Creating Bubble Icons


Two gimp templates are stored on a file server:

roscd rocon_bubble_icons
make templates

Resizing Your Icon

Once you’ve found your icon that you want to embed in the bubble, open it in gimp and resize it to

  • ~50x50 pixels (low-res template)
  • ~250x250 pixels (high-res template)

Embedding in the Bubble

Open the bubble template you wish to use and make sure you have the Layers, Channels, Paths window open.

  • Select the Embedded Icon layer
  • Use the Rectangle Select Tool to select the entire turtlebot and then cut it from the layer.
  • Go back to your original scaled down icon, use the same tool to select it and copy it.
  • Go back to the template icon, paste into the empty embedded icon layer.


  • Move this layer up and down for best effect.


  • Precise: Use the File->Save as option
  • Saucy++ : Use the File->Export option
  • Save it as png type
  • When flattening the image, a compression level of 2 seems to work well.

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