Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // *      Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Team XBMC
00003 // *
00004 // *
00005 // *  This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006 // *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007 // *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00008 // *  any later version.
00009 // *
00010 // *  This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 // *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 // *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00014 // *
00015 // *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016 // *  along with XBMC Remote; see the file license.  If not, write to
00017 // *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 // *
00019 // *
00020 // */
00021 //
00022 //package;
00023 //
00024 //import;
00025 //import;
00026 //import;
00027 //import;
00028 //import;
00029 //import;
00030 //import;
00031 //import;
00032 //import java.util.ArrayList;
00033 //import java.util.HashMap;
00034 //import java.util.LinkedList;
00035 //import java.util.Timer;
00036 //import java.util.TimerTask;
00037 //
00038 //import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory;
00039 //import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
00040 //import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException;
00041 //import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser;
00042 //import;
00043 //import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;
00044 //import;
00045 //import;
00046 //import;
00047 //import;
00048 //import;
00049 //
00050 //import;
00051 //import android.content.Intent;
00052 //import android.os.Bundle;
00053 //import android.os.Handler;
00054 //import android.os.IBinder;
00055 //import android.os.Message;
00056 //import android.os.Messenger;
00057 //import android.os.RemoteException;
00058 //import android.util.Log;
00059 //
00061 // * Service which keeps a steady TCP connection to XBMC's JSON-RPC API via TCP
00062 // * socket (as opposed to HTTP messages).
00063 // * <p/>
00064 // * It serves as listener for notification, but is also used for posting normal
00065 // * API requests.
00066 // * <p/>
00067 // * Generally speaking, the service will shut down and terminate the TCP
00068 // * connection as soon as there are no more connected clients. However, clients
00069 // * may want to query several consecutive requests without having the service
00070 // * stop and restart between every request. That is the reason why there is a
00071 // * "cooldown" period, in which the service will just wait for new clients to
00072 // * arrive before shutting down.
00073 // * <p/>
00074 // * About message exchange, see {@link ConnectionManager}.
00075 // * 
00076 // * @author freezy <>
00077 // */
00078 //public class ConnectionService extends IntentService {
00079 //      
00080 //      public final static String TAG = ConnectionService.class.getSimpleName();
00081 //
00082 //      private static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 5000;
00083 //
00084 //      public static final String EXTRA_ADDRESS = "";
00085 //      public static final String EXTRA_TCPPORT = "";
00086 //      public static final String EXTRA_HTTPPORT = "";
00087 //      
00088 //      public static final String EXTRA_STATUS = "";
00089 //      public static final String EXTRA_APICALL = "";
00090 //      public static final String EXTRA_NOTIFICATION = "";
00091 //      public static final String EXTRA_HANDLER = "";
00092 //      public static final String EXTRA_CALLID = "";
00093 //
00094 //      public static final int MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT = 0x01;
00095 //      public static final int MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT = 0x02;
00096 //      public static final int MSG_CONNECTING = 0x03;
00097 //      public static final int MSG_CONNECTED = 0x04;
00098 //      public static final int MSG_RECEIVE_NOTIFICATION = 0x05;
00099 //      public static final int MSG_RECEIVE_APICALL = 0x06;     
00100 //      public static final int MSG_RECEIVE_HANDLED_APICALL = 0x07;     
00101 //      public static final int MSG_SEND_APICALL = 0x08;
00102 //      public static final int MSG_SEND_HANDLED_APICALL = 0x09;
00103 //      public static final int MSG_ERROR = 0x0a;       
00104 //
00105 //      public static final int RESULT_SUCCESS = 0x01;
00106 //      
00107 //      /**
00108 //       * Time in milliseconds we wait for new requests until we shut down the 
00109 //       * service (and connection).
00110 //       */
00111 //      private static final long COOLDOWN = 10000;
00112 //      
00113 //      /**
00114 //       * Target we publish for clients to send messages to IncomingHandler.
