RobotURDF Member List
This is the complete list of members for RobotURDF, including all inherited members.
addJoint(const std::string &jointName) (defined in Robot)Robot
FrameMap typedef (defined in Robot)Robot
frameToString(const KDL::Frame &frame) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
getCenterOfMass() (defined in Robot)Robot
getChain(const std::string &fromSegment, const std::string &toSegment, KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainFromRoot(const std::string &toSegment, KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainInReverse(const KDL::Chain &inChain, KDL::Chain &retChain) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
getChainJacobian(const KDL::Chain &chain, const KDL::JntArray &positions, KDL::Jacobian &jacobian) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
getChainJointPositions(const KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainJointVelocities(const KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainToRoot(const std::string &fromSegment, KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainTransform(const KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainTransform(const KDL::Chain &chain, const KDL::JntArray &pos) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
getChainTransformBaseToTip(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getChainTransformTipToBase(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointData(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointPosition(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointTorque(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointTraits(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointTraits() (defined in Robot)Robot
getJointVelocity(const std::string &segmentName) (defined in Robot)Robot
getMass() (defined in Robot)Robot
getStaticTransform(const std::string &transformName) (defined in Robot)Robot
jacobianToString(KDL::Jacobian &jacobian) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
JointDataMap typedef (defined in Robot)Robot
jointDataMap (defined in Robot)Robot [protected]
JointMap typedefRobotURDF [private]
JointTraitsMap typedef (defined in Robot)Robot
jointTraitsMap (defined in Robot)Robot [protected]
JointTraitsVector typedef (defined in Robot)Robot
LinkMap typedefRobotURDF [private]
parseFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &rootLink)RobotURDF [private]
parseJoint(TiXmlElement *element)RobotURDF [private]
printChain(const KDL::Chain &chain) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
rigidBodyInertiaToString(const KDL::RigidBodyInertia &rbi) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
Robot() (defined in Robot)Robot
robotTree (defined in Robot)Robot
RobotURDF(const std::string &filename, const std::string &rootLink)RobotURDF
rotationToRpyString(const KDL::Rotation &rotation) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
rotationToString(const KDL::Rotation &rotation) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
saySomething()Robot [virtual]
segmentToString(const KDL::Segment &segment) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
setJointLimits(const std::string &segmentName, double min, double max) (defined in Robot)Robot
setJointPosition(const std::string &segmentName, double position) (defined in Robot)Robot
setJointTorque(const std::string &segmentName, double velocity) (defined in Robot)Robot
setJointVelocity(const std::string &segmentName, double velocity) (defined in Robot)Robot
setStaticTransform(const std::string &transformName, const KDL::Frame &transform) (defined in Robot)Robot
staticTransforms (defined in Robot)Robot [protected]
vectorToString(const KDL::Vector &vector) (defined in Robot)Robot [static]
zeroJoints() (defined in Robot)Robot
~Robot() (defined in Robot)Robot [virtual]
~RobotURDF()RobotURDF [virtual]

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:20:54