vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > Member List
This is the complete list of members for vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT >, including all inherited members.
bboxvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
Box3x typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
BoxToIBox(const Box3x &b, Box3i &ib) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
ComputeDimAndVoxel()vcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
CoordType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
Create(const Point3i &_siz, const ObjType &init)vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
Create(const Box3< FLT2 > &b, int ncell, const ObjType &init, bool Inflate=true)vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
dimvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
gridvcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT >
Grid(const int x, const int y, const int z)vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
Grid(const Point3< FLT > &p)vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridIndF(const Point3< FLT > &p) const vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridIndI(const Point3i &pi) const vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridP(const Point3< ScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
GridStaticObj()vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
GridType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
IBoxToBox(const Box3i &ib, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
Init(const ObjType &val)vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
IPfToPf(const Point3< OtherScalarType > &pi, Point3< OtherScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBox(const Point3i &pi, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBoxCenter(const Point3i &pi, CoordType &c) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToPf(const Point3i &pi, Point3< OtherScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPtoPfMatrix() constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
PToIP(const CoordType &p, Point3i &pi) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
ScalarType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
sizvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
size() const vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]
voxelvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
~GridStaticObj()vcg::GridStaticObj< ObjType, FLT > [inline]

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:41:14