00115 //       */
00116 //      private final Messenger mMessenger = new Messenger(new IncomingHandler());
00117 //
00118 //      /**
00119 //       * Keeps track of all currently registered client. Normally, all clients
00120 //       * are {@link ConnectionManager} instances.
00121 //       */
00122 //      private final ArrayList<Messenger> mClients = new ArrayList<Messenger>();
00123 //      /**
00124 //       * API call results are only returned to the client requested it, so here are the relations.
00125 //       */
00126 //      private final HashMap<String, Messenger> mClientMap = new HashMap<String, Messenger>();
00127 //      /**
00128 //       * If we have to send data before we're connected, store data until connection 
00129 //       */
00130 //      private final LinkedList<AbstractCall<?>> mPendingCalls = new LinkedList<AbstractCall<?>>();
00131 //      /**
00132 //       * All calls the service is currently dealing with. Key is the ID of the call.
00133 //       */
00134 //      private final HashMap<String, AbstractCall<?>> mCalls = new HashMap<String, AbstractCall<?>>();
00135 //      /**
00136 //       * The handler we'll update with a status code as soon as we're done.
00137 //       */
00138 //      private final HashMap<String, JsonHandler> mHandlers = new HashMap<String, JsonHandler>();
00139 //
00140 //      /**
00141 //       * Reference to the socket, so we shut it down properly.
00142 //       */
00143 //      private Socket mSocket = null;
00144 //      /**
00145 //       * Output writer so we can also write stuff to the socket.
00146 //       */
00147 //      private BufferedWriter mOut = null;
00148 //      
00149 //      /**
00150 //       * Static reference to Jackson's object mapper.
00151 //       */
00152 //      private final static ObjectMapper OM = new ObjectMapper();
00153 //      
00154 //      /**
00155 //       * When no more clients are connected, wait {@link #COOLDOWN} milliseconds 
00156 //       * and then shut down the service if no new clients connect.
00157 //       */
00158 //      private Timer mCooldownTimer = null;
00159 //      
00160 //      
00161 //      /**
00162 //       * Host name or IP address of XBMC
00163 //       */
00164 //      private String mAddress;
00165 //      /**
00166 //       * Port where the TCP service is running (default 9090).
00167 //       */
00168 //      private int mPort;
00169 //      
00170 //      /**
00171 //       * Class constructor must be empty for services.
00172 //       */
00173 //      public ConnectionService() {
00174 //              super(TAG);
00175 //      }
00176 //
00177 //      @Override
00178 //      protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
00179 //              
00180 //              mPort = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_TCPPORT, 9090);
00181 //              mAddress = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ADDRESS) != null ? intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ADDRESS) : "";
00182 //              
00183 //              long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
00184 //              Log.d(TAG, "Starting TCP client...");
00185 //              notifyStatus(MSG_CONNECTING, null);
00186 //              Socket socket = null;
00187 //
00188 //              try {
00189 //                      final InetSocketAddress sockaddr = new InetSocketAddress(mAddress, mPort);
00190 //                      socket = new Socket();
00191 //                      mSocket = socket;       // update class reference
00192 //                      socket.setSoTimeout(0); // no timeout for reading from connection.
00193 //                      socket.connect(sockaddr, SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
00194 //                      mOut = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()));
00195 //              } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
00196 //                      Log.e(TAG, "Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00197 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_UNKNOWN_HOST,  "Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00198 //                      stopSelf();
00199 //                      return;
00200 //              } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
00201 //                      Log.e(TAG, "Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00202 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_SOCKETTIMEOUT,  "Connection timeout: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00203 //                      stopSelf();
00204 //                      return;
00205 //              } catch (IOException e) {
00206 //                      Log.e(TAG, "I/O error while opening: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00207 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_OPENING,  "I/O error while opening: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00208 //                      stopSelf();
00209 //                      return;
00210 //              }
00211 //              
00212 //              try {
00213 //                      Log.i(TAG, "Connected to TCP socket in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - s) + "ms");
00214 //                      notifyStatus(MSG_CONNECTED, null);
00215 //                      
00216 //                      // check for saved post data to send while we weren't connected,
00217 //                      // but do it in a separate thread so we can read already while sending.
