, int m, const double *a, const double *Q, double *F,
00307                   double *s)
00308 {
00309     int info;
00311     if (n<=0||m<=0) return -1;
00312     double L[n*n];
00313     double D[n];
00314     double Z[n*n];
00315     double z[n];
00316     double E[n*m];
00318     /* L = zeros(n,n) */
00319     memset(L, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00321     /* Z = eye(n) */
00322     memset(Z, 0, sizeof(double)*n*n);
00323     for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
00324       Z[i+n*i] = 1;
00326     /* LD factorization */
00327     if (!(info=LD(n,Q,L,D))) {
00329         /* lambda reduction */
00330         reduction(n,L,D,Z);
00331         matmul("TN",n,1,n,1.0,Z,a,0.0,z); /* z=Z'*a */
00333         /* mlambda search */
00334         if (!(info=search(n,m,L,D,z,E,s))) {
00336             info=solve("T",Z,E,n,m,F); /* F=Z'\E */
00337         }
00338     }
00339     return info;
00340 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:55:50