Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00003 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00004 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00005 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00006 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00007 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00008 *                                                                    \      *
00009 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00010 *                                                                           *
00011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00014 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00019 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
00020 * for more details.                                                         *
00021 *                                                                           *
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00029 #ifndef __VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY
00030 #define __VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY
00032 //#include<wrap/ply/io_mask.h>
00033 #include<wrap/io_trimesh/io_mask.h>
00034 #include<wrap/io_trimesh/io_ply.h>
00035 #include<wrap/io_trimesh/precision.h>
00036 #include<vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
00040 #include <stdio.h>
00042 namespace vcg {
00043     namespace tri {
00044         namespace io {
00048             template <class SaveMeshType>
00049             class ExporterPLY
00050             {
00051                 // Si occupa di convertire da un tipo all'altro.
00052                 // usata nella saveply per matchare i tipi tra stotype e memtype.
00053                 // Ad es se in memoria c'e' un int e voglio salvare un float
00054                 // src sara in effetti un puntatore a int il cui valore deve
00055                 // essere convertito al tipo di ritorno desiderato (stotype)
00057                 template <class StoType>
00058                 static void PlyConv(int mem_type, void *src, StoType &dest)
00059                 {
00060                     switch (mem_type){
00061                     case ply::T_FLOAT   :               dest = (StoType) (*  ((float  *) src)); break;
00062                     case ply::T_DOUBLE:         dest = (StoType) (*  ((double *) src)); break;
00063                     case ply::T_INT             :               dest = (StoType) (*  ((int    *) src)); break;
00064                     case ply::T_SHORT   :               dest = (StoType) (*  ((short  *) src)); break;
00065                     case ply::T_CHAR    :               dest = (StoType) (*  ((char   *) src)); break;
00066                     case ply::T_UCHAR   :               dest = (StoType) (*  ((unsigned char *)src)); break;
00067                     default : assert(0);
00068                     }
00069                 }
00071             public:
00072                 typedef ::vcg::ply::PropDescriptor PropDescriptor ;
00073                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
00074                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
00075                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
00076                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
00077                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FacePointer FacePointer;
00078                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
00079                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
00080                 typedef typename SaveMeshType::EdgeIterator EdgeIterator;
00081                 typedef typename vcg::Shot<ScalarType>::ScalarType ShotScalarType;
00083                 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary=true)
00084                 {
00085                     PlyInfo pi;
00086                     return Save(m,filename,binary,pi);
00087                 }
00089                 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m,  const char * filename, int savemask, bool binary = true, CallBackPos *cb=0 )
00090                 {
00091                     PlyInfo pi;
00092                     pi.mask=savemask;
00093                     return Save(m,filename,binary,pi,cb);
00094                 }
00096                 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m,  const char * filename, bool binary, PlyInfo &pi, CallBackPos *cb=0)   // V1.0
00097                 {
00098                     FILE * fpout;
00099                     int i;
00100                     const char * hbin = "binary_little_endian";
00101                     const char * hasc = "ascii";
00102                     const char * h;
00103                     //Coord ScalarType
00104                     const int DGT = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ScalarType>::digits();
00105                     const int DGTS = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ShotScalarType>::digits();
00106                     const int DGTVQ = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::QualityType>::digits();
00107                     const int DGTVR = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::RadiusType>::digits();
00108                     const int DGTFQ = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename FaceType::QualityType>::digits();
00109                     bool multit = false;
00111                     if(binary) h=hbin;
00112                     else       h=hasc;
00114                     fpout = fopen(filename,"wb");
00115                     if(fpout==NULL)     {
00116                         pi.status=::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN;
00117                         return ::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN;
00118                     }
00119                     fprintf(fpout,
00120                         "ply\n"
00121                         "format %s 1.0\n"
00122                         "comment VCGLIB generated\n"
00123                         ,h
00124                         );
00126                     if (((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) != 0) || ((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) != 0))
00127                     {
00128                         const char * TFILE = "TextureFile";
00130                         for(i=0; i < static_cast<int>(m.textures.size()); ++i)
00131                             fprintf(fpout,"comment %s %s\n", TFILE, (const char *)(m.textures[i].c_str()) );
00133                         if(m.textures.size()>1 && (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) || HasPerVertexTexCoord(m))) multit = true;
00134                     }
00136                     if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA))
00137                     {
00138                         const char* cmtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ShotScalarType>::typeName();
00139                         fprintf(fpout,"element camera 1\n");
00140                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_px\n",cmtp);
00141                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_py\n",cmtp);
00142                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_pz\n",cmtp);
00143                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisx\n",cmtp);
00144                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisy\n",cmtp);
00145                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisz\n",cmtp);
00146                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisx\n",cmtp);
00147                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisy\n",cmtp);
00148                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisz\n",cmtp);
00149                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisx\n",cmtp);
00150                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisy\n",cmtp);
00151                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisz\n",cmtp);
00152                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s focal\n",cmtp);
00153                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s scalex\n",cmtp);
00154                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s scaley\n",cmtp);
00155                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s centerx\n",cmtp);
00156                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s centery\n",cmtp);
00157                         fprintf(fpout,"property int viewportx\n");
00158                         fprintf(fpout,"property int viewporty\n");
00159                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s k1\n",cmtp);
00160                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s k2\n",cmtp);
00161                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s k3\n",cmtp);
00162                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s k4\n",cmtp);
00163                     }
00165                     const char* vttp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ScalarType>::typeName();
00166                     fprintf(fpout,"element vertex %d\n",m.vn);
00167                     fprintf(fpout,"property %s x\n",vttp);
00168                     fprintf(fpout,"property %s y\n",vttp);