00218 //                      if (!mPendingCalls.isEmpty()) {
00219 //                              new Thread("post-data-on-connection") {
00220 //                                      @Override
00221 //                                      public void run() {
00222 //                                              final LinkedList<AbstractCall<?>> calls = mPendingCalls;
00223 //                                              while (!calls.isEmpty()) {
00224 //                                                      writeSocket(calls.poll());
00225 //                                              }
00226 //                                      };
00227 //                              }.start();
00228 //                      }
00229 //                      
00230 //                      final JsonFactory jf = OM.getJsonFactory();
00231 //                      final JsonParser jp = jf.createJsonParser(socket.getInputStream());
00232 //                      JsonNode node;
00233 //                      while ((node = OM.readTree(jp)) != null) {
00234 //                              final String debugDump = node.toString();
00235 //                              if (debugDump.length() > 80) {
00236 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "READ: " + debugDump.substring(0, 80) + "...");
00237 //                              } else {
00238 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "READ: " + debugDump);
00239 //                              }
00240 //                              notifyClients(node);
00241 //                      }
00242 //                      mOut.close();
00243 //                      Log.i(TAG, "TCP socket closed.");
00244 //
00245 //              } catch (JsonParseException e) {
00246 //                      Log.e(TAG, "Cannot parse JSON response: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00247 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.JSON_EXCEPTION,  "Error while parsing JSON response: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00248 //              } catch (EOFException e) {
00249 //                      Log.i(TAG, "Connection broken, quitting.");
00250 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_DISCONNECTED,  "Socket disconnected: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00251 //              } catch (IOException e) {
00252 //                      Log.e(TAG, "I/O error while reading (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + "): " + e.getMessage(), e);
00253 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_READING,  "I/O error while reading: " + e.getMessage(), e), null);
00254 //              } finally {
00255 //                      try {
00256 //                              if (socket != null) {
00257 //                                      socket.close();
00258 //                              }
00259 //                              if (mOut != null) {
00260 //                                      mOut.close();
00261 //                              }
00262 //                      } catch (IOException e) {
00263 //                              // do nothing.
00264 //                      }
00265 //              }
00266 //      }       
00267 //
00268 //      @Override
00269 //      public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
00270 //              Log.i(TAG, "Connection service bound to new client.");
00271 //              return mMessenger.getBinder();
00272 //      }
00273 //
00274 //      @Override
00275 //      public void onDestroy() {
00276 //              super.onDestroy();
00277 //              try {
00278 //                      final Socket socket = mSocket;
00279 //                      if (socket != null) {
00280 //                              if (socket.isConnected()) {
00281 //                                      socket.shutdownInput();
00282 //                              }
00283 //                              if (!socket.isClosed()) {
00284 //                                      socket.close();
00285 //                              }
00286 //                      }
00287 //              } catch (IOException e) {
00288 //                      Log.e(TAG, "Error closing socket.", e);
00289 //              }
00290 //              Log.d(TAG, "Notification service destroyed.");
00291 //      }
00292 //      
00293 //      /**
00294 //       * Starts cooldown. If there is no new client for {@link #COOLDOWN}
00295 //       * milliseconds, the service will shutdown, otherwise it will continue
00296 //       * to run until there is another cooldown.
00297 //       */
00298 //      private void cooldown() {
00299 //              Log.i(TAG, "Starting service cooldown.");
00300 //              mCooldownTimer = new Timer();
00301 //              mCooldownTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
00302 //                      @Override
00303 //                      public void run() {
00304 //                              if (mClients.isEmpty()) {
00305 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "No new clients, shutting down service.");
00306 //                                      stopSelf();
00307 //                              } else {
00308 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "Cooldown failed, got " + mClients.size() + " new client(s).");
00309 //                              }
00310 //                      }
00311 //              }, COOLDOWN);
00312 //      }
00313 //      
00314 //
00315 //      /**
00316 //       * Treats the received result.
