Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #
00005 #
00006 ##############################################################################
00007 # Imports
00008 ##############################################################################
00010 import os
00011 import rospkg
00012 #from PyQt4 import uic
00013 from python_qt_binding import loadUi
00014 from python_qt_binding.QtCore import Signal, Qt, QSize, QEvent
00015 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QIcon, QWidget, QColor, QMainWindow, QMessageBox
00017 from rocon_console import console
00018 import rocon_interactions.web_interactions as web_interactions
00020 from rocon_remocon.interactive_client_interface import InteractiveClientInterface
00021 from . import utils
00022 ##############################################################################
00023 # Remocon
00024 ##############################################################################
00027 class QInteractionsChooser(QMainWindow):
00029     def __init__(self, interactive_client_interface=None):
00030         self.binded_function = {}
00031         self.cur_selected_role = ''
00032         self.cur_selected_interaction = None
00033         self.interactions = {}
00034         self.interactive_client_interface = interactive_client_interface
00035         self.interactions_widget = QWidget()
00036         # load ui
00037         rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
00038         path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('rocon_remocon'), 'ui', 'interactions_list.ui')
00039         loadUi(path, self.interactions_widget)
00041         # interactions list widget
00042         self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.setIconSize(QSize(50, 50))
00043         self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self._start_interaction)
00044         self.interactions_widget.back_btn.pressed.connect(self._back)
00045         self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.itemClicked.connect(self._display_interaction_info)  # rocon master item click event
00046         self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.pressed.connect(self._stop_interaction)
00047         self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setDisabled(True)
00048         self.interactions_widget.closeEvent = self._close_event
00050         console.logdebug('init QInteractionsChooser')
00052     def _back(self):
00053         if 'back' in self.binded_function.keys() and self.binded_function['back'] is not None:
00054             self.binded_function['back']()
00055         else:
00056             console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : None binded functione: shutdown")
00058     def _close_event(self, event):
00059         """
00060         Re-implementation of close event handlers for the interaction chooser's children
00061         (i.e. role and interactions list widgets).
00062         """
00063         console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : remocon shutting down.")
00064         if 'shutdown' in self.binded_function.keys() and self.binded_function['shutdown'] is not None:
00065             self.binded_function['shutdown']()
00066         else:
00067             console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : None binded functione: shutdown")
00069     ######################################
00070     # Interactions List Widget
00071     ######################################
00072     def _display_interaction_info(self, Item):
00073         """
00074         Display the currently selected interaction's information. Triggered
00075         when single-clicking on it in the interactions list view.
00076         """
00077         list_widget = Item.listWidget()
00078         cur_index = list_widget.count() - list_widget.currentRow() - 1
00079         for k in self.interactions.values():
00080             if(k.index == cur_index):
00081                 self.cur_selected_interaction = k
00082                 break
00083         self.interactions_widget.app_info.clear()
00084         info_text = "<html>"
00085         info_text += "<p>-------------------------------------------</p>"
00086         web_interaction = web_interactions.parse(
00087         name = if web_interaction is None else web_interaction.url
00088         info_text += "<p><b>name: </b>" + name + "</p>"
00089         info_text += "<p><b>  ---------------------</b>" + "</p>"
00090         info_text += "<p><b>compatibility: </b>" + self.cur_selected_interaction.compatibility + "</p>"
00091         info_text += "<p><b>display name: </b>" + self.cur_selected_interaction.display_name + "</p>"
00092         info_text += "<p><b>description: </b>" + self.cur_selected_interaction.description + "</p>"
00093         info_text += "<p><b>namespace: </b>" + self.cur_selected_interaction.namespace + "</p>"
00094         info_text += "<p><b>max: </b>" + str(self.cur_selected_interaction.max) + "</p>"
00095         info_text += "<p><b>  ---------------------</b>" + "</p>"
00096         info_text += "<p><b>remappings: </b>" + str(self.cur_selected_interaction.remappings) + "</p>"
00097         info_text += "<p><b>parameters: </b>" + str(self.cur_selected_interaction.parameters) + "</p>"
00098         info_text += "</html>"
00100         self.interactions_widget.app_info.appendHtml(info_text)
00101         self._set_stop_interactions_button()
00103     ######################################
00104     # Gui Updates/Refreshes
00105     ######################################
00107     def _set_stop_interactions_button(self):
00108         """
00109           Disable or enable the stop button depending on whether the
00110           selected interaction has any currently launched processes,
00111         """
00112         if not self.interactions:
00113             console.logwarn("No interactions")
00114             return
00115         if self.cur_selected_interaction.launch_list:
00116             console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : enabling stop interactions button [%s]" % self.cur_selected_interaction.display_name)
00117             self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setEnabled(True)
00118         else:
00119             console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : disabling stop interactions button [%s]" % self.cur_selected_interaction.display_name)
00120             self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setEnabled(False)
00122     ######################################
00123     # Start/Stop Interactions
00124     ######################################
00126     def _start_interaction(self):
00127         """