00169                     fprintf(fpout,"property %s z\n",vttp);
00171                     if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00172                     {
00173                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s nx\n",vttp);
00174                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s ny\n",vttp);
00175                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s nz\n",vttp);
00176                     }
00179                     if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
00180                     {
00181                         fprintf(fpout,
00182                             "property int flags\n"
00183                             );
00184                     }
00186                     if( HasPerVertexColor(m)  && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00187                     {
00188                         fprintf(fpout,
00189                             "property uchar red\n"
00190                             "property uchar green\n"
00191                             "property uchar blue\n"
00192                             "property uchar alpha\n"
00193                             );
00194                     }
00196                     if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00197                     {
00198                         const char* vqtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::ScalarType>::typeName();
00199                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s quality\n",vqtp);
00200                     }
00202                     if( tri::HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00203                     {
00204                         const char* rdtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::RadiusType>::typeName();
00205                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s radius\n",rdtp);
00206                     }
00207                     if( ( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ) )
00208                     {
00209                         fprintf(fpout,
00210                             "property float texture_u\n"
00211                             "property float texture_v\n"
00212                             );
00213                     }
00214                     for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00215                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.VertexData[i].stotypename(),pi.VertexData[i].propname);
00217                     fprintf(fpout,
00218                         "element face %d\n"
00219                         "property list uchar int vertex_indices\n"
00220                         ,m.fn
00221                         );
00223                     if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)   && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
00224                     {
00225                         fprintf(fpout,
00226                             "property int flags\n"
00227                             );
00228                     }
00230                     if( (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) || HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) ) && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ) // Note that you can save VT as WT if you really want it...
00231                     {
00232                         fprintf(fpout,
00233                             "property list uchar float texcoord\n"
00234                             );
00236                         if(multit)
00237                             fprintf(fpout,
00238                             "property int texnumber\n"
00239                             );
00240                     }
00242                     if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
00243                     {
00244                         fprintf(fpout,
00245                             "property uchar red\n"
00246                             "property uchar green\n"
00247                             "property uchar blue\n"
00248                             "property uchar alpha\n"
00249                             );
00250                     }
00252                     if ( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00253                     {
00254                         fprintf(fpout,
00255                             "property list uchar float color\n"
00256                             );
00257                     }
00259                     if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00260                     {
00261                         const char* fqtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename SaveMeshType::FaceType::ScalarType>::typeName();
00262                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s quality\n",fqtp);
00263                     }
00265                     for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00266                         fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.FaceData[i].stotypename(),pi.FaceData[i].propname);
00267                     // Saving of edges is enabled if requested
00268                     if( m.en>0 && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_EDGEINDEX) )
00269                         fprintf(fpout,
00270                         "element edge %d\n"
00271                         "property int vertex1\n"
00272                         "property int vertex2\n"
00273                         ,m.en
00274                         );
00275                     fprintf(fpout, "end_header\n"       );
00277                     // Salvataggio camera
00278                     if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA))
00279                     {
00280                         if(binary)
00281                         {
00282                             ShotScalarType t[17];
00284                             t[ 0] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[0];
00285                             t[ 1] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[1];
00286                             t[ 2] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[2];
00287                             t[ 3] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0];
00288                             t[ 4] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1];
00289                             t[ 5] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2];
00290                             t[ 6] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0];
00291                             t[ 7] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1];
00292                             t[ 8] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2];
00293                             t[ 9] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0];
00294                             t[10] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1];
00295                             t[11] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2];
00296                             t[12] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.FocalMm;
00297                             t[13] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0];
00298                             t[14] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1];
00299                             t[15] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0];
00300                             t[16] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1];
00301                             fwrite(t,sizeof(ShotScalarType),17,fpout);
00303                             fwrite( &m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0],sizeof(int),2,fpout );
00305                             t[ 0] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[0];
00306                             t[ 1] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[1];
00307                             t[ 2] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[2];
00308                             t[ 3] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[3];
00309                             fwrite(t,sizeof(ShotScalarType),4,fpout);
00310                         }
00311                         else
00312                         {
00313                             fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %d %d %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g\n"
00314                             ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[0]
00315                             ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[1]
00316                             ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[2]
00317                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0]
00318                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1]
00319                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2]
00320                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0]
00321                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1]
00322                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2]
00323                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0]
00324                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1]
00325                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2]