00317 //       * <p/>
00318 //       * If an ID is found in the response, the API call object is retrieved, 
00319 //       * updated and sent back to the client.
00320 //       * <p/>
00321 //       * Otherwise, the notification object is sent to all clients.
00322 //       * 
00323 //       * @param node JSON-serialized response
00324 //       */
00325 //      private void notifyClients(JsonNode node) {
00326 //              final ArrayList<Messenger> clients = mClients;
00327 //              final HashMap<String, Messenger> map = mClientMap;
00328 //              final HashMap<String, AbstractCall<?>> calls = mCalls;
00329 //              final HashMap<String, JsonHandler> handlers = mHandlers;
00330 //              
00331 //              // check for errors
00332 //              if (node.has("error")) {
00333 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(node), node.get("id").getValueAsText());
00334 //                      
00335 //              // check if notification or api call
00336 //              } else if (node.has("id")) {
00337 //                      // it's api call.
00338 //                      final String id = node.get("id").getValueAsText();
00339 //                      if (calls.containsKey(id)) {
00340 //                              final AbstractCall<?> call = calls.get(id);
00341 //                              if (handlers.containsKey(id)) {
00342 //                                      // we got an provided handler, so apply it and send back status message.
00343 //                                      try {
00344 //                                              handlers.get(id).applyResult(node, getContentResolver());
00345 //                                              // get the right client to send back to
00346 //                                              if (map.containsKey(id)) {
00347 //                                                      final Bundle b = new Bundle();
00348 //                                                      b.putString(EXTRA_CALLID, call.getId());
00349 //                                                      b.putInt(EXTRA_STATUS, RESULT_SUCCESS);
00350 //                                                      final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_RECEIVE_HANDLED_APICALL);
00351 //                                                      msg.setData(b);
00352 //                                                      try {
00353 //                                                              map.get(id).send(msg);
00354 //                                                              Log.i(TAG, "API call handled successfully, posting status back to client.");
00355 //                                                      } catch (RemoteException e) {
00356 //                                                              Log.e(TAG, "Error posting status back to client: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00357 //                                                              map.remove(id);
00358 //                                                      } finally {
00359 //                                                              // clean up
00360 //                                                              map.remove(id);
00361 //                                                              calls.remove(id);
00362 //                                                      }
00363 //                                              } else {
00364 //                                                      Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find client in caller-mapping for " + id + ", dropping response (handled call).");
00365 //                                              }
00366 //                                      } catch (ApiException e) {
00367 //                                              notifyError(e, id);
00368 //                                      }
00369 //                              } else {
00370 //                                      // get the right client to send back to
00371 //                                      if (map.containsKey(id)) {
00372 //                                              call.setResponse(node);
00373 //                                              final Bundle b = new Bundle();
00374 //                                              b.putParcelable(EXTRA_APICALL, call);
00375 //                                              final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_RECEIVE_APICALL);
00376 //                                              msg.setData(b);
00377 //                                              try {
00378 //                                                      map.get(id).send(msg);
00379 //                                                      Log.i(TAG, "Sent updated API call " + call.getName() + " to client.");
00380 //                                              } catch (RemoteException e) {
00381 //                                                      Log.e(TAG, "Error sending API response to client: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00382 //                                                      map.remove(id);
00383 //                                              } finally {
00384 //                                                      // clean up
00385 //                                                      map.remove(id);
00386 //                                                      calls.remove(id);
00387 //                                              }
00388 //                                      } else {
00389 //                                              Log.w(TAG, "Cannot find client in caller-mapping for " + id + ", dropping response (api call).");
00390 //                                      }
00391 //                              }
00392 //                      } else {
00393 //                              Log.e(TAG, "Error: Cannot find API call with ID " + id + ".");
00394 //                      }
00395 //              } else {
00396 //                      // it's a notification.
