Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef POLYTOQIMAGE_H
00002 #define POLYTOQIMAGE_H
00003 #include <QImage>
00004 #include <QSvgGenerator>
00005 #include <QPainter>
00006 #include <vcg/space/point2.h>
00007 #include <vcg/space/color4.h>
00008 #include <vcg/space/box2.h>
00009 #include <vcg/math/similarity2.h>
00015 class Outline2Dumper
00016 {
00017 public:
00018   static float MM2PT(const float valueMM, float dpi)
00019   {
00020     float valueInch = valueMM / 25.4f;
00021     return valueInch * dpi;
00022   }
00024   class Param
00025   {
00026   public:
00028       vcg::Color4b backgroundColor;
00030       bool fill;
00032       bool randomColor;
00034       vcg::Color4b FillColor;
00036       int fontSize;
00038       int width;
00039       int height;
00040       vcg::Color4b labelColor;
00041       vcg::Color4b lineColor;
00044       int dpi;
00045       float penWidth;
00047       void SetSVGPenInMM(float widthMM)
00048       {
00049         float widthInch = widthMM/25.4f;
00050         penWidth = widthInch*dpi;
00051       }
00054       void SetSVGDimInMm(float widthMM,float heightMM,float _dpi=72)
00055       {
00056         dpi=_dpi;
00057         width = MM2PT(widthMM,dpi);
00058         height = MM2PT(heightMM,dpi);
00059       }
00062       Param()
00063       {
00064           backgroundColor = vcg::Color4b::Gray;
00065           width=1024;
00066           height=1024;
00067           dpi=72;
00068           fontSize=0;
00069           fill=false;
00070           randomColor=true;
00071           FillColor=vcg::Color4b(0,0,0,255);
00072           lineColor=vcg::Color4b::Black;
00073           labelColor=vcg::Color4b::Black;
00075       }
00076   };
00077 private:
00080         static void DrawPolygonMask(const std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &polyVec,QImage &img,
00081                                                                 vcg::Similarity2f &ret,const vcg::Similarity2f &trans);
00085         static int getMaxMaskRadius(int x,int y,QImage &img);
00086 public:
00090         static vcg::Point2f GetIncenter(const std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &polyVec,
00091                                                                                 const vcg::Similarity2f &tra1, float &radius, int resolution=100);
00093         static void rectSetToOutline2Vec(std::vector< vcg::Box2f > &rectVec, std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &polyVec);
00094         static void multiRectSetToSingleOutline2Vec(std::vector< vcg::Box2f > &rectVec, std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, std::vector<int> &indVec,
00095                                                                                         int ind, std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &polyVec, std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trPolyVec);
00096         static void multiOutline2VecToSingleOutline2Vec(const std::vector<std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &multipolyVec,  const std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, const std::vector<int> &indVec,
00097                                                                                                  int ind, std::vector< std::vector< vcg::Point2f> > &polyVec, std::vector< vcg::Similarity2f> &trPolyVec);
00102         static void dumpOutline2VecPNG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00103                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &labelVecVec, Param &pp);
00104         //write a polygon on a SVG file, format of the polygon is vector of vector of contours...nested contours are holes
00107         static void dumpOutline2VecSVG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00108                                                            std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > &labelVecVec,
00109                                                            std::vector<std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> > &labelTrVecVec, std::vector<std::vector<float> > &labelRadVec, Param &pp);
00111         static void dumpOutline2VecPNG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00112                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, std::vector<std::string> &labelVec, Param &pp);
00113         static void dumpOutline2VecSVG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00114                                                            std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, std::vector<std::string> &labelVec, Param &pp);
00116         static void dumpOutline2VecPNG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00117                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, Param &pp);
00118         static void dumpOutline2VecSVG(const char * imageName, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > > &polyVecVec,
00119                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, Param &pp);
00121         static void dumpOutline2VecPNG(const char * imageName, std::vector<  std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &polyVecVec,
00122                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, Param &pp);
00123         static void dumpOutline2VecSVG(const char * imageName, std::vector<  std::vector<vcg::Point2f> > &outline2Vec,
00124                                                         std::vector<vcg::Similarity2f> &trVec, Param &pp);
00125 };
00126 #endif // POLYTOQIMAGE_H

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:33:34