Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00006 import rospy
00007 import os
00008 import sys
00009 import errno
00010 import subprocess
00011 import signal
00012 from threading import Thread
00013 try:
00014 from Queue import Queue, Empty
00015 except ImportError:
00016 from queue import Queue, Empty
00017 from roseus_remote.msg import RawCommand
00019 ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
00020 BUFF_SIZE = 1
00023 class ROSEUSBridgeNode:
00024 def __init__(self):
00025 self.pub = rospy.Publisher('output', RawCommand)
00026 self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('input', RawCommand, self.raw_command_cb)
00027 rospy.on_shutdown(self._on_node_shutdown)
00028 while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00029 self.launch_roseus()
00030 self.main_loop()
00031 rospy.loginfo("respawning...")
00032 self.kill_roseus()
00034 def get_output(self, out, queue):
00035 while self.roseus_process.poll() is None:
00036 data = out.read(BUFF_SIZE)
00037 if data:
00038 queue.put(str(data))
00039 else:
00040 rospy.logerr("thread is dead")
00042 def launch_roseus(self):
00043 cmd = ['rosrun', 'roseus', 'roseus']
00044 self.roseus_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
00045 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
00046 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
00047 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
00048 bufsize=BUFF_SIZE,
00049 close_fds=ON_POSIX,
00050 env=os.environ.copy(),
00051 preexec_fn=os.setpgrp)
00052 self.stdout_queue = Queue()
00053 self.stderr_queue = Queue()
00054 self.received_cmd = Queue()
00056 self.get_stdout_thread = Thread(target=self.get_output,
00057 args=(self.roseus_process.stdout,
00058 self.stdout_queue))
00059 self.get_stdout_thread.daemon = True
00060 self.get_stderr_thread = Thread(target=self.get_output,
00061 args=(self.roseus_process.stderr,
00062 self.stderr_queue))
00063 self.get_stderr_thread.daemon = True
00064 self.get_stdout_thread.start()
00065 self.get_stderr_thread.start()
00067 def kill_roseus(self):
00068 try:
00069 rospy.loginfo("send SIGTERM to roseus")
00070 self.roseus_process.terminate()
00071 except Exception as e:
00072 rospy.logwarn("escalated to kill")
00073 try:
00074 self.roseus_process.kill()
00075 except Exception as e:
00076 rospy.logerr('could not kill roseus: ' + str(e))
00078 def main_loop(self):
00079 while self.roseus_process.poll() is None:
00080 stdout = ""
00081 stderr = ""
00082 try:
00083 cmd = self.received_cmd.get_nowait()
00084 rospy.logdebug("write to stdin: " + cmd)
00085 self.roseus_process.stdin.write(cmd)
00086 self.roseus_process.stdin.flush()
00087 except IOError as e:
00088 if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
00089 continue
00090 except Empty as e:
00091 pass
00092 except Exception as e:
00093 rospy.logwarn('error: ' + str(e))
00094 try:
00095 while not self.stdout_queue.empty():
00096 stdout += self.stdout_queue.get_nowait()
00097 except Empty as e:
00098 pass
00099 try:
00100 while not self.stderr_queue.empty():
00101 stderr += self.stderr_queue.get_nowait()
00102 except Empty as e:
00103 pass
00104 except Exception as e:
00105 rospy.logwarn('error: ' + str(e))
00106 if stdout != "":
00107 self.pub.publish(stdout.strip())
00108 rospy.logdebug("stdout: " + stdout)
00109 if stderr != "":
00110 self.pub.publish(stderr.strip())
00111 rospy.logdebug("stderr: " + stderr)
00112 rospy.sleep(0.1)
00113 else:
00114 rospy.logwarn("roseus process has been stopped.")
00116 if self.roseus_process.returncode != 0:
00117 rospy.logerr('roseus process exits abnormally with exit code: ' + str(self.roseus_process.returncode))
00119 def raw_command_cb(self, msg):
00120 cmd_str = str(msg.data).rstrip(' \t\r\n\0') + os.linesep
00121 self.received_cmd.put(cmd_str)
00123 def _on_node_shutdown(self):
00124 self.kill_roseus()
00126 if __name__ == '__main__':
00127 rospy.init_node('roseus_bridge', anonymous=True)
00128 node = ROSEUSBridgeNode()
00129 rospy.spin()