Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00003 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00004 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00005 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00006 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00007 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00008 *                                                                    \      *
00009 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00010 *                                                                           *
00011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00014 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00019 * GNU General Public License (          *
00020 * for more details.                                                         *
00021 *                                                                           *
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00023 #ifndef __VCG_MESH
00024 #error "This file should not be included alone. It is automatically included by complex.h"
00025 #endif
00029 namespace vcg {
00030   namespace edge {
00036 /*
00037 Some naming Rules
00038 All the Components that can be added to a vertex should be defined in the namespace edge:
00040 */
00041   /*------------------------- EMPTY CORE COMPONENTS -----------------------------------------*/
00043 template <class T> class EmptyCore: public T
00044   {
00045 public:
00046     inline       typename T::VertexType *       &  V( const int j )       { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::VertexType *vp=0;         return vp;    }
00047     inline       typename T::VertexType * const &  V( const int j ) const { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::VertexType *vp=0;         return vp;    }
00048     inline       typename T::VertexType *         cV( const int j ) const { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::VertexType *vp=0;         return vp;    }
00049     inline       typename T::CoordType &           P( const int j )       { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
00050     inline const typename T::CoordType &           P( const int j ) const { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
00051     inline const typename T::CoordType &          cP( const int j ) const { (void)j; assert(0);  static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
00052     static bool HasEVAdjacency()   { return false; }
00053     static bool HasVertexRef()     { return false; }
00055     typedef vcg::Color4b ColorType;
00056     ColorType &C() { static ColorType dumcolor(vcg::Color4b::White); assert(0); return dumcolor; }
00057     ColorType cC() const { static ColorType dumcolor(vcg::Color4b::White);  assert(0); return dumcolor; }
00058     static bool HasColor()   { return false; }
00060     typedef float QualityType;
00061     QualityType &Q() { static QualityType dummyQuality(0);  assert(0); return dummyQuality; }
00062     QualityType cQ() const { static QualityType dummyQuality(0);  assert(0); return dummyQuality; }
00063     static bool HasQuality()   { return false; }
00065     typedef int  MarkType;
00066     inline void InitIMark()    {  }
00067     inline int cIMark() const { assert(0); static int tmp=-1; return tmp;}
00068     inline int &IMark()       { assert(0); static int tmp=-1; return tmp;}
00069     static bool HasMark()   { return false; }
00071     typedef int FlagType;
00072     int &Flags() { static int dummyflags(0);  assert(0); return dummyflags; }
00073     int Flags() const { return 0; }
00074     static bool HasFlags()   { return false; }
00076     typename T::EdgePointer &VEp(const int &  ) { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0;  assert(0); return ep; }
00077     typename T::EdgePointer cVEp(const int & ) const { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0;  assert(0); return ep; }
00078     int &VEi(const int &){static int z=0; assert(0); return z;}
00079     int cVEi(const int &) const {static int z=0; assert(0); return z;}
00080     static bool HasVEAdjacency()   {   return false; }
00082     typename T::EdgePointer &EEp(const int &  ) { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0;  assert(0); return ep; }
00083     typename T::EdgePointer cEEp(const int & ) const { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0;  assert(0); return ep; }
00084     int &EEi(const int &){static int z=0; assert(0); return z;}
00085     int cEEi(const int &) const {static int z=0; assert(0); return z;}
00086     static bool HasEEAdjacency()   {   return false; }
00088     typename T::HEdgePointer &EHp(  ) { static typename T::HEdgePointer hp=0;  assert(0); return hp; }
00089     typename T::HEdgePointer cEHp(  ) const { static typename T::HEdgePointer hp=0;  assert(0); return hp; }
00090     static bool HasEHAdjacency()   {   return false; }
00092     typename T::FacePointer &EFp() { static typename T::FacePointer fp=0;  assert(0); return fp; }
