Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * BlinkM_funcs.h -- Arduino 'library' to control BlinkM
00003  * --------------
00004  *
00005  *
00006  * Note: original version of this file lives with the BlinkMTester sketch
00007  *
00008  * Note: all the functions are declared 'static' because 
00009  *       it saves about 1.5 kbyte in code space in final compiled sketch.  
00010  *       A C++ library of this costs a 1kB more.
00011  *
00012  * 2007-8, Tod E. Kurt, ThingM,
00013  *
00014  * version: 20081101
00015  *
00016  * history:
00017  *  20080101 - initial release
00018  *  20080203 - added setStartupParam(), bugfix receiveBytes() from Dan Julio
00019  *  20081101 - fixed to work with Arduino-0012, added MaxM commands,
00020  *             added test script read/write functions, cleaned up some functions
00021  *  20090121 - added I2C bus scan functions, has dependencies on private 
00022  *             functions inside Wire library, so might break in the future
00023  *  20100420 - added BlinkM_startPower and _stopPower
00024  *
00025  */
00027 #include <Wire.h>
00029 extern "C" { 
00030 #include "utility/twi.h"  // from Wire library, so we can do bus scanning
00031 }
00034 // format of light script lines: duration, command, arg1,arg2,arg3
00035 typedef struct _blinkm_script_line {
00036   uint8_t dur;
00037   uint8_t cmd[4];    // cmd,arg1,arg2,arg3
00038 } blinkm_script_line;
00041 // Call this first (when powering BlinkM from a power supply)
00042 static void BlinkM_begin()
00043 {
00044   Wire.begin();                // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
00045 }
00047 /*
00048  * actually can't do this either, because twi_init() has THREE callocs in it too
00049  *
00050 static void BlinkM_reset()
00051 {
00052   twi_init();  // can't just call Wire.begin() again because of calloc()s there
00053 }
00054 */
00056 //
00057 // each call to twi_writeTo() should return 0 if device is there
00058 // or other value (usually 2) if nothing is at that address
00059 // 
00060 static void BlinkM_scanI2CBus(byte from, byte to, 
00061                               void(*callback)(byte add, byte result) ) 
00062 {
00063   byte rc;
00064   byte data = 0; // not used, just an address to feed to twi_writeTo()
00065   for( byte addr = from; addr <= to; addr++ ) {
00066     rc = twi_writeTo(addr, &data, 0, 1, 1);
00067     callback( addr, rc );
00068   }
00069 }
00071 //
00072 //
00073 static int8_t BlinkM_findFirstI2CDevice() 
00074 {
00075   byte rc;
00076   byte data = 0; // not used, just an address to feed to twi_writeTo()
00077   for( byte addr=1; addr < 120; addr++ ) {  // only scan addrs 1-120
00078     rc = twi_writeTo(addr, &data, 0, 1, 1);
00079     if( rc == 0 ) return addr; // found an address
00080   }
00081   return -1; // no device found in range given
00082 }
00084 // FIXME: make this more Arduino-like
00085 static void BlinkM_startPowerWithPins(byte pwrpin, byte gndpin)
00086 {
00087   DDRC |= _BV(pwrpin) | _BV(gndpin);  // make outputs
00088   PORTC &=~ _BV(gndpin);
00089   PORTC |=  _BV(pwrpin);
00090 }
00092 // FIXME: make this more Arduino-like
00093 static void BlinkM_stopPowerWithPins(byte pwrpin, byte gndpin)
00094 {
00095   DDRC &=~ (_BV(pwrpin) | _BV(gndpin));
00096 }
00098 //
00099 static void BlinkM_startPower()
00100 {
00101   BlinkM_startPowerWithPins( PORTC3, PORTC2 );
00102 }
00104 //
00105 static void BlinkM_stopPower()
00106 {
00107   BlinkM_stopPowerWithPins( PORTC3, PORTC2 );
00108 }
00110 // General version of BlinkM_beginWithPower().
00111 // Call this first when BlinkM is plugged directly into Arduino
00112 static void BlinkM_beginWithPowerPins(byte pwrpin, byte gndpin)
00113 {
00114   BlinkM_startPowerWithPins(pwrpin,gndpin);
00115   delay(100);  // wait for things to stabilize
00116   Wire.begin();
00117 }
00119 // Call this first when BlinkM is plugged directly into Arduino
00120 // FIXME: make this more Arduino-like
00121 static void BlinkM_beginWithPower()
00122 {
00123   BlinkM_beginWithPowerPins( PORTC3, PORTC2 );
00124 }
00126 // sends a generic command
00127 static void BlinkM_sendCmd(byte addr, byte* cmd, int cmdlen)
00128 {
00129   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00130   for( byte i=0; i<cmdlen; i++) 
00131     Wire.write(cmd[i]);
00132   Wire.endTransmission();
00133 }
00135 // receives generic data
00136 // returns 0 on success, and -1 if no data available
00137 // note: responsiblity of caller to know how many bytes to expect
00138 static int BlinkM_receiveBytes(byte addr, byte* resp, byte len)
00139 {
00140   Wire.requestFrom(addr, len);
00141   if( Wire.available() ) {
00142     for( int i=0; i<len; i++) 
00143       resp[i] =;
00144     return 0;
00145   }
00146   return -1;
00147 }
00149 // Sets the I2C address of the BlinkM.  
00150 // Uses "general call" broadcast address
00151 static void BlinkM_setAddress(byte newaddress)
00152 {
00153   Wire.beginTransmission(0x00);  // general call (broadcast address)
00154   Wire.write('A');
00155   Wire.write(newaddress);
00156   Wire.write(0xD0);
00157   Wire.write(0x0D);  // dood!
00158   Wire.write(newaddress);
00159   Wire.endTransmission();
00160   delay(50); // just in case
00161 }
00164 // Gets the I2C address of the BlinKM
00165 // Kind of redundant when sent to a specific address
00166 // but uses to verify BlinkM communication
00167 static int BlinkM_getAddress(byte addr)
00168 {
00169   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00170   Wire.write('a');
00171   Wire.endTransmission();
00172   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)1);  // general call
00173   if( Wire.available() ) {
00174     byte b =;
00175     return b;
00176   }
00177   return -1;
00178 }
00180 // Gets the BlinkM firmware version
00181 static int BlinkM_getVersion(byte addr)
00182 {
00183   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00184   Wire.write('Z');
00185   Wire.endTransmission();
00186   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)2);
00187   if( Wire.available() ) {
00188     byte major_ver =;
00189     byte minor_ver =;
00190     return (major_ver<<8) + minor_ver;
00191   }
00192   return -1;
00193 }
00195 // Demonstrates how to verify you're talking to a BlinkM 
00196 // and that you know its address
00197 static int BlinkM_checkAddress(byte addr)
00198 {
00199   //Serial.print("Checking BlinkM address...");
00200   int b = BlinkM_getAddress(addr);
00201   if( b==-1 ) {
00202     //Serial.println("No response, that's not good");
00203     return -1;  // no response
00204   } 
00205   //Serial.print("received addr: 0x");
00206   //Serial.print(b,HEX);
00207   if( b != addr )
00208     return 1; // error, addr mismatch 
00209   else 
00210     return 0; // match, everything okay
00211 }
00213 // Sets the speed of fading between colors.  
00214 // Higher numbers means faster fading, 255 == instantaneous fading
00215 static void BlinkM_setFadeSpeed(byte addr, byte fadespeed)
00216 {
00217   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00218   Wire.write('f');
00219   Wire.write(fadespeed);
00220   Wire.endTransmission();  
00221 }
00223 // Sets the light script playback time adjust
00224 // The timeadj argument is signed, and is an additive value to all
00225 // durations in a light script. Set to zero to turn off time adjust.
00226 static void BlinkM_setTimeAdj(byte addr, byte timeadj)
00227 {
00228   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00229   Wire.write('t');
00230   Wire.write(timeadj);
00231   Wire.endTransmission();  
00232 }
00234 // Fades to an RGB color
00235 static void BlinkM_fadeToRGB(byte addr, byte red, byte grn, byte blu)
00236 {
00237   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00238   Wire.write('c');
00239   Wire.write(red);
00240   Wire.write(grn);
00241   Wire.write(blu);
00242   Wire.endTransmission();
00243 }
00245 // Fades to an HSB color
00246 static void BlinkM_fadeToHSB(byte addr, byte hue, byte saturation, byte brightness)
00247 {
00248   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00249   Wire.write('h');
00250   Wire.write(hue);
00251   Wire.write(saturation);
00252   Wire.write(brightness);
00253   Wire.endTransmission();
00254 }
00256 // Sets an RGB color immediately
00257 static void BlinkM_setRGB(byte addr, byte red, byte grn, byte blu)
00258 {
00259   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00260   Wire.write('n');
00261   Wire.write(red);
00262   Wire.write(grn);
00263   Wire.write(blu);
00264   Wire.endTransmission();
00265 }
00267 // Fades to a random RGB color
00268 static void BlinkM_fadeToRandomRGB(byte addr, byte rrnd, byte grnd, byte brnd)
00269 {
00270   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00271   Wire.write('C');
00272   Wire.write(rrnd);
00273   Wire.write(grnd);
00274   Wire.write(brnd);
00275   Wire.endTransmission();
00276 }
00277 // Fades to a random HSB color
00278 static void BlinkM_fadeToRandomHSB(byte addr, byte hrnd, byte srnd, byte brnd)
00279 {
00280   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00281   Wire.write('H');
00282   Wire.write(hrnd);
00283   Wire.write(srnd);
00284   Wire.write(brnd);
00285   Wire.endTransmission();
00286 }
00288 //
00289 static void BlinkM_getRGBColor(byte addr, byte* r, byte* g, byte* b)
00290 {
00291   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00292   Wire.write('g');
00293   Wire.endTransmission();
00294   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)3);
00295   if( Wire.available() ) {
00296     *r =;
00297     *g =;
00298     *b =;
00299   }
00300 }
00302 //
00303 static void BlinkM_playScript(byte addr, byte script_id, byte reps, byte pos)
00304 {
00305   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00306   Wire.write('p');
00307   Wire.write(script_id);
00308   Wire.write(reps);
00309   Wire.write(pos);
00310   Wire.endTransmission();
00311 }
00313 //
00314 static void BlinkM_stopScript(byte addr)
00315 {
00316   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00317   Wire.write('o');
00318   Wire.endTransmission();
00319 }
00321 //
00322 static void BlinkM_setScriptLengthReps(byte addr, byte script_id, 
00323                                        byte len, byte reps)
00324 {
00325   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00326   Wire.write('L');
00327   Wire.write(script_id);
00328   Wire.write(len);
00329   Wire.write(reps);
00330   Wire.endTransmission();
00331 }
00333 // Fill up script_line with data from a script line
00334 // currently only script_id = 0 works (eeprom script)
00335 static void BlinkM_readScriptLine(byte addr, byte script_id, 
00336                                   byte pos, blinkm_script_line* script_line)
00337 {
00338   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00339   Wire.write('R');
00340   Wire.write(script_id);
00341   Wire.write(pos);
00342   Wire.endTransmission();
00343   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)5);
00344   while( Wire.available() < 5 ) ; // FIXME: wait until we get 7 bytes
00345   script_line->dur    =;
00346   script_line->cmd[0] =;
00347   script_line->cmd[1] =;
00348   script_line->cmd[2] =;
00349   script_line->cmd[3] =;
00350 }
00352 //
00353 static void BlinkM_writeScriptLine(byte addr, byte script_id, 
00354                                    byte pos, byte dur,
00355                                    byte cmd, byte arg1, byte arg2, byte arg3)
00356 {
00358   Serial.print("writing line:");  Serial.print(pos,DEC);
00359   Serial.print(" with cmd:"); Serial.print(cmd); 
00360   Serial.print(" arg1:"); Serial.println(arg1,HEX);
00361 #endif
00362   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00363   Wire.write('W');
00364   Wire.write(script_id);
00365   Wire.write(pos);
00366   Wire.write(dur);
00367   Wire.write(cmd);
00368   Wire.write(arg1);
00369   Wire.write(arg2);
00370   Wire.write(arg3);
00371   Wire.endTransmission();
00373 }
00375 //
00376 static void BlinkM_writeScript(byte addr, byte script_id, 
00377                                byte len, byte reps,
00378                                blinkm_script_line* lines)
00379 {
00381   Serial.print("writing script to addr:"); Serial.print(addr,DEC);
00382   Serial.print(", script_id:"); Serial.println(script_id,DEC);
00383 #endif
00384   for(byte i=0; i < len; i++) {
00385     blinkm_script_line l = lines[i];
00386     BlinkM_writeScriptLine( addr, script_id, i, l.dur,
00387                             l.cmd[0], l.cmd[1], l.cmd[2], l.cmd[3]);
00388     delay(20); // must wait for EEPROM to be programmed
00389   }
00390   BlinkM_setScriptLengthReps(addr, script_id, len, reps);
00391 }
00393 //
00394 static void BlinkM_setStartupParams(byte addr, byte mode, byte script_id,
00395                                     byte reps, byte fadespeed, byte timeadj)
00396 {
00397   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00398   Wire.write('B');
00399   Wire.write(mode);             // default 0x01 == Play script
00400   Wire.write(script_id);        // default 0x00 == script #0
00401   Wire.write(reps);             // default 0x00 == repeat infinitely
00402   Wire.write(fadespeed);        // default 0x08 == usually overridden by sketch 
00403   Wire.write(timeadj);          // default 0x00 == sometimes overridden by sketch
00404   Wire.endTransmission();
00405 } 
00408 // Gets digital inputs of the BlinkM
00409 // returns -1 on failure
00410 static int BlinkM_getInputsO(byte addr)
00411 {
00412   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00413   Wire.write('i');
00414   Wire.endTransmission();
00415   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)1);
00416   if( Wire.available() ) {
00417     byte b =;
00418     return b; 
00419   }
00420   return -1;
00421 }
00423 // Gets digital inputs of the BlinkM
00424 // stores them in passed in array
00425 // returns -1 on failure
00426 static int BlinkM_getInputs(byte addr, byte inputs[])
00427 {
00428   Wire.beginTransmission(addr);
00429   Wire.write('i');
00430   Wire.endTransmission();
00431   Wire.requestFrom(addr, (byte)4);
00432   while( Wire.available() < 4 ) ; // FIXME: wait until we get 4 bytes
00434   inputs[0] =;
00435   inputs[1] =;
00436   inputs[2] =;
00437   inputs[3] =;
00439   return 0;
00440 }

Author(s): RoboTiCan
autogenerated on Fri May 20 2016 03:48:55