Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #
00005 #
00006 #################################################################################
00008 # sys
00009 import threading
00010 import subprocess
00012 # ros
00013 import rospy
00014 from rocon_device_msgs.msg import HueState, Hue, HueArray
00016 # phue
00017 from rocon_python_hue import Bridge
00018 from rocon_python_hue import PhueRegistrationException, PhueException
00021 class RoconBridge():
00022     MAX_HUE = 65535
00023     MAX_SAT = 255
00024     MAX_BRI = 255
00026     def __init__(self, hue_ip=''):
00027 = 'ros_hue'
00028         self.ip = hue_ip
00029         self.bridge = Bridge()
00030         self.bridge.set_ip_address(self.ip)
00031         self.hue_list_publisher = rospy.Publisher('list_hue', HueArray, latch=True, queue_size=10)
00033         rospy.Subscriber('set_hue', Hue, self.set_hue)
00035         self.checker_th = threading.Thread(target=self.hue_checker)
00036         self.is_checking = True
00037         self.retry_cnt = 0
00038         self.retry_max_cnt = 5
00039         self.checker_th.start()
00040         self.string2color = {}
00041         self.hues = None
00043         self._init_color_lookup_table()
00045     def _init_color_lookup_table(self):
00046         hue_angle = lambda angle: self.MAX_HUE * angle / 360
00048         self.string2color['OFF'] = (0, 0, 0, False)
00049         self.string2color['WHITE'] = (hue_angle(0), 0, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00050         self.string2color['RED'] = (hue_angle(360), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00051         self.string2color['GREEN'] = (hue_angle(140), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00052         self.string2color['BLUE'] = (hue_angle(260), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00053         self.string2color['YELLOW'] = (hue_angle(130), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00054         self.string2color['ORANGE'] = (hue_angle(70), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00055         self.string2color['MAGENTA'] = (hue_angle(307), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00056         self.string2color['VIOLET'] = (hue_angle(280), self.MAX_SAT, self.MAX_BRI, True)
00058     def hue_checker(self):
00059         while self.is_checking and not rospy.is_shutdown():
00060             if self.ping_checker():
00061                 if not self.bridge.is_connect:
00062                     try:
00063                         self.bridge.connect()
00064                     except PhueRegistrationException as e:
00065                         self.logwarn_ex(e.message)
00066                     except PhueException as e:
00067                         self.logwarn_ex(e.message)
00068                     else:
00069                         self.loginfo('bridge connect')
00070                         self.retry_cnt = 0
00071                         self.bridge.is_connect = True
00072                 else:
00073                     self.bulb_checker()
00074             else:
00075                 self.bridge.is_connect = False
00076                 if self.retry_cnt < self.retry_max_cnt:
00077                     self.retry_cnt += 1
00078                 elif self.retry_cnt == self.retry_max_cnt:
00079                     self.retry_cnt += 1
00080                     self.loginfo('No more display log regarding retrying to connect to bridge')
00081                 self.loginfo_ex('bridge not connect %s' % self.ip)
00082             rospy.sleep(5)
00084     def ping_checker(self):
00085         response =['ping', '-c', '1', self.ip], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,)
00086         if response == 0:
00087             return True
00088         else:
00089             return False
00091     def bulb_checker(self):
00092         try:
00093             light_ids = self.bridge.get_light_objects(mode='id')
00094             hues = HueArray()
00095             for light_id in light_ids:
00096                 state = self.bridge.get_light(light_id)
00097                 if not state:
00098                     continue
00099                 elif state is not '':
00100                     hue = Hue()
00101                     hue.light_id = light_id
00102            = state['name']
00103                     hue.state.on = state['state']['on']
00104                     hue.state.hue = state['state']['hue']
00105                     hue.state.sat = state['state']['sat']
00106                     hue.state.bri = state['state']['bri']
00107                     hue.state.reachable = state['state']['reachable']
00108                     hues.hue_list.append(hue)
00109             self.hues = hues
00110         except Exception, e:
00111             self.logwarn_ex('failed. Reason:%s' % str(e))
00112         else:
00113             self.hue_list_publisher.publish(self.hues)
00115     def set_hue(self, data):
00116         self.loginfo(str(data.light_id) + ': ' + str(data.state.color))
00117         if self.bridge.is_connect:
00118             state = self.bridge.get_light(data.light_id)
00119             if data.state.color:
00120                 (h, s, v, on) = self.get_color_from_string(data.state.color)
00121                 if not state['state']['on']:
00122                     state['on'] = on
00123                 state['on'] = on
00124                 state['hue'] = h
00125                 state['sat'] = s
00126                 state['bri'] = v
00127             else:
00128                 if not state['state']['on']:
00129                     state['on'] = on
00130                 if data.state.hue:
00131                     state['on'] = True
00132                     state['hue'] = data.state.hue
00133                 if data.state.sat:
00134                     state['on'] = True
00135                     state['sat'] = data.state.sat
00136                 if data.state.bri:
00137                     state['on'] = True
00138                     state['bri'] = data.state.bri
00139             self.bridge.set_light([data.light_id], state)
00141     def get_color_from_string(self, color):
00142         try:
00143             return self.string2color[color]
00144         except KeyError as e:
00145             self.loginfo('Unsupported Color! Set it to WHITE')
00146             return self.string2color['WHITE']
00148     def loginfo(self, msg):
00149         rospy.loginfo('Rocon Hue : ' + str(msg))
00151     def logwarn(self, msg):
00152         rospy.logwarn('Rocon Hue : ' + str(msg))
00154     def loginfo_ex(self, msg):
00155         if self.retry_cnt < self.retry_max_cnt:
00156             rospy.loginfo('Rocon Hue : ' + str(msg))
00158     def logwarn_ex(self, msg):
00159         if self.retry_cnt < self.retry_max_cnt:
00160             rospy.logwarn('Rocon Hue : ' + str(msg))
00162     def spin(self):
00163         if self.ip is not None:
00164             while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00165                 try:
00166                     rospy.sleep(0.1)
00167                 except:
00168                     break
00169             self.is_checking = False
00170             self.checker_th.join(1)
00171         else:
00172             self.logwarn('Must set hue ip')

Author(s): DongWook Lee
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:58:51