00326                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.FocalMm
00327                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0]
00328                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1]
00329                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]
00330                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]
00331                             ,m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0]
00332                             ,m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1]
00333                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[0]
00334                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[1]
00335                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[2]
00336                             ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[3]
00337                             );
00338                         }
00339                     }
00342                     int j;
00343                     std::vector<int> FlagV;
00344                     VertexPointer  vp;
00345                     VertexIterator vi;
00346                     SimpleTempData<typename SaveMeshType::VertContainer,int> indices(m.vert);
00348                     for(j=0,vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi){
00349                         vp=&(*vi);
00350                         indices[vi] = j;
00351                         //((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) all vertices and faces have been marked as deleted but the are still in the vert/face vectors
00352                         if(cb && ((j%1000)==0) && ((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) )(*cb)( (100*j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices");
00354                         if( !HasPerVertexFlags(m) || !vp->IsD() )
00355                         {
00356                             if(binary)
00357                             {
00358                                 ScalarType t;
00360                                 t = ScalarType(vp->P()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00361                                 t = ScalarType(vp->P()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00362                                 t = ScalarType(vp->P()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00364                                 if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00365                                 {
00366                                     t = ScalarType(vp->N()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00367                                     t = ScalarType(vp->N()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00368                                     t = ScalarType(vp->N()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout);
00369                                 }
00370                                 if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
00371                                     fwrite(&(vp->Flags()),sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00373                                 if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00374                                     fwrite(&( vp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
00376                                 if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00377                                     fwrite(&( vp->Q() ),sizeof(typename VertexType::QualityType),1,fpout);
00379                                 if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00380                                     fwrite(&( vp->R() ),sizeof(typename VertexType::RadiusType),1,fpout);
00382                                 if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
00383                                 {
00384                                     t = float(vp->T().u()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00385                                     t = float(vp->T().v()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00386                                 }
00388                                 for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00389                                 {
00390                                     double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc;
00391                                     switch (pi.VertexData[i].stotype1)
00392                                     {
00393                                     case ply::T_FLOAT    :              PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tf );        fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
00394                                     case ply::T_DOUBLE :                PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, td );        fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
00395                                     case ply::T_INT              :              PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ti );        fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
00396                                     case ply::T_SHORT    :              PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ts );        fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
00397                                     case ply::T_CHAR     :              PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tc );        fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
00398                                     case ply::T_UCHAR    :              PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tuc);        fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
00399                                     default : assert(0);
00400                                     }
00401                                 }
00402                             }
00403                             else        // ***** ASCII *****
00404                             {
00405                                 fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g " ,DGT,vp->P()[0],DGT,vp->P()[1],DGT,vp->P()[2]);
00407                                 if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00408                                     fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g " ,DGT,vp->N()[0],DGT,vp->N()[1],DGT,vp->N()[2]);
00410                                 if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS))
00411                                     fprintf(fpout,"%d ",vp->Flags());
00413                                 if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00414                                     fprintf(fpout,"%d %d %d %d ",vp->C()[0],vp->C()[1],vp->C()[2],vp->C()[3] );
00416                                 if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00417                                     fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTVQ,vp->Q());
00419                                 if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00420                                     fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTVR,vp->R());
00422                                 if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
00423                                     fprintf(fpout,"%f %f",vp->T().u(),vp->T().v());
00425                                 for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00426                                 {
00427                                     float tf(0); double td(0);
00428                                     int ti;
00429                                     switch (pi.VertexData[i].memtype1)
00430                                     {
00431                                     case ply::T_FLOAT    :              tf=*( (float  *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1));       fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break;
00432                                     case ply::T_DOUBLE :    td=*( (double *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1));   fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break;
00433                                     case ply::T_INT              :              ti=*( (int    *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1));       fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00434                                     case ply::T_SHORT    :              ti=*( (short  *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00435                                     case ply::T_CHAR     :              ti=*( (char   *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1));       fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00436                                     case ply::T_UCHAR    :              ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1));       fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00437                                     default : assert(0);
00438                                     }
00439                                 }
00441                                 fprintf(fpout,"\n");
00442                             }
00443                             j++;
00444                         }
00445                     }
00446                     /*vcg::tri::*/
00447                     // this assert triggers when the vn != number of vertexes in vert that are not deleted.