00093     typename T::FacePointer cEFp() const  { static typename T::FacePointer fp=0;  assert(0); return fp; }
00094     int &EFi()   {static int z=0; return z;}
00095     int &cEFi() const {static int z=0; return z;}
00096     static bool HasEFAdjacency()   {   return false; }
00098     template <class LeftF>
00099     void ImportData(const LeftF & leftF) {T::ImportData(leftF);}
00100     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){T::Name(name);}
00101   };
00103   /*-------------------------- VertexRef ----------------------------------------*/
00109 template <class T> class VertexRef: public T {
00110 public:
00111     VertexRef(){
00112         v[0]=0;
00113         v[1]=0;
00114     }
00116     typedef typename T::VertexType::CoordType CoordType;
00117     typedef typename T::VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType;
00119     inline typename T::VertexType *       & V( const int j )         { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
00120     inline typename T::VertexType * const & V( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
00121     inline typename T::VertexType *  cV( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2);     return v[j]; }
00123     // Shortcut per accedere ai punti delle facce
00124     inline       CoordType & P( const int j )       {   assert(j>=0 && j<2);            return v[j]->P();       }
00125     inline const CoordType &cP( const int j ) const     {       assert(j>=0 && j<2);            return v[j]->P(); }
00130     inline       typename T::VertexType *       &  V0( const int j )       { return V(j);}
00131     inline       typename T::VertexType *       &  V1( const int j )       { return V((j+1)%2);}
00132     inline const typename T::VertexType * const &  V0( const int j ) const { return V(j);}
00133     inline const typename T::VertexType * const &  V1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%2);}
00134     inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV0( const int j ) const { return cV(j);}
00135     inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%2);}
00138     inline       CoordType &  P0( const int j )       { return V(j)->P();}
00139     inline       CoordType &  P1( const int j )       { return V((j+1)%2)->P();}
00140     inline const CoordType &  P0( const int j ) const { return V(j)->P();}
00141     inline const CoordType &  P1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%2)->P();}
00142     inline const CoordType & cP0( const int j ) const { return cV(j)->P();}
00143     inline const CoordType & cP1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%2)->P();}
00145     template <class LeftF>
00146     void ImportData(const LeftF & leftF){ T::ImportData(leftF);}
00148   static bool HasEVAdjacency()   {   return true; }
00149   static bool HasVertexRef()   { return true; }
00150     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("VertexRef"));T::Name(name);}
00153   private:
00154   typename T::VertexType *v[2];
00155 };
00157 template <class T> class EVAdj : public VertexRef<T>{};
00160 /*-------------------------- INCREMENTAL MARK  ----------------------------------------*/
00166 template <class T> class Mark: public T {
00167 public:
00168     Mark():_imark(0){}
00169     static bool HasMark()      { return true; }
00170     static bool HasMarkOcc()   { return true; }
00171     inline void InitIMark()    { _imark = 0; }
00172     inline int & IMark()       { return _imark;}
00173     inline const int & IMark() const {return _imark;}
00174     template < class LeftV>
00175     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) { IMark() = left.IMark(); T::ImportData( left); }
00176     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Mark"));T::Name(name);}
00178   private:
00179     int _imark;
00180 };
00182 /*------------------------- FLAGS -----------------------------------------*/
00187 template <class T> class BitFlags:  public T {
00188 public:
00189     BitFlags(){_flags=0;}
00190   typedef int FlagType;
00191   int &Flags() {return _flags; }
00192   int Flags() const {return _flags; }
00193     template < class LeftV>
00194     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) { Flags() = left.Flags(); T::ImportData( left); }
00195   static bool HasFlags()   { return true; }
00196     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("BitFlags"));T::Name(name);}
00198 private:
00199   int  _flags;
00200 };
00202 /*-------------------------- Color  ----------------------------------*/
00208 template <class A, class T> class Color: public T {
00209 public:
00210   Color():_color(vcg::Color4b::White) {}
00211   typedef A ColorType;
00212   ColorType &C() { return _color; }
00213   const ColorType &C() const { return _color; }
00214   const ColorType &cC() const { return _color; }
00215     template < class LeftV>
00216     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) { C() = left.cC(); T::ImportData( left); }
