00005 import angles
00006 from contextlib import contextmanager
00007 import usb.core
00008 import usb.util
00009 import pyaudio
00010 import math
00011 import numpy as np
00012 import tf.transformations as T
00013 import os
00014 import rospy
00015 import struct
00016 import sys
00017 import time
00018 from audio_common_msgs.msg import AudioData
00019 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
00020 from std_msgs.msg import Bool, Int32, ColorRGBA
00021 from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
00022 try:
00023 from pixel_ring import usb_pixel_ring_v2
00024 except IOError as e:
00025 print e
00026 raise RuntimeError("Check the device is connected and recognized")
00028 try:
00029 from respeaker_ros.cfg import RespeakerConfig
00030 except Exception as e:
00031 print e
00032 raise RuntimeError("Need to run respeaker_gencfg.py first")
00038 @contextmanager
00039 def ignore_stderr(enable=True):
00040 if enable:
00041 devnull = None
00042 try:
00043 devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY)
00044 stderr = os.dup(2)
00045 sys.stderr.flush()
00046 os.dup2(devnull, 2)
00047 try:
00048 yield
00049 finally:
00050 os.dup2(stderr, 2)
00051 os.close(stderr)
00052 finally:
00053 if devnull is not None:
00054 os.close(devnull)
00055 else:
00056 yield
00062 PARAMETERS = {
00063 'AECFREEZEONOFF': (18, 7, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Adaptive Echo Canceler updates inhibit.', '0 = Adaptation enabled', '1 = Freeze adaptation, filter only'),
00064 'AECNORM': (18, 19, 'float', 16, 0.25, 'rw', 'Limit on norm of AEC filter coefficients'),
00065 'AECPATHCHANGE': (18, 25, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'AEC Path Change Detection.', '0 = false (no path change detected)', '1 = true (path change detected)'),
00066 'RT60': (18, 26, 'float', 0.9, 0.25, 'ro', 'Current RT60 estimate in seconds'),
00067 'HPFONOFF': (18, 27, 'int', 3, 0, 'rw', 'High-pass Filter on microphone signals.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON - 70 Hz cut-off', '2 = ON - 125 Hz cut-off', '3 = ON - 180 Hz cut-off'),
00068 'RT60ONOFF': (18, 28, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'RT60 Estimation for AES. 0 = OFF 1 = ON'),
00069 'AECSILENCELEVEL': (18, 30, 'float', 1, 1e-09, 'rw', 'Threshold for signal detection in AEC [-inf .. 0] dBov (Default: -80dBov = 10log10(1x10-8))'),
00070 'AECSILENCEMODE': (18, 31, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'AEC far-end silence detection status. ', '0 = false (signal detected) ', '1 = true (silence detected)'),
00071 'AGCONOFF': (19, 0, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Automatic Gain Control. ', '0 = OFF ', '1 = ON'),
00072 'AGCMAXGAIN': (19, 1, 'float', 1000, 1, 'rw', 'Maximum AGC gain factor. ', '[0 .. 60] dB (default 30dB = 20log10(31.6))'),
00073 'AGCDESIREDLEVEL': (19, 2, 'float', 0.99, 1e-08, 'rw', 'Target power level of the output signal. ', '[-inf .. 0] dBov (default: -23dBov = 10log10(0.005))'),
00074 'AGCGAIN': (19, 3, 'float', 1000, 1, 'rw', 'Current AGC gain factor. ', '[0 .. 60] dB (default: 0.0dB = 20log10(1.0))'),
00075 'AGCTIME': (19, 4, 'float', 1, 0.1, 'rw', 'Ramps-up / down time-constant in seconds.'),
00076 'CNIONOFF': (19, 5, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Comfort Noise Insertion.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00077 'FREEZEONOFF': (19, 6, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Adaptive beamformer updates.', '0 = Adaptation enabled', '1 = Freeze adaptation, filter only'),
00078 'STATNOISEONOFF': (19, 8, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Stationary noise suppression.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00079 'GAMMA_NS': (19, 9, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of stationary noise. min .. max attenuation'),
00080 'MIN_NS': (19, 10, 'float', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Gain-floor for stationary noise suppression.', '[-inf .. 0] dB (default: -16dB = 20log10(0.15))'),
00081 'NONSTATNOISEONOFF': (19, 11, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Non-stationary noise suppression.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00082 'GAMMA_NN': (19, 12, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of non- stationary noise. min .. max attenuation'),
