Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 from copy import deepcopy
00003 import os, yaml, string
00004 from rospy import logerr, loginfo, get_param
00005 import rospkg, genpy
00006 import moveit_msgs.msg
00007 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
00008 from sr_robot_msgs.msg import GraspArray
00011 def reindent(s, numSpaces):
00012     """
00013     http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66055-changing-the-indentation-of-a-multi-line-string/
00014     """
00015     s = string.split(s, '\n')
00016     s = [(numSpaces * ' ') + line for line in s]
00017     s = string.join(s, '\n')
00018     return s
00021 class Grasp(moveit_msgs.msg.Grasp):
00022     """
00023     Represents a single grasp, basically a wrapper around moveit_msgs/Grasp
00024     with added functions and Shadow Hand specific knowledge.
00025     """
00026     def __init__(self):
00027         moveit_msgs.msg.Grasp.__init__(self)
00028         self.grasp_quality = 0.001
00029         self.joint_names = [
00030             'FFJ1', 'FFJ2', 'FFJ3', 'FFJ4',
00031             'LFJ1', 'LFJ2', 'LFJ3', 'LFJ4', 'LFJ5',
00032             'MFJ1', 'MFJ2', 'MFJ3', 'MFJ4',
00033             'RFJ1', 'RFJ2', 'RFJ3', 'RFJ4',
00034             'THJ1', 'THJ2', 'THJ3', 'THJ4', 'THJ5',
00035             'WRJ1', 'WRJ2']
00037         # Default the pre grasp to all 0.0
00038         zero_joints = dict.fromkeys(self.joint_names, 0.0)
00039         self.set_pre_grasp_point(zero_joints)
00041     @classmethod
00042     def from_msg(cls, msg):
00043         """Construct a shadow grasp object from moveit grasp object."""
00044         grasp = Grasp()
00045         grasp.id = msg.id
00046         grasp.pre_grasp_posture  = deepcopy(msg.pre_grasp_posture)
00047         grasp.grasp_posture      = deepcopy(msg.grasp_posture)
00048         grasp.grasp_pose         = deepcopy(msg.grasp_pose)
00049         grasp.grasp_quality      = msg.grasp_quality
00050         grasp.pre_grasp_approach = deepcopy(msg.pre_grasp_approach)
00051         grasp.post_grasp_retreat = deepcopy(msg.post_grasp_retreat)
00052         grasp.post_place_retreat = deepcopy(msg.post_place_retreat)
00053         grasp.max_contact_force  = msg.max_contact_force
00054         grasp.allowed_touch_objects = deepcopy(msg.allowed_touch_objects)
00055         return grasp
00057     def to_msg(self):
00058         """Return plain moveit_msgs/Grasp version of self."""
00059         raise Exception("TODO - to_msg")
00061     @classmethod
00062     def from_yaml(self, y):
00063         """
00064         Construct a shadow grasp object from YAML object. For example YAML
00065         grabbed from rostopic to a file.
00066         """
00067         grasp = Grasp()
00068         genpy.message.fill_message_args(grasp, y)
00069         return grasp
00071     def set_pre_grasp_point(self, *args, **kwargs):
00072         """
00073         Set the positions for a point (default 0) in the pre-grasp to a dict of
00074         joint positions.
00075         """
00076         self._set_posture_point(self.pre_grasp_posture, *args, **kwargs)
00078     def set_grasp_point(self, *args, **kwargs):
00079         """
00080         Set the positions for a point (default 0) in the grasp to a dict of
00081         joint positions.
00082         """
00083         self._set_posture_point(self.grasp_posture, *args, **kwargs)
00085     def _set_posture_point(self, posture, positions, point=0):
00086         """Set the posture positions using a dict of joint positions."""
00087         # XXX: Why have we been doing this?
00088         #posture.header.stamp = now
00089         posture.joint_names = positions.keys()
00091         # Extend the array to be big enough.
00092         if len(posture.points) < point+1:
00093             for _ in range(point+1):
00094                 posture.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint())
00096         # Update the point in place
00097         jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
00098         for _, pos in positions.iteritems():
00099             jtp.positions.append(pos)
00100         posture.points[point] = jtp
00105 class GraspStash(object):
00106     """
00107     Interface to the list of grasps stored in the system. Clients should all
00108     use this library so that it can deal with the detail of the undelying
00109     storage.
00110     """
00111     def __init__(self):
00112         # Store of all loaded grasps, indexed on grasp.id.
00113         self._store = {}
00114         rp = rospkg.RosPack()
00115         self.grasps_file = get_param('~grasps_file',
00116                                      default = os.path.join(
00117                                          rp.get_path('sr_grasp'), 'resource', 'grasps.yaml') )
00119     def get_all(self):
00120         """Return list of all grasps."""
00121         return self._store.values();
00123     def get_grasp_array(self):
00124         arr = GraspArray()
00125         arr.grasps = self.get_all()
00126         return arr
00128     def get_grasp(self, grasp_index):
00129         """Return a single grasp from the stash from it's id field."""
00130         return self._store.get(grasp_index)
00132     def get_grasp_at(self, idx):
00133         """Return the Grasp at the given index."""
00134         return self.get_all()[idx]
00136     def size(self):
00137         """Return the number of grasps."""
00138         return len(self._store)
00140     def put_grasp(self, grasp):
00141         """Stash the given grasp, using it's id field, which must be set."""
00142         if grasp.id is None or grasp.id == "":
00143             raise Exception("Grasp has no id")
00144         # Up convert a plain grasp msg to our wrapper
00145         #if isinstance(grasp, moveit_msgs.msg.Grasp):
00146         #    grasp = Grasp.from_msg(grasp)
00147         self._store[grasp.id] = grasp
00149     def load_all(self):
00150         """Load all configured sources of grasps into the stash."""
00151         self.load_yaml_file(self.grasps_file)
00153     def as_yaml(self):
00154         return genpy.message.strify_message(self.get_grasp_array().grasps)
00156     def load_yaml_file(self, fname):
00157         """Load a set of grasps from a YAML file."""
00158         try:
00159             data = yaml.load(file(fname))
00160             self.load_yaml(data)
00161         except Exception as e:
00162             logerr("Failed to load YAML grasp file: %s error:%s"%(fname, e))
00163             return False
00164         else:
00165             loginfo("Loaded grasps from file: %s"%(fname))
00166             return True
00168     def load_yaml(self, data):
00169         """Load a set of grasps from a YAML object. Throws exceptions on errors."""
00170         for g in data:
00171             grasp = Grasp.from_yaml(g)
00172             self.put_grasp(grasp)
00174     def save_yaml_file(self, fname=""):
00175         if fname == "":
00176             fname = self.grasps_file
00177         with open(fname, "w") as txtfile:
00178             txtfile.write(self.as_yaml())

Author(s): Mark Pitchless
autogenerated on Fri Aug 21 2015 12:26:28