00217   static bool HasColor()   { return true; }
00218     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Color"));T::Name(name);}
00220 private:
00221   ColorType _color;
00222 };
00224 template <class TT> class Color4b: public edge::Color<vcg::Color4b, TT> {
00225     public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Color4b"));TT::Name(name);}
00226 };
00228 /*-------------------------- Quality  ----------------------------------*/
00235 template <class A, class TT> class Quality: public TT {
00236 public:
00237   typedef A QualityType;
00238   QualityType &Q() { return _quality; }
00239   const QualityType & cQ() const {return _quality; }
00240     template < class LeftV>
00241     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) { Q() = left.cQ(); TT::ImportData( left); }
00242   static bool HasQuality()   { return true; }
00243     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Quality"));TT::Name(name);}
00245 private:
00246   QualityType _quality;
00247 };
00249 template <class TT> class Qualitys: public Quality<short, TT> {
00250 public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualitys"));TT::Name(name);}
00251 };
00252 template <class TT> class Qualityf: public Quality<float, TT> {
00253 public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualityf"));TT::Name(name);}
00254 };
00255 template <class TT> class Qualityd: public Quality<double, TT> {
00256 public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualityd"));TT::Name(name);}
00257 };
00259 /*----------------------------- VEADJ ------------------------------*/
00267   template <class T> class VEAdj: public T {
00268   public:
00269     VEAdj(){_ep[0]=0;_ep[1]=0;_zp[0]=-1;_zp[1]=-1;}
00270     typename T::EdgePointer &VEp(const int & i) {return _ep[i]; }
00271     typename T::EdgePointer cVEp(const int & i) const {return _ep[i]; }
00272     int &VEi(const int & i){ return _zp[i];}
00273     int cVEi(const int &i )const {return _zp[i];}
00275     template < class LeftV>
00276     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) {  T::ImportData( left); }
00277     static bool HasVEAdjacency()   {   return true; }
00278     static bool HasVEAdjacencyOcc()   {   return true; }
00279     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("VEAdj"));T::Name(name);}
00281   private:
00282     typename T::EdgePointer _ep[2] ;
00283     int _zp[2] ;
00284   };
00286 /*----------------------------- EEADJ ------------------------------*/
00300 template <class T> class EEAdj: public T {
00301 public:
00302   EEAdj(){_ep[0]=0;_ep[1]=0;_zp[0]=-1;_zp[1]=-1;}
00303   typename T::EdgePointer &EEp(const int & i) {return _ep[i]; }
00304   typename T::EdgePointer cEEp(const int & i) const {return _ep[i]; }
00305   int &EEi(const int & i){ return _zp[i];}
00306   int cEEi(const int &i )const {return _zp[i];}
00308     template < class LeftV>
00309     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) {  T::ImportData( left); }
00310   static bool HasEEAdjacency()   {   return true; }
00311   static bool HasEEAdjacencyOcc()   {   return true; }
00312     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EEAdj"));T::Name(name);}
00314 private:
00315   typename T::EdgePointer _ep[2] ;
00316   int _zp[2] ;
00317 };
00319 /*----------------------------- EHADJ ------------------------------*/
00320 template <class T> class EHAdj: public T {
00321 public:
00322   EHAdj(){_hp=0;}
00323   typename T::HEdgePointer &EHp( ) {return _hp ; }
00324     const typename T::HEdgePointer cEHp( ) const {return _hp ; }
00326     template < class LeftV>
00327     void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) { T::ImportData( left); }
00328   static bool HasEHAdjacency()   {   return true; }
00329   static bool HasEHAdjacencyOcc()   {   return true; }
00330     static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EHAdj"));T::Name(name);}
00332 private:
00333   typename T::HEdgePointer _hp ;
00334 };
00336 /*----------------------------- EFADJ ------------------------------*/
00344 template <class T> class EFAdj: public T {
00345 public:
00346   EFAdj(){_fp=0;}
00347   typename T::FacePointer &EFp()       {return _fp; }
00348   typename T::FacePointer cEFp() const {return _fp; }
00349   int &EFi()        {return _zp; }
00350   int cEFi() const  {return _zp; }
00351   template < class LeftV>
00352   void ImportData(const LeftV  & left ) {  T::ImportData( left); }
00353   static bool HasEFAdjacency()      {   return true; }
00354   static bool HasEFAdjacencyOcc()   {   return true; }
00355   static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EFAdj"));T::Name(name);}
00357 private:
00358   typename T::FacePointer _fp ;
00359   int _zp ;
00360 };
00361    // End Doxygen EdgeComponentGroup
00363   } // end namespace edge
00364 }// end namespace vcg
00365 #endif

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:29:45