00083 'MIN_NN': (19, 13, 'float', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Gain-floor for non-stationary noise suppression.', '[-inf .. 0] dB (default: -10dB = 20log10(0.3))'),
00084 'ECHOONOFF': (19, 14, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Echo suppression.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00085 'GAMMA_E': (19, 15, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of echo (direct and early components). min .. max attenuation'),
00086 'GAMMA_ETAIL': (19, 16, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of echo (tail components). min .. max attenuation'),
00087 'GAMMA_ENL': (19, 17, 'float', 5, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of non-linear echo. min .. max attenuation'),
00088 'NLATTENONOFF': (19, 18, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Non-Linear echo attenuation.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00089 'NLAEC_MODE': (19, 20, 'int', 2, 0, 'rw', 'Non-Linear AEC training mode.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON - phase 1', '2 = ON - phase 2'),
00090 'SPEECHDETECTED': (19, 22, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'Speech detection status.', '0 = false (no speech detected)', '1 = true (speech detected)'),
00091 'FSBUPDATED': (19, 23, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'FSB Update Decision.', '0 = false (FSB was not updated)', '1 = true (FSB was updated)'),
00092 'FSBPATHCHANGE': (19, 24, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'FSB Path Change Detection.', '0 = false (no path change detected)', '1 = true (path change detected)'),
00093 'TRANSIENTONOFF': (19, 29, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Transient echo suppression.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00094 'VOICEACTIVITY': (19, 32, 'int', 1, 0, 'ro', 'VAD voice activity status.', '0 = false (no voice activity)', '1 = true (voice activity)'),
00095 'STATNOISEONOFF_SR': (19, 33, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Stationary noise suppression for ASR.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00096 'NONSTATNOISEONOFF_SR': (19, 34, 'int', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Non-stationary noise suppression for ASR.', '0 = OFF', '1 = ON'),
00097 'GAMMA_NS_SR': (19, 35, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of stationary noise for ASR. ', '[0.0 .. 3.0] (default: 1.0)'),
00098 'GAMMA_NN_SR': (19, 36, 'float', 3, 0, 'rw', 'Over-subtraction factor of non-stationary noise for ASR. ', '[0.0 .. 3.0] (default: 1.1)'),
00099 'MIN_NS_SR': (19, 37, 'float', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Gain-floor for stationary noise suppression for ASR.', '[-inf .. 0] dB (default: -16dB = 20log10(0.15))'),
00100 'MIN_NN_SR': (19, 38, 'float', 1, 0, 'rw', 'Gain-floor for non-stationary noise suppression for ASR.', '[-inf .. 0] dB (default: -10dB = 20log10(0.3))'),
00101 'GAMMAVAD_SR': (19, 39, 'float', 1000, 0, 'rw', 'Set the threshold for voice activity detection.', '[-inf .. 60] dB (default: 3.5dB 20log10(1.5))'),
00103 'DOAANGLE': (21, 0, 'int', 359, 0, 'ro', 'DOA angle. Current value. Orientation depends on build configuration.')
00104 }
00107 class RespeakerInterface(object):
00108 VENDOR_ID = 0x2886
00109 PRODUCT_ID = 0x0018
00110 TIMEOUT = 100000
00112 def __init__(self):
00113 self.dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=self.VENDOR_ID,
00114 idProduct=self.PRODUCT_ID)
00115 if not self.dev:
00116 raise RuntimeError("Failed to find Respeaker device")
00117 rospy.loginfo("Initializing Respeaker device")
00118 self.dev.reset()
00119 self.pixel_ring = usb_pixel_ring_v2.PixelRing(self.dev)
00120 self.set_led_think()
00121 time.sleep(5)
00122 self.set_led_trace()
00123 rospy.loginfo("Respeaker device initialized (Version: %s)" % self.version)
00125 def __del__(self):
00126 try:
00127 self.close()
00128 except:
00129 pass
00130 finally:
00131 self.dev = None
00133 def write(self, name, value):
00134 try:
00135 data = PARAMETERS[name]
00136 except KeyError:
00137 return
00139 if data[5] == 'ro':
00140 raise ValueError('{} is read-only'.format(name))
00142 id = data[0]
00145 if data[2] == 'int':
00146 payload = struct.pack(b'iii', data[1], int(value), 1)
00147 else:
00148 payload = struct.pack(b'ifi', data[1], float(value), 0)
00150 self.dev.ctrl_transfer(
00151 usb.util.CTRL_OUT | usb.util.CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR | usb.util.CTRL_RECIPIENT_DEVICE,
00152 0, 0, id, payload, self.TIMEOUT)
