vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > Member List
This is the complete list of members for vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >, including all inherited members.
Add(ObjType *s)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
AllocatedCellsvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
bboxvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
Box3x typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
BoxToIBox(const Box3x &b, Box3i &ib) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
BoxType typedefvcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >
CellSize(const Point3i &cell)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
ClassType typedefvcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >
Clear()vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
ComputeDimAndVoxel()vcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
CoordType typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
CountInSphere(const Point3< ScalarType > &p, const ScalarType radius, std::vector< HashIterator > &inSphVec)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
dimvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
DoRay(OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR &_rayIntersector, OBJMARKER &_marker, const Ray3< ScalarType > &_ray, const ScalarType &_maxDist, ScalarType &_t)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::DoRay(OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR &_rayIntersector, OBJMARKER &_marker, const Ray3< ScalarType > &_ray, const ScalarType &_maxDist, ScalarType &_t)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
Empty() const vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::Empty()vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
EmptyCell(const Point3i &cell) const vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GetClosest(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_maxDist, ScalarType &_minDist, CoordType &_closestPt)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::GetClosest(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_maxDist, ScalarType &_minDist, CoordType &_closestPt)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GetInBox(OBJMARKER &_marker, const Box3x _bbox, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::GetInBox(OBJMARKER &_marker, const BoxType _bbox, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GetInSphere(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_r, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER &_distances, POINTCONTAINER &_points)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::GetInSphere(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_r, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER &_distances, POINTCONTAINER &_points)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GetKClosest(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const unsigned int _k, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_maxDist, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER &_distances, POINTCONTAINER &_points)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::GetKClosest(OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR &_getPointDistance, OBJMARKER &_marker, const unsigned int _k, const CoordType &_p, const ScalarType &_maxDist, OBJPTRCONTAINER &_objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER &_distances, POINTCONTAINER &_points)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
Grid(int x, int y, int z, CellIterator &first, CellIterator &last)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
Grid(const Point3i &_c, CellIterator &first, CellIterator &end)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridP(const Point3< ScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
GridReal(const Point3< ScalarType > &p, CellIterator &first, CellIterator &last)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
hash_tablevcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
HashIterator typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
HashType typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
IBoxToBox(const Box3i &ib, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
InitEmpty(const Box3x &_bbox, vcg::Point3i grid_size)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
InsertObject(ObjType *s, const Point3i &cell)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline, protected]
IPfToPf(const Point3< OtherScalarType > &pi, Point3< OtherScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBox(const Point3i &pi, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBoxCenter(const Point3i &pi, CoordType &c) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToPf(const Point3i &pi, Point3< OtherScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPtoPfMatrix() constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
ObjPtr typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
ObjType typedefvcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >
PToIP(const CoordType &p, Point3i &pi) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
Remove(ObjType *s)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
RemoveCell(const Point3i &)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline, protected]
RemoveCell(ObjType *s)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
RemoveInSphere(const Point3< ScalarType > &p, const ScalarType radius)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
RemoveInSphereNormal(const Point3< ScalarType > &p, const Point3< ScalarType > &n, DistanceFunctor &DF, const ScalarType radius)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
RemoveObject(ObjType *s, const Point3i &cell)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline, protected]
RemovePunctual(ObjType *s)vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
ScalarType typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
Set(const OBJITER &_oBegin, const OBJITER &_oEnd, const Box3x &_bbox=Box3x())vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT >::Set(const OBJITER &_oBegin, const OBJITER &_oEnd)vcg::SpatialIndex< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
sizvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
SpatialHashType typedefvcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT >
UpdateAllocatedCells()vcg::SpatialHashTable< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
voxelvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:41:20