00397 //                      final AbstractEvent event = AbstractEvent.parse((ObjectNode) node);
00398 //                      if (event != null) {
00399 //                              Log.i(TAG, "Notifying " + clients.size() + " clients.");
00400 //                              for (int i = clients.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00401 //                                      try {
00402 //                                              final Bundle b = new Bundle();
00403 //                                              b.putParcelable(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION, event);
00404 //                                              final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_RECEIVE_NOTIFICATION);
00405 //                                              msg.setData(b);
00406 //                                              clients.get(i).send(msg);
00407 //
00408 //                                      } catch (RemoteException e) {
00409 //                                              Log.e(TAG, "Cannot send notification to client: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00410 //                                              /*
00411 //                                               * The client is dead. Remove it from the list; we are
00412 //                                               * going through the list from back to front so this is
00413 //                                               * safe to do inside the loop.
00414 //                                               */
00415 //                                              clients.remove(i);
00416 //                                              // stopSelf();
00417 //                                      }
00418 //                              }
00419 //                      } else {
00420 //                              Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring unknown notification " + node.get("method").getTextValue() + ".");
00421 //                      }
00422 //              }
00423 //      }
00424 //      
00425 //      /**
00426 //       * Sends an error to all clients.
00427 //       * @param e Thrown API exception
00428 //     * @param id ID of the request
00429 //       */
00430 //      private void notifyError(ApiException e, String id) {
00431 //
00432 //              // if id is set and callback exists, only send error back to one client.
00433 //              if (id != null && mClientMap.containsKey(id)) {
00434 //                      try {
00435 //                              final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_ERROR);
00436 //                              msg.setData(e.getBundle(getResources()));
00437 //                              mClientMap.get(id).send(msg);
00438 //                              Log.i(TAG, "Sent error to client with ID " + id + ".");
00439 //                      } catch (RemoteException e2) {
00440 //                              Log.e(TAG, "Cannot send errors to client " + id + ": "+ e.getMessage(), e2);
00441 //                              mClientMap.remove(id);
00442 //                      }
00443 //              } else {
00444 //                      // otherwise, send error back to all clients and die.
00445 //                      for (int i = mClients.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00446 //                              final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, MSG_ERROR);
00447 //                              msg.setData(e.getBundle(getResources()));
00448 //                              try {
00449 //                                      mClients.get(i).send(msg);
00450 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "Sent error to client " + i + ".");
00451 //                              } catch (RemoteException e2) {
00452 //                                      Log.e(TAG, "Cannot send errors to client: " + e2.getMessage(), e2);
00453 //                                      /*
00454 //                                       * The client is dead. Remove it from the list; we are going
00455 //                                       * through the list from back to front so this is safe to do
00456 //                                       * inside the loop.
00457 //                                       */
00458 //                                      mClients.remove(i);
00459 //                              }
00460 //                      }
00461 //                      stopSelf();
00462 //              }
00463 //      }
00464 //      
00465 //      private void notifyStatus(int code, Messenger replyTo) {
00466 //              if (replyTo != null) {
00467 //                      try {
00468 //                              replyTo.send(Message.obtain(null, code));
00469 //                      } catch (RemoteException e) {
00470 //                              Log.e(TAG, "Could not notify sender of new status: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00471 //                      }
00472 //              } else {
00473 //                      for (int i = mClients.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00474 //                              final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, code);
00475 //                              try {
00476 //                                      mClients.get(i).send(msg);
00477 //                              } catch (RemoteException e2) {
00478 //                                      Log.e(TAG, "Could not notify sender of new status: " + e2.getMessage(), e2);
00479 //                                      mClients.remove(i);
00480 //                              }
00481 //                      }
00482 //              }
00483 //      }
00484 //      
00485 //      
00486 //      
00487 //      /**
00488 //       * Serializes the API request and dumps it on the socket.
