Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00003 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00004 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00005 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00006 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00007 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00008 *                                                                    \      *
00009 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00010 *                                                                           *
00011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *   
00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00014 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00019 * GNU General Public License (          *
00020 * for more details.                                                         *
00021 *                                                                           *
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00023 /****************************************************************************
00024   History
00026 $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
00027 Revision 1.1  2004/03/16 03:07:38  tarini
00028 "dimensionally unified" version: first commit
00030 Revision 1.5  2004/03/05 17:51:28  tarini
00031 Errorino "ScalarType" -> "S"
00033 Revision 1.4  2004/03/03 14:32:13  cignoni
00034 Yet another cr lf mismatch
00036 Revision 1.3  2004/02/23 23:44:21  cignoni
00037 cr lf mismatch
00039 Revision 1.2  2004/02/19 15:40:56  cignoni
00040 Added doxygen groups
00042 Revision 1.1  2004/02/13 02:16:22  cignoni
00043 First working release.
00046 ****************************************************************************/
00049 #ifndef __VCGLIB_BOX
00050 #define __VCGLIB_BOX
00052 #include <vcg/space/point.h>
00053 #include <vcg/space/space.h>
00054 #include <vcg/math/linear.h>
00056 namespace vcg {
00067 template <int N, class S>
00068 class Box : public Space<N,S> , Linear<Box>
00069 {
00070 public:
00071         typedef S          ScalarType;
00072         typedef Point<N,S> ParamType;
00073         typedef Point<N,S> PointType;
00074         enum {Dimension=N};
00077 protected:
00079   Point3<S> _min;
00081         Point3<S> _max;
00083 public:
00085   inline const PointType &Max() const { return _max; } 
00086   inline PointType &Max() { return _max; } 
00087   inline const PointType &Min() const { return _min; } 
00088   inline PointType &Min() { return _min; } 
00091         inline  Box() { 
00092                 _min.X()= 1;_max.X()= -1;
00093                 _min.Y()= 1;_max.Y()= -1;
00094                 if (N>2) {_min.Z()= 1;_max.Z()= -1;}
00095         }
00097         inline  Box( const PointType & mi, const PointType & ma ) { _min = mi; _max = ma; }
00099         inline ~Box() { }
00101         inline bool operator == ( Box const & p ) const
00102         {
00103                 return _min==p._min && _max==p._max;
00104         }
00106         inline bool operator != ( Box const & p ) const
00107         {
00108                 return _min!=p._min || _max!=p._max;
00109         }
00116         void Inflate( const S s )
00117         {
00118                 Inflate( (_max-_min)*s );
00119         }
00122         void InflateFix( const S s )
00123         {
00124                 S k = Diag()*s;
00125                  if (N==2) Inflate( PointType (k,k));
00126                  if (N==3) Inflate( PointType (k,k,k));
00127         }
00131         void Inflate( const PointType & delta )
00132         {
00133                 _min -= delta;
00134                 _max += delta;
00135         }
00137         void Set( const PointType & p )
00138         {
00139                 _min = _max = p;
00140         }
00142         void SetNull()
00143         {
00144                 _min.X()= 1; _max.X()= -1;
00145                 _min.Y()= 1; _max.Y()= -1;
00146                 _min.Z()= 1; _max.Z()= -1;
00147         }
00152         void Add( Box const & b )
00153         {
00154                 if(IsNull()) *this=b;
00155                 else
00156                         Add(_min); Add(_max);
00157         }
00162         void Add( const PointType & p )
00163         {
00164                 if(IsNull()) Set(p);
00165                 else 
00166                 {
00167                         if(_min.X() > p.X()) _min.X() = p.X();
00168                         else if(_max.X() < p.X()) _max.X() = p.X();
00169                         if(_min.Y() > p.Y()) _min.Y() = p.Y();
00170                         else if(_max.Y() < p.Y()) _max.Y() = p.Y();
00171                         if (N>2) {
00172                                 if(_min.Z() > p.Z()) _min.Z() = p.Z();
00173                                 else if(_max.Z() < p.Z()) _max.Z() = p.Z();
00174                         };
00175                 }
00176         }
00180         void Intersect( const Box & b )
00181         {
00182                 if(_min.X() < b._min.X()) _min.X() = b._min.X();
00183                 if(_min.Y() < b._min.Y()) _min.Y() = b._min.Y();
00184                 if (N>2) if(_min.Z() < b._min.Z()) _min.Z() = b._min.Z();
00186                 if(_max.X() > b._max.X()) _max.X() = b._max.X();
00187                 if(_max.Y() > b._max.Y()) _max.Y() = b._max.Y();
00188                 if (N>2) if(_max.Z() > b._max.Z()) _max.Z() = b._max.Z();
00190                 if(_min.X()>_max.X() || _min.Y()>_max.Y() ) SetNull();
00191                 else if (N>2) if (_min.Z()>_max.Z()) SetNull();
00192         }
00196         void Translate( const PointType & p )
00197         {
00198                 _min += p;
00199                 _max += p;
