Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *      Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Team XBMC
00003  *      http://xbmc.org
00004  *
00005  *  This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00008  *  any later version.
00009  *
00010  *  This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00014  *
00015  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016  *  along with XBMC Remote; see the file license.  If not, write to
00017  *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018  *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
00019  *
00020  */
00022 package org.xbmc.android.jsonrpc.io;
00024 import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
00032 public class ApiException extends Exception {
00037         public static final int MALFORMED_URL = 0x01;
00041         public static final int IO_EXCEPTION = 0x02;
00045         public static final int IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_READING = 0x03;
00049         public static final int IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_WRITING = 0x04;
00053         public static final int IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_OPENING = 0x05;
00057         public static final int IO_SOCKETTIMEOUT = 0x06;
00061         public static final int IO_UNKNOWN_HOST = 0x07;
00065         public static final int IO_DISCONNECTED = 0x08;
00069         public static final int UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = 0x09;
00073         public static final int JSON_EXCEPTION = 0x0a;
00077         public static final int RESPONSE_ERROR = 0x0b;
00081         public static final int API_ERROR = 0x0c;
00085         public static final int HTTP_UNKNOWN = 0x0d;
00089         public static final int HTTP_INFO = 0x0e;
00093         public static final int HTTP_SUCCESS = 0x0f;
00097         public static final int HTTP_REDIRECTION = 0x10;
00101         public static final int HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR = 0x11;
00105         public static final int HTTP_SERVER_ERROR = 0x12;
00109         public static final int HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 0x13;
00113         public static final int HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 0x14;
00117         public static final int HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 0x15;
00121         public static final int HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 0x16;
00123         public static final String EXTRA_ERROR_CODE = "org.xbmc.android.jsonprc.extra.ERROR_CODE";
00124         public static final String EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE = "org.xbmc.android.jsonprc.extra.ERROR_MESSAGE";
00125         public static final String EXTRA_ERROR_HINT = "org.xbmc.android.jsonprc.extra.ERROR_HINT";
00127         private int code;
00129         public ApiException(int code, String message) {
00130                 super(message);
00131                 this.code = code;
00132                 //Log.e(TAG, message, this);
00133         }
00135         public ApiException(int code, String message, Throwable cause) {
00136                 super(message, cause);
00137                 this.code = code;
00138                 //Log.e(TAG, message, this);
00139         }
00141         public ApiException(JsonNode node) {
00142                 super(node.get("error").get("message").getValueAsText());
00143                 final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("API Error: ");
00144                 try {
00145                         this.code = API_ERROR;
00146                         sb.append("Error in ");
00147                         sb.append(node.get("error").get("data").get("method").getValueAsText());
00148                         sb.append(" for ");
00149                         sb.append(node.get("error").get("data").get("stack").get("name").getValueAsText());
00150                         sb.append(": ");
00151                         sb.append(node.get("error").get("data").get("stack").get("property").get("message").getValueAsText());
00152                 } catch(NullPointerException e) {
00153                         // this message didn't conform to our expected format
00154                         throw new RuntimeException(node.toString());
00155                 }
00156                 //Log.e(TAG, sb.toString());
00157         }
00159         public int getCode() {
00160                 return code;
00161         }
00168         public String getDisplayableMessage() {
00169                 final String msg = getError(code);
00170                 return msg == null ? this.getMessage() : msg; 
00171         }
00178         public String getHint() {
00179                 return getHint(code);
00180         }
00182         public static String getError(int error) {
00183                 switch (error) {
00184                         case MALFORMED_URL:
00185                                 return "error_malformed_url";
00186                         case IO_EXCEPTION:
00187                                 return "error_io_exception";
00188                         case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_READING:
00189                                 return "error_io_exception_while_reading";
00190                         case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_WRITING:
00191                                 return "error_io_exception_while_writing";
00192                         case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_OPENING:
00193                                 return "error_io_exception_while_connecting";
00194                         case IO_SOCKETTIMEOUT:
00195                                 return "error_connection_timeout";
00196                         case IO_UNKNOWN_HOST:
00197                                 return "error_unknown_host";
00198                         case UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING:
00199                                 return "error_encoding";
00200                         case JSON_EXCEPTION:
00201                                 return "error_parse_json";
00202                         case RESPONSE_ERROR:
00203                                 return "error_response";
00204                         case API_ERROR:
00205                                 return "error_api";
00207                         case HTTP_UNKNOWN:
00208                         case HTTP_INFO:
00209                         case HTTP_SUCCESS:
00210                         case HTTP_REDIRECTION:
00211                         case HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR:
00212                         case HTTP_SERVER_ERROR:
00213                                 return "error_http";
00214                         case HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
00215                                 return "error_http_400";
00216                         case HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
00217                                 return "error_http_401";
00218                         case HTTP_FORBIDDEN:
00219                                 return "error_http_403";
00220                         case HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
00221                                 return "error_http_404";
00222                 }
00223                 return null;
00224         }
00226         public static String getHint(int error) {
00227                 switch (error) {
00228                 case MALFORMED_URL:
00229                         return "error_malformed_url_hint";
00230                 case IO_EXCEPTION:
00231                         return "error_io_exception_hint";
00232                 case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_READING:
00233                         return "error_io_exception_while_reading_hint";
00234                 case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_WRITING:
00235                         return "error_io_exception_while_writing_hint";
00236                 case IO_EXCEPTION_WHILE_OPENING:
00237                         return "error_io_exception_while_connecting_hint";
00238                 case IO_SOCKETTIMEOUT:
00239                         return "error_connection_timeout_hint";
00240                 case IO_UNKNOWN_HOST:
00241                         return "error_unknown_host_hint";
00242                 case UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING:
00243                         return "error_encoding_hint";
00244                 case JSON_EXCEPTION:
00245                         return "error_parse_json_hint";
00246                 case RESPONSE_ERROR:
00247                         return "error_response_hint";
00248                 case API_ERROR:
00249                         return "error_api_hint";
00251                 case HTTP_UNKNOWN:
00252                 case HTTP_INFO:
00253                 case HTTP_SUCCESS:
00254                 case HTTP_REDIRECTION:
00255                 case HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR:
00256                 case HTTP_SERVER_ERROR:
00257                         return "error_http_hint";
00258                 case HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
00259                         return "error_http_400_hint";
00260                 case HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
00261                         return "error_http_401_hint";
00262                 case HTTP_FORBIDDEN:
00263                         return "error_http_403_hint";
00264                 case HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
00265                         return "error_http_404_hint";
00266                 }
00267                 return null;
00268         }
00270         private static final long serialVersionUID = -8668163106123710291L;
00271 }

Author(s): Mickael Gaillard , Erwan Le Huitouze
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:03:49