Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #
00005 #
00006 ##############################################################################
00007 # Imports
00008 ##############################################################################
00010 import os
00011 import rospkg
00012 #from PyQt4 import uic
00013 from python_qt_binding import loadUi
00014 from python_qt_binding.QtCore import Signal, QSize
00015 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QWidget
00017 from rocon_console import console
00018 from rocon_remocon.interactive_client_interface import InteractiveClientInterface
00019 from . import utils
00021 ##############################################################################
00022 # Remocon
00023 ##############################################################################
00026 class QRoleChooser():
00027     # pyqt signals are always defined as class attributes
00028     # signal_interactions_updated = Signal()
00030     def __init__(self, interactive_client_interface=None, with_rqt=False):
00032         self.interactive_client_interface = interactive_client_interface
00033         self.with_rqt = with_rqt
00034         self.binded_function = {}
00035         self.role_list = []
00036         self.cur_selected_role = ''
00037         self.roles_widget = QWidget()
00038         # load ui
00039         rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
00040         path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('rocon_remocon'), 'ui', 'role_list.ui')
00041         loadUi(path, self.roles_widget)
00043         # connect ui event role list widget
00044         self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.setIconSize(QSize(50, 50))
00045         self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self._select_role)
00046         self.roles_widget.refresh_btn.pressed.connect(self.refresh_role_list)
00047         self.roles_widget.back_btn.pressed.connect(self._back)
00048         self.roles_widget.stop_all_interactions_button.pressed.connect(self._stop_all_interactions)
00049         self.roles_widget.closeEvent = self._close_event
00050         self._init()
00052     def _init(self):
00053         """
00054         Initialization of role chooser. It it launced with rqt, the back button is disabled.
00055         Viewer of interactions chooser is launched at once when the role list has one role.
00056         """
00057         if self.with_rqt:
00058             self.roles_widget.back_btn.setEnabled(False)
00059         self.refresh_role_list()
00060         if len(self.role_list) == 1:
00061             self.cur_selected_role = self.role_list[0]
00062             self.interactive_client_interface.select_role(self.cur_selected_role)
00064     def _back(self):
00065         """
00066         Public method to enable shutdown of the script - this function is primarily for
00067         shutting down the Role chooser from external signals (e.g. CTRL-C on the command
00068         line).
00069         """
00070         console.logdebug("Role Chooser : Back")
00071         if 'back' in self.binded_function.keys() and self.binded_function['back'] is not None:
00072             self.binded_function['back']()
00074     def _close_event(self, event):
00075         """
00076         Re-implementation of close event handlers for the interaction chooser's children
00077         (i.e. role and interactions list widgets).
00078         """
00079         console.logdebug("Role Chooser : Role Chooser shutting down.")
00080         self._back()
00082     def _select_role(self, item):
00083         """
00084         Take the selected role to switch interactions viewer as it.
00086         :param item: qt list widget item of selected role. The user does double click on item wanted to launch
00087         :type item: python_qt_binding.QtGui.QListWidgetItem
00088         """
00089         console.logdebug("Role Chooser : switching to the interactions list")
00090         self.cur_selected_role = str(item.text())
00091         if 'select_role' in self.binded_function.keys() and self.binded_function['select_role'] is not None:
00092             self.binded_function['select_role']()
00094     def _stop_all_interactions(self):
00095         """
00096         Stopping all running interactions. If no interactions is running, stop interactions button is disables.
00097         """
00098         console.logdebug("Role Chooser : stopping all running interactions")
00099         self.interactive_client_interface.stop_all_interactions()
00100         self.roles_widget.stop_all_interactions_button.setEnabled(False)
00102     def bind_function(self, name, function_handle):
00103         """
00104         Binding external function to map with ui button
00105         """
00106         self.binded_function[name] = function_handle
00108     def show(self, pos=None):
00109         """
00110         Showing the role chooser with rereshing role list
00111         """
00114         if pos is not None:
00115             self.roles_widget.move(pos)
00116         self.refresh_role_list()
00118     def hide(self):
00119         """
00120         Hiding the role chooser to show other widget
00121         """
00122         self.roles_widget.hide()
00124     def pos(self):
00125         """
00126         Postion of role chooser
00128         :return: xy position on desktop
00129         :rtype: python_qt_binding.QtCore.QPoint
00130         """
00131         return self.roles_widget.pos()
00133     def refresh_role_list(self):
00134         """
00135         Update a list of roles. define status of all interaction stop button as checking running interactions.
00136         """
00137         if self.interactive_client_interface.has_running_interactions():
00138             self.roles_widget.stop_all_interactions_button.setEnabled(True)
00139         else:
00140             self.roles_widget.stop_all_interactions_button.setEnabled(False)
00142         self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.clear()
00143         self.role_list = self.interactive_client_interface.get_role_list()
00144         # set list widget item (reverse order because we push them on the top)
00145         for role in reversed(self.role_list):
00146             self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.insertItem(0, role)
00147             # setting the list font
00148             font = self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.item(0).font()
00149             font.setPointSize(13)
00150             self.roles_widget.role_list_widget.item(0).setFont(font)

Author(s): Daniel Stonier, Donguk Lee
autogenerated on Fri Feb 12 2016 02:50:18