00154 def read(self, name):
00155 try:
00156 data = PARAMETERS[name]
00157 except KeyError:
00158 return
00160 id = data[0]
00162 cmd = 0x80 | data[1]
00163 if data[2] == 'int':
00164 cmd |= 0x40
00166 length = 8
00168 response = self.dev.ctrl_transfer(
00169 usb.util.CTRL_IN | usb.util.CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR | usb.util.CTRL_RECIPIENT_DEVICE,
00170 0, cmd, id, length, self.TIMEOUT)
00172 response = struct.unpack(b'ii', response.tostring())
00174 if data[2] == 'int':
00175 result = response[0]
00176 else:
00177 result = response[0] * (2.**response[1])
00179 return result
00181 def set_led_think(self):
00182 self.pixel_ring.set_brightness(10)
00183 self.pixel_ring.think()
00185 def set_led_trace(self):
00186 self.pixel_ring.set_brightness(20)
00187 self.pixel_ring.trace()
00189 def set_led_color(self, r, g, b, a):
00190 self.pixel_ring.set_brightness(int(20 * a))
00191 self.pixel_ring.set_color(r=int(r*255), g=int(g*255), b=int(b*255))
00193 def set_vad_threshold(self, db):
00194 self.write('GAMMAVAD_SR', db)
00196 def is_voice(self):
00197 return self.read('VOICEACTIVITY')
00199 @property
00200 def direction(self):
00201 return self.read('DOAANGLE')
00203 @property
00204 def version(self):
00205 return self.dev.ctrl_transfer(
00206 usb.util.CTRL_IN | usb.util.CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR | usb.util.CTRL_RECIPIENT_DEVICE,
00207 0, 0x80, 0, 1, self.TIMEOUT)[0]
00209 def close(self):
00210 """
00211 close the interface
00212 """
00213 usb.util.dispose_resources(self.dev)
00216 class RespeakerAudio(object):
00217 def __init__(self, on_audio, channel=0, suppress_error=True):
00218 self.on_audio = on_audio
00219 with ignore_stderr(enable=suppress_error):
00220 self.pyaudio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
00221 self.channels = None
00222 self.channel = channel
00223 self.device_index = None
00224 self.rate = 16000
00225 self.bitwidth = 2
00226 self.bitdepth = 16
00229 count = self.pyaudio.get_device_count()
00230 rospy.logdebug("%d audio devices found" % count)
00231 for i in range(count):
00232 info = self.pyaudio.get_device_info_by_index(i)
00233 name = info["name"].encode("utf-8")
00234 chan = info["maxInputChannels"]
00235 rospy.logdebug(" - %d: %s" % (i, name))
00236 if name.lower().find("respeaker") >= 0:
00237 self.channels = chan
00238 self.device_index = i
00239 rospy.loginfo("Found %d: %s (channels: %d)" % (i, name, chan))
00240 break
00241 if self.device_index is None:
00242 rospy.logwarn("Failed to find respeaker device by name. Using default input")
00243 info = self.pyaudio.get_default_input_device_info()
00244 self.channels = info["maxInputChannels"]
00245 self.device_index = info["index"]
00247 if self.channels != 6:
00248 rospy.logwarn("%d channel is found for respeaker" % self.channels)
00249 rospy.logwarn("You may have to update firmware.")
00250 self.channel = min(self.channels - 1, max(0, self.channel))
00252 self.stream = self.pyaudio.open(
00253 input=True, start=False,
00254 format=pyaudio.paInt16,
00255 channels=self.channels,
00256 rate=self.rate,
00257 frames_per_buffer=1024,
00258 stream_callback=self.stream_callback,
00259 input_device_index=self.device_index,
00260 )
00262 def __del__(self):
00263 self.stop()
00264 try:
00265 self.stream.close()
00266 except:
00267 pass
00268 finally:
00269 self.stream = None
00270 try:
00271 self.pyaudio.terminate()
00272 except:
00273 pass
00275 def stream_callback(self, in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
00277 data = np.fromstring(in_data, dtype=np.int16)
00278 chunk_per_channel = len(data) / self.channels
00279 data = np.reshape(data, (chunk_per_channel, self.channels))
00280 chan_data = data[:, self.channel]
00282 self.on_audio(chan_data.tostring())
00283 return None, pyaudio.paContinue
00285 def start(self):
00286 if self.stream.is_stopped():
00287 self.stream.start_stream()
00289 def stop(self):
00290 if self.stream.is_active():
00291 self.stream.stop_stream()
00294 class RespeakerNode(object):
00295 def __init__(self):
00296 rospy.on_shutdown(self.on_shutdown)
00297 self.update_rate = rospy.get_param("~update_rate", 10.0)
00298 self.sensor_frame_id = rospy.get_param("~sensor_frame_id", "respeaker_base")
00299 self.doa_xy_offset = rospy.get_param("~doa_xy_offset", 0.0)
00300 self.doa_yaw_offset = rospy.get_param("~doa_yaw_offset", 90.0)