00448                     assert(j==m.vn);
00450                     char c = 3;
00451                     unsigned char b9 = 9;
00452                     unsigned char b6 = 6;
00453                     FacePointer fp;
00454                     int vv[3];
00455                     FaceIterator fi;
00456                     int fcnt=0;
00457                     for(j=0,fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi)
00458                     {
00459                         //((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) all vertices and faces have been marked as deleted but the are still in the vert/face vectors
00460                         if(cb && ((j%1000)==0) && ((m.vn+m.fn) != 0))
00461                             (*cb)( 100*(m.vn+j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices");
00463                         fp=&(*fi);
00464                         if( ! fp->IsD() )
00465                         { fcnt++;
00466                         if(binary)
00467                         {
00468                             vv[0]=indices[fp->cV(0)];
00469                             vv[1]=indices[fp->cV(1)];
00470                             vv[2]=indices[fp->cV(2)];
00471                             fwrite(&c,1,1,fpout);
00472                             fwrite(vv,sizeof(int),3,fpout);
00474                             if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
00475                                 fwrite(&(fp->Flags()),sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00477                             if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
00478                             {
00479                                 fwrite(&b6,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00480                                 float t[6];
00481                                 for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00482                                 {
00483                                     t[k*2+0] = fp->V(k)->T().u();
00484                                     t[k*2+1] = fp->V(k)->T().v();
00485                                 }
00486                                 fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout);
00487                             }
00488                             else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD)  )
00489                             {
00490                                 fwrite(&b6,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00491                                 float t[6];
00492                                 for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00493                                 {
00494                                     t[k*2+0] = fp->WT(k).u();
00495                                     t[k*2+1] = fp->WT(k).v();
00496                                 }
00497                                 fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout);
00498                             }
00500                             if(multit)
00501                             {
00502                                 int t = fp->WT(0).n();
00503                                 fwrite(&t,sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00504                             }
00506                             if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
00507                                 fwrite(&( fp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
00510                             if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00511                             {
00512                                 fwrite(&b9,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00513                                 float t[3];
00514                                 for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
00515                                 {
00516                                     t[0] = float(fp->WC(z)[0])/255;
00517                                     t[1] = float(fp->WC(z)[1])/255;
00518                                     t[2] = float(fp->WC(z)[2])/255;
00519                                     fwrite( t,sizeof(float),3,fpout);
00520                                 }
00521                             }
00523                             if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00524                                 fwrite( &(fp->Q()),sizeof(typename FaceType::ScalarType),1,fpout);
00527                             for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00528                             {
00529                                 double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc;
00530                                 switch (pi.FaceData[i].stotype1){
00531                                 case ply::T_FLOAT        :              PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tf );    fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
00532                                 case ply::T_DOUBLE :            PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, td );    fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
00533                                 case ply::T_INT          :              PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ti );    fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
00534                                 case ply::T_SHORT        :              PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ts );    fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
00535                                 case ply::T_CHAR         :              PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tc );    fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
00536                                 case ply::T_UCHAR        :              PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tuc);    fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
00537                                 default : assert(0);
00538                                 }
00539                             }
00540                         }
00541                         else    // ***** ASCII *****
00542                         {
00543                             fprintf(fpout,"%d " ,fp->VN());
00544                             for(int k=0;k<fp->VN();++k)
00545                                 fprintf(fpout,"%d ",indices[fp->cV(k)]);
00547                             if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS ))
00548                                 fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->Flags());
00550                             if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) // you can save VT as WT if you really want it...
