vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > Member List
This is the complete list of members for vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >, including all inherited members.
addFace()vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline]
addFace(int a, int b, int c)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
angle(Point3f p, Point3f q, Point3f &axis)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
boxvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
checkHinge(int v0, int v1)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
creasevcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
deadsvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
distance(int v0, int v1, Point3f &center)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
findSphere(Point3f &p0, Point3f &p1, Point3f &p2, Point3f &center)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
frontvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
getInSphere(vcg::Point3f &p, float distance, std::vector< int > &results, std::vector< float > &dists)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
gridvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
intersect(int v0, int v1, Point3f &center)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
killHinge(std::list< Hinge >::iterator e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
meshvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
mindistvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
moveBack(std::list< Hinge >::iterator e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
moveFront(std::list< Hinge >::iterator e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
nbvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
newHinge(Hinge e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
Pivot(MESH &_mesh, float _radius, float _mindist=0.05, float _crease=-0.5)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline]
pivot(Hinge &Hinge, int &candidate, Point3f &end_pivot, std::vector< int > &targets)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline]
Pivot::cluster(int v)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
Pivot::detach(int v)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
Pivot::glue(std::list< Hinge >::iterator a, std::list< Hinge >::iterator b)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
Pivot::trovamiunnome(std::list< Hinge >::iterator e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]
radiusvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
seed(bool outside=true, int start=-1)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline]
StaticGrid typedefvcg::tri::Pivot< MESH >
touches(int v, std::list< Hinge >::iterator e)vcg::tri::Pivot< MESH > [inline, private]

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:42:55