00301 self.speech_prefetch = rospy.get_param("~speech_prefetch", 0.5)
00302 self.speech_continuation = rospy.get_param("~speech_continuation", 0.5)
00303 self.speech_max_duration = rospy.get_param("~speech_max_duration", 7.0)
00304 self.speech_min_duration = rospy.get_param("~speech_min_duration", 0.1)
00305 suppress_pyaudio_error = rospy.get_param("~suppress_pyaudio_error", True)
00307 self.respeaker = RespeakerInterface()
00308 self.speech_audio_buffer = str()
00309 self.is_speeching = False
00310 self.speech_stopped = rospy.Time(0)
00311 self.prev_is_voice = None
00312 self.prev_doa = None
00314 self.pub_vad = rospy.Publisher("is_speeching", Bool, queue_size=1, latch=True)
00315 self.pub_doa_raw = rospy.Publisher("sound_direction", Int32, queue_size=1, latch=True)
00316 self.pub_doa = rospy.Publisher("sound_localization", PoseStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True)
00317 self.pub_audio = rospy.Publisher("audio", AudioData, queue_size=10)
00318 self.pub_speech_audio = rospy.Publisher("speech_audio", AudioData, queue_size=10)
00320 self.config = None
00321 self.dyn_srv = Server(RespeakerConfig, self.on_config)
00323 self.respeaker_audio = RespeakerAudio(self.on_audio, suppress_error=suppress_pyaudio_error)
00324 self.speech_prefetch_bytes = int(
00325 self.speech_prefetch * self.respeaker_audio.rate * self.respeaker_audio.bitdepth / 8.0)
00326 self.speech_prefetch_buffer = str()
00327 self.respeaker_audio.start()
00328 self.info_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.update_rate),
00329 self.on_timer)
00330 self.timer_led = None
00331 self.sub_led = rospy.Subscriber("status_led", ColorRGBA, self.on_status_led)
00333 def on_shutdown(self):
00334 try:
00335 self.respeaker.close()
00336 except:
00337 pass
00338 finally:
00339 self.respeaker = None
00340 try:
00341 self.respeaker_audio.stop()
00342 except:
00343 pass
00344 finally:
00345 self.respeaker_audio = None
00347 def on_config(self, config, level):
00348 if self.config is None:
00350 for name in config.keys():
00351 config[name] = self.respeaker.read(name)
00352 else:
00354 for name, value in config.items():
00355 prev_val = self.config[name]
00356 if prev_val != value:
00357 self.respeaker.write(name, value)
00358 self.config = config
00359 return config
00361 def on_status_led(self, msg):
00362 self.respeaker.set_led_color(r=msg.r, g=msg.g, b=msg.b, a=msg.a)
00363 if self.timer_led and self.timer_led.is_alive():
00364 self.timer_led.shutdown()
00365 self.timer_led = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(3.0),
00366 lambda e: self.respeaker.set_led_trace(),
00367 oneshot=True)
00369 def on_audio(self, data):
00370 self.pub_audio.publish(AudioData(data=data))
00371 if self.is_speeching:
00372 if len(self.speech_audio_buffer) == 0:
00373 self.speech_audio_buffer = self.speech_prefetch_buffer
00374 self.speech_audio_buffer += data
00375 else:
00376 self.speech_prefetch_buffer += data
00377 self.speech_prefetch_buffer = self.speech_prefetch_buffer[-self.speech_prefetch_bytes:]
00379 def on_timer(self, event):
00380 stamp = event.current_real or rospy.Time.now()
00381 is_voice = self.respeaker.is_voice()
00382 doa_rad = math.radians(self.respeaker.direction - 180.0)
00383 doa_rad = angles.shortest_angular_distance(
00384 doa_rad, math.radians(self.doa_yaw_offset))
00385 doa = math.degrees(doa_rad)
00388 if is_voice != self.prev_is_voice:
00389 self.pub_vad.publish(Bool(data=is_voice))
00390 self.prev_is_voice = is_voice
00393 if doa != self.prev_doa:
00394 self.pub_doa_raw.publish(Int32(data=doa))
00395 self.prev_doa = doa
00397 msg = PoseStamped()
00398 msg.header.frame_id = self.sensor_frame_id
00399 msg.header.stamp = stamp
00400 ori = T.quaternion_from_euler(math.radians(doa), 0, 0)
00401 msg.pose.position.x = self.doa_xy_offset * np.cos(doa_rad)
00402 msg.pose.position.y = self.doa_xy_offset * np.sin(doa_rad)
00403 msg.pose.orientation.w = ori[0]
00404 msg.pose.orientation.x = ori[1]
00405 msg.pose.orientation.y = ori[2]
00406 msg.pose.orientation.z = ori[3]
00407 self.pub_doa.publish(msg)
00410 if is_voice:
00411 self.speech_stopped = stamp
00412 if stamp - self.speech_stopped < rospy.Duration(self.speech_continuation):
00413 self.is_speeching = True
00414 elif self.is_speeching:
00415 buf = self.speech_audio_buffer
00416 self.speech_audio_buffer = str()
00417 self.is_speeching = False
00418 duration = 8.0 * len(buf) * self.respeaker_audio.