00200         }
00205         bool IsIn( PointType const & p ) const
00206         {
00207                 if (N==2) return (
00208                         _min.X() <= p.X() && p.X() <= _max.X() &&
00209                         _min.Y() <= p.Y() && p.Y() <= _max.Y() 
00210                 ); 
00211                 if (N==3) return (
00212                         _min.X() <= p.X() && p.X() <= _max.X() &&
00213                         _min.Y() <= p.Y() && p.Y() <= _max.Y() &&
00214                         _min.Z() <= p.Z() && p.Z() <= _max.Z()
00215                 );      
00216         }
00221         bool IsInEx( PointType const & p ) const
00222         {
00223                 if (N==2) return (
00224                         _min.X() <= p.X() && p.X() < _max.X() &&
00225                         _min.Y() <= p.Y() && p.Y() < _max.Y() 
00226                 ); 
00227                 if (N==3) return (
00228                         _min.X() <= p.X() && p.X() < _max.X() &&
00229                         _min.Y() <= p.Y() && p.Y() < _max.Y() &&
00230                         _min.Z() <= p.Z() && p.Z() < _max.Z()
00231                 );      
00232         }
00241         bool Collide(Box const &b)
00242         {
00243                 return b._min.X()<_max.X() && b._max.X()>_min.X() &&
00244                            b._min.Y()<_max.Y() && b._max.Y()>_min.Y() &&
00245                            b._min.Z()<_max.Z() && b._max.Z()>_min.Z() ;
00246         }
00250         bool IsNull() const { return _min.X()>_max.X() || _min.Y()>_max.Y() || _min.Z()>_max.Z(); }
00254         bool IsEmpty() const { return _min==_max; }
00256         S Diag() const
00257         {
00258                 return Distance(_min,_max);
00259         }
00261         S SquaredDiag() const
00262         {
00263                 return SquaredDistance(_min,_max);
00264         }
00266         PointType Center() const
00267         {
00268                 return (_min+_max)/2;
00269         }
00272         PointType LocalToGlobal(PointType const & p) const{
00273                 return PointType( 
00274                         _min[0] + p[0]*(_max[0]-_min[0]), 
00275                         _min[1] + p[1]*(_max[1]-_min[1]),
00276                         _min[2] + p[2]*(_max[2]-_min[2]));
00277         }
00279         PointType GlobalToLocal(PointType const & p) const{
00280                 return PointType( 
00281                   (p[0]-_min[0])/(_max[0]-_min[0]), 
00282                   (p[1]-_min[1])/(_max[1]-_min[1]), 
00283                   (p[2]-_min[2])/(_max[2]-_min[2])
00284                         );
00285         }
00287         inline S Volume() const
00288         {
00289                 if (N==2) return (_max.X()-_min.X())*(_max.Y()-_min.Y());
00290                 if (N==3) return (_max.X()-_min.X())*(_max.Y()-_min.Y())*(_max.Z()-_min.Z());
00291         }
00293         inline S Area() const {
00294                 return Volume();
00295         };
00297         PointType Size() const
00298         {
00299                 return (_max-_min);
00300         }               
00302         inline S SizeX() const { return _max.X()-_min.X();}
00304         inline S SizeY() const { return _max.Y()-_min.Y();}
00306         inline S SizeZ() const { static_assert(N>2); return _max.Z()-_min.Z();}
00312         inline void Zero()
00313         {
00314                 _min.SetZero();
00315                 _max.SetZero();
00316         }
00317         inline Box operator + ( Box const & p) const
00318         {
00319                 return Box(_min+p._min,_max+p._max);
00320         }
00321         inline Box operator - ( Box const & p) const
00322         {
00323                 return Box(_min-p._min,_max-p._max);
00324         }
00325         inline Box operator * ( const S s ) const
00326         {
00327                 return Box(_min*s,_max*s);
00328         }
00329         inline Box operator / ( const S s ) const
00330         {
00331                 S inv=S(1.0)/s;
00332                 return Box(_min*inv,_max*inv);
00333         }
00334         inline Box & operator += ( Box const & p)
00335         {
00336                 _min+=p._min; _max+=p._max;     return *this;
00337         }
00338         inline Box & operator -= ( Box const & p)
00339         {
00340                 _min-=p._min; _max-=p._max;     return *this;
00341         }
00342         inline Box & operator *= ( const S s )
00343         {
00344                 _min*=s; _max*=s;       return *this;
00345         }
00346         inline Box & operator /= ( const S s )
00347         {
00348                 S inv=S(1.0)/s;
00349                 _min*=s; _max*=s;       return *this;
00350                 return *this;
00351         }
00352         inline Box operator - () const
00353         {
00354                 return Box(-_min,-_max);
00355         }
00363         template <int N0, class S0>
00364         inline void Import( const Box<N0,S0> & b )
00365         { _max.Import( b._max );_min.Import( b._min );
00366         }
00367         template <int N0, class S0>
00369         static Box Construct( const Box<N0,S0> & b )
00370         { 
00371                 return Box(PointType::Construct(b._min),PointType::Construct(b._max));
00372         }       
00375 }; // end class definition
00380 typedef Box<3,short>  Box3s;
00381 typedef Box<3,int>        Box3i;
00382 typedef Box<3,float>  Box3f;
00383 typedef Box<3,double> Box3d;
00385 typedef Box<2,short>  Box2s;
00386 typedef Box<2,int>        Box2i;
00387 typedef Box<2,float>  Box2f;
00388 typedef Box<2,double> Box2d;
00393 } // end namespace
00394 #endif

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:29:21