stomp/manipulator: group_name: manipulator optimization: num_timesteps: 20 num_iterations: 50 num_iterations_after_valid: 0 num_rollouts: 10 max_rollouts: 100 initialization_method: 1 #[1 : LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, 2 : CUBIC_POLYNOMIAL, 3 : MININUM_CONTROL_COST control_cost_weight: 0.0 task: noise_generator: - class: stomp_moveit/NormalDistributionSampling stddev: [0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3] cost_functions: - class: stomp_moveit/CollisionCheck collision_penalty: 1.0 cost_weight: 1.0 kernel_window_percentage: 0.4 noisy_filters: - class: stomp_moveit/JointLimits lock_start: True lock_goal: True update_filters: - class: stomp_moveit/ControlCostProjectionMatrix stomp/manipulator_rail: group_name: manipulator_rail optimization: num_timesteps: 40 num_iterations: 40 num_iterations_after_valid: 0 num_rollouts: 10 max_rollouts: 10 initialization_method: 3 #[1 : LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, 2 : CUBIC_POLYNOMIAL, 3 : MININUM_CONTROL_COST control_cost_weight: 0.0 task: noise_generator: - class: stomp_moveit/NormalDistributionSampling stddev: [0.05, 0.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1] cost_functions: - class: stomp_moveit/CollisionCheck collision_penalty: 1.0 cost_weight: 1.0 kernel_window_percentage: 0.2 longest_valid_joint_move: 0.05 noisy_filters: - class: stomp_moveit/JointLimits lock_start: True lock_goal: True - class: stomp_moveit/MultiTrajectoryVisualization line_width: 0.02 rgb: [255, 255, 0] marker_array_topic: stomp_trajectories marker_namespace: noisy update_filters: - class: stomp_moveit/ControlCostProjectionMatrix - class: stomp_moveit/UpdateLogger package: stomp_moveit directory: log filename: smoothed_update.txt
All the parameters under the optimization field affect the behavior of the optimization process. These parameters are as follows:
At each iteration, STOMP invokes a StompTaks object. The taks object holds all of the active plugins and invokes them at specific stages of the optimization process. Thus each of the plugins is listed under a plugin specifier entry below the "task" field. Each plugin entry should at least have a "class" field which is used by pluginlib to identify and load the plugin. There are four types of plugins that can be loaded into the StompTask and these are: