Source code for rocon_interactions.interactions_table

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: interactions_table
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A database of interactions.

This module provides a class that acts as a database (dictionary style) of
some set of interactions.


# Imports

import rocon_console.console as console
import rocon_uri

from . import interactions
from .exceptions import InvalidInteraction

# Classes

[docs]class InteractionsTable(object): ''' The runtime populated interactions table along with methods to manipulate it. .. include:: weblinks.rst ''' __slots__ = [ 'interactions', # rocon_interactions.interactions.Interaction[] 'filter_pairing_interactions' # do not load any paired interactions ]
[docs] def __init__(self, filter_pairing_interactions=False): """ Constructs an empty interactions table. :param bool filter_pairing_interactions: do not load any paired interactions """ self.interactions = [] """List of :class:`.Interaction` objects that will form the elements of the table.""" self.filter_pairing_interactions = filter_pairing_interactions """Flag for indicating whether pairing interactions should be filtered when loading."""
[docs] def roles(self): ''' List all roles for the currently stored interactions. :returns: a list of all roles :rtype: str[] ''' # uniquify the list return list(set([i.role for i in self.interactions]))
def __len__(self): return len(self.interactions)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convenient string representation of the table. """ s = '' role_view = self.generate_role_view() for role, interactions in role_view.iteritems(): s += console.bold + role + console.reset + '\n' for interaction in interactions: s += "\n".join(" " + i for i in str(interaction).splitlines()) + '\n' return s
[docs] def generate_role_view(self): ''' Creates a temporary copy of the interactions and sorts them into a dictionary view classified by role. :returns: A role based view of the interactions :rtype: dict { role(str) : :class:`.interactions.Interaction`[] } ''' # there's got to be a faster way of doing this. interactions = list(self.interactions) role_view = {} for interaction in interactions: if interaction.role not in role_view.keys(): role_view[interaction.role] = [] role_view[interaction.role].append(interaction) return role_view
[docs] def filter(self, roles=None, compatibility_uri='rocon:/'): ''' Filter the interactions in the table according to role and/or compatibility uri. :param roles: a list of roles to filter against, use all roles if None :type roles: str [] :param str compatibility_uri: compatibility rocon_uri_, eliminates interactions that don't match this uri. :returns interactions: subset of all interactions that survived the filter :rtype: :class:`.Interaction` [] :raises: rocon_uri.RoconURIValueError if provided compatibility_uri is invalid. ''' if roles: # works for classifying non-empty list vs either of None or empty list role_filtered_interactions = [i for i in self.interactions if i.role in roles] else: role_filtered_interactions = list(self.interactions) filtered_interactions = [i for i in role_filtered_interactions if rocon_uri.is_compatible(i.compatibility, compatibility_uri)] return filtered_interactions
[docs] def load(self, msgs): ''' Load some interactions into the interaction table. This involves some initialisation and validation steps. :param msgs: a list of interaction specifications to populate the table with. :type msgs: rocon_interaction_msgs.Interaction_ [] :returns: list of all additions and any that were flagged as invalid :rtype: (:class:`.Interaction` [], rocon_interaction_msgs.Interaction_ []) : (new, invalid) ''' new = [] invalid = [] for msg in msgs: # paired check if self.filter_pairing_interactions and msg.pairing.rapp: invalid.append(msg) else: try: interaction = interactions.Interaction(msg) self.interactions.append(interaction) self.interactions = list(set(self.interactions)) # uniquify the list, just in case new.append(interaction) except InvalidInteraction: invalid.append(msg) return new, invalid
[docs] def unload(self, msgs): ''' Removed the specified interactions interactions table. This list is typically the same list as the user might initially send - no hashes yet generated. :param msgs: a list of interactions :type msgs: rocon_interaction_msgs.Interaction_ [] :returns: a list of removed interactions :rtype: rocon_interaction_msgs.Interaction_ [] ''' removed = [] for msg in msgs: msg_hash = interactions.generate_hash(msg.display_name, msg.role, msg.namespace) found = self.find(msg_hash) if found is not None: removed.append(msg) self.interactions.remove(found) return removed
[docs] def find(self, interaction_hash): ''' Find the specified interaction. :param str interaction_hash: in crc32 format :returns: interaction if found, None otherwise. :rtype: :class:`.Interaction` ''' interaction = next((interaction for interaction in self.interactions if interaction.hash == interaction_hash), None) return interaction