00128         Start selected interactions when user hits start button and does doubleclicking interaction item.
00129         The interactions can be launched in duplicate.
00130         """
00131         console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : starting interaction [%s]" % str(
00132         (result, message) = self.interactive_client_interface.start_interaction(self.cur_selected_role,
00133                                                                                 self.cur_selected_interaction.hash)
00134         if result:
00135             if self.cur_selected_interaction.is_paired_type():
00136                 self.refresh_interactions_list()  # make sure the highlight is working
00137             self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setDisabled(False)
00138         else:
00139             QMessageBox.warning(self.interactions_widget, 'Start Interaction Failed', "%s." % message.capitalize(), QMessageBox.Ok)
00140             console.logwarn("Interactions Chooser : start interaction failed [%s]" % message)
00142     def _stop_interaction(self):
00143         """
00144         Stop running interactions when user hits `stop` or 'all stop interactions button` button.
00145         If no interactions is running, buttons are disabled.
00146         """
00147         console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : stopping interaction %s " % str(
00148         (result, message) = self.interactive_client_interface.stop_interaction(self.cur_selected_interaction.hash)
00149         if result:
00150             if self.cur_selected_interaction.is_paired_type():
00151                 self.refresh_interactions_list()  # make sure the highlight is disabled
00152             self._set_stop_interactions_button()
00153             # self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setDisabled(True)
00154         else:
00155             QMessageBox.warning(self.interactions_widget, 'Stop Interaction Failed', "%s." % message.capitalize(), QMessageBox.Ok)
00156             console.logwarn("Interactions Chooser : stop interaction failed [%s]" % message)
00158     def bind_function(self, name, function_handle):
00159         """
00160         Binding external function to map with ui button
00161         """
00162         self.binded_function[name] = function_handle
00164     def show(self, pos=None):
00165         """
00166         Showing the interactions chooser
00167         """
00169         if pos is not None:
00170             self.interactions_widget.move(pos)
00172         if self.interactive_client_interface.has_running_interactions():
00173             self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setEnabled(True)
00174         else:
00175             self.interactions_widget.stop_interactions_button.setEnabled(False)
00177     def hide(self):
00178         """
00179         Hiding the interactions chooser
00180         """
00181         self.interactions_widget.hide()
00183     def select_role(self, role):
00184         """
00185         Take the selected role to get a list of interaction.
00187         :param role: role name from role chooser.
00188         :type role: string
00189         """
00190         self.cur_selected_role = role
00191         self.interactive_client_interface.select_role(self.cur_selected_role)
00192         self.refresh_interactions_list()
00194     def refresh_interactions_list(self):
00195         """
00196         This just does a complete redraw of the interactions with the
00197         currently selected role. It's a bit brute force doing this
00198         every time the interactions' 'state' changes, but this suffices for now.
00199         """
00200         console.logdebug("Interactions Chooser : refreshing the interactions list")
00201         self.interactions = self.interactive_client_interface.interactions(self.cur_selected_role)
00202         self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.clear()
00203         index = 0
00204         for interaction in self.interactions.values():
00205             interaction.index = index
00206             index = index + 1
00208             self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.insertItem(0, interaction.display_name)
00210             # is it a currently running pairing
00211             if self.interactive_client_interface.pairing == interaction.hash:
00212                 self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.item(0).setBackground(QColor(100, 100, 150))
00214             # setting the list font
00215             font = self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.item(0).font()
00216             font.setPointSize(13)
00217             self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.item(0).setFont(font)
00219             # setting the icon
00220             icon = interaction.icon
00221             if icon == "unknown.png":
00222                 icon = QIcon(self.icon_paths['unknown'])
00223                 self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.item(0).setIcon(icon)
00224             elif len(icon):
00225                 icon = QIcon(os.path.join(utils.get_icon_cache_home(), icon))
00226                 self.interactions_widget.interactions_list_widget.item(0).setIcon(icon)
00227             else:
00228                 console.logdebug("%s : No icon" % str(self.rocon_master_name))

Author(s): Daniel Stonier, Donguk Lee
autogenerated on Fri Feb 12 2016 02:50:18