00489 //       * @param call
00490 //       */
00491 //      private void writeSocket(AbstractCall<?> call) {
00492 //              final String data = call.getRequest().toString();
00493 //              Log.d(TAG, "Sending data to server.");
00494 //              Log.d(TAG, "REQUEST: " + data);
00495 //              try {
00496 //                      mOut.write(data + "\n");
00497 //                      mOut.flush();
00498 //              } catch (IOException e) {
00499 //                      Log.e(TAG, "Error writing to socket: " + e.getMessage(), e);
00500 //                      notifyError(new ApiException(ApiException.IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_WRITING,  "I/O error while writing: " + e.getMessage(), e),  call.getId());
00501 //              }
00502 //      }
00503 //      
00504 //      /**
00505 //       * Handler of incoming messages from clients.
00506 //       */
00507 //      private class IncomingHandler extends Handler {
00508 //              @Override
00509 //              public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
00510 //                      switch (msg.what) {
00511 //                      case MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT:
00512 //                              mClients.add(msg.replyTo);
00513 //                              Log.d(TAG, "Registered new client.");
00514 //                              if (mCooldownTimer != null) {
00515 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "Aborting cooldown timer.");
00516 //                                      mCooldownTimer.cancel();
00517 //                                      mCooldownTimer.purge();
00518 //                              }
00519 //                              if (mSocket != null && mSocket.isConnected()) {
00520 //                                      Log.d(TAG, "Directly notifying connected status.");
00521 //                                      notifyStatus(MSG_CONNECTED, msg.replyTo);
00522 //                              }
00523 //                              Log.d(TAG, "Done!");
00524 //                              break;
00525 //                      case MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT:
00526 //                              mClients.remove(msg.replyTo);
00527 //                              Log.d(TAG, "Unregistered client.");
00528 //                              if (mClients.size() == 0) {
00529 //                                      Log.i(TAG, "No more clients, cooling down service.");
00530 //                                      cooldown();
00531 //                              }
00532 //                              break;
00533 //                      case MSG_SEND_APICALL: {
00534 //                              Log.d(TAG, "Sending new API call..");
00535 //                              final Bundle data = msg.getData();
00536 //                              final AbstractCall<?> call = (AbstractCall<?>)data.getParcelable(EXTRA_APICALL);
00537 //                              mCalls.put(call.getId(), call);
00538 //                              mClientMap.put(call.getId(), msg.replyTo);
00539 //                              if (mOut == null) {
00540 //                                      mPendingCalls.add(call);
00541 //                              } else {
00542 //                                      writeSocket(call);
00543 //                              }
00544 //                      }
00545 //                      break;
00546 //                      case MSG_SEND_HANDLED_APICALL: {
00547 //                              Log.d(TAG, "Sending new handled API call..");
00548 //                              final Bundle data = msg.getData();
00549 //                              final AbstractCall<?> call = (AbstractCall<?>)data.getParcelable(EXTRA_APICALL);
00550 //                              final JsonHandler handler = (JsonHandler)data.getParcelable(EXTRA_HANDLER);
00551 //                              mCalls.put(call.getId(), call);
00552 //                              mHandlers.put(call.getId(), handler);
00553 //                              mClientMap.put(call.getId(), msg.replyTo);
00554 //                              if (mOut == null) {
00555 //                                      Log.d(TAG, "Quering for later.");
00556 //                                      mPendingCalls.add(call);
00557 //                              } else {
00558 //                                      writeSocket(call);
00559 //                              }
00560 //                      }
00561 //                      break;
00562 //                      default:
00563 //                              super.handleMessage(msg);
00564 //                      }
00565 //              }
00566 //      }
00567 //}

Author(s): Mickael Gaillard , Erwan Le Huitouze
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:03:49