00551                             {
00552                                 fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->VN()*2);
00553                                 for(int k=0;k<fp->VN();++k)
00554                                     fprintf(fpout,"%f %f "
00555                                     ,fp->V(k)->T().u()
00556                                     ,fp->V(k)->T().v()
00557                                     );
00558                             }
00559                             else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD)  )
00560                             {
00561                                 fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->VN()*2);
00562                                 for(int k=0;k<fp->VN()*2;++k)
00563                                     fprintf(fpout,"%f %f "
00564                                     ,fp->WT(k).u()
00565                                     ,fp->WT(k).v()
00566                                     );
00567                             }
00569                             if(multit)
00570                             {
00571                                 fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->WT(0).n());
00572                             }
00574                             if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR)  )
00575                             {
00576                                 fprintf(fpout, "%u %u %u %u ", fp->C()[0], fp->C()[1], fp->C()[2], fp->C()[3]);
00577                             }
00578                             else if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00579                             {
00580                                 fprintf(fpout,"9 ");
00581                                 for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
00582                                     fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g "
00583                                     ,double(fp->WC(z)[0])/255
00584                                     ,double(fp->WC(z)[1])/255
00585                                     ,double(fp->WC(z)[2])/255
00586                                     );
00587                             }
00589                             if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00590                                 fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTFQ,fp->Q());
00592                             for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00593                             {
00594                                 float tf(0); double td(0);
00595                                 int ti;
00596                                 switch (pi.FaceData[i].memtype1)
00597                                 {
00598                                 case  ply::T_FLOAT      :               tf=*( (float  *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00599                                 case  ply::T_DOUBLE :           td=*( (double *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00600                                 case  ply::T_INT                :               ti=*( (int    *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00601                                 case  ply::T_SHORT      :               ti=*( (short  *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00602                                 case  ply::T_CHAR               :               ti=*( (char   *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00603                                 case  ply::T_UCHAR      :               ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00604                                 default : assert(0);
00605                                 }
00606                             }
00608                             fprintf(fpout,"\n");
00609                         }
00610                         }
00611                     }
00612                     assert(fcnt==m.fn);
00613                     int eauxvv[2];
00614                     if( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_EDGEINDEX )
00615                     {
00616                         int ecnt=0;
00617                         for(EdgeIterator ei=m.edge.begin();ei!=m.edge.end();++ei)
00618                         {
00619                             if( ! ei->IsD() )
00620                             {
00621                                 ++ecnt;
00622                                 if(binary)
00623                                 {
00624                                     eauxvv[0]=indices[ei->cV(0)];
00625                                     eauxvv[1]=indices[ei->cV(1)];
00626                                     fwrite(eauxvv,sizeof(int),2,fpout);
00627                                 }
00628                                 else // ***** ASCII *****
00629                                     fprintf(fpout,"%d %d \n", indices[ei->cV(0)],       indices[ei->cV(1)]);
00630                             }
00631                         }
00632                         assert(ecnt==m.en);
00633                     }
00634                     fclose(fpout);
00635                     return 0;
00636                 }
00638                 static const char *ErrorMsg(int error)
00639                 {
00640                     static std::vector<std::string> ply_error_msg;
00641                     if(ply_error_msg.empty())
00642                     {
00643                         ply_error_msg.resize(PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS );
00644                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOERROR                            ]="No errors";
00645                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_CANTOPEN                           ]="Can't open file";
00646                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOTHEADER ]="Header not found";
00647                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_UNESPECTEDEOF      ]="Eof in header";
00648                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOFORMAT                           ]="Format not found";
00649                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_SYNTAX                             ]="Syntax error on header";
00650                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPOUTOFELEMENT]="Property without element";
00651                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPENAME                ]="Bad type name";
00652                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_ELEMNOTFOUND               ]="Element not found";
00653                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPNOTFOUND               ]="Property not found";
00654                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPE                            ]="Bad type on addtoread";
00655                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_INCOMPATIBLETYPE]="Incompatible type";
00656                         ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADCAST                            ]="Bad cast";
00658                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_VERTEX      ]="No vertex field found";
00659                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_FACE        ]="No face field found";
00660                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_SHORTFILE      ]="Unespected eof";
00661                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_3VERTINFACE ]="Face with more than 3 vertices";
00662                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_BAD_VERT_INDEX ]="Bad vertex index in face";
00663                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_6TCOORD     ]="Face with no 6 texture coordinates";
00664                         ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_DIFFER_COLORS  ]="Number of color differ from vertices";
00665                     }
00667                     if(error>PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS || error<0) return "Unknown error";
00668                     else return ply_error_msg[error].c_str();
00669                 };
00671                 static int GetExportMaskCapability()
00672                 {
00673                     int capability = 0;
00674                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOORD    ;
00675                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS    ;
00676                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR    ;
00677                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY  ;
00678                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL   ;
00679                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS   ;
00680                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ;
00681                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEINDEX    ;
00682                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS    ;
00683                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR    ;
00684                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY  ;
00685                     // capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL   ;
00686                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR    ;
00687                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ;
00688                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXMULTI ;
00689                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL   ;
00690                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_CAMERA   ;
00691                     capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_BITPOLYGONAL;
00692                     return capability;
00693                 }
00696             }; // end class
00700         } // end namespace tri
00701     } // end namespace io
00702 } // end namespace vcg
00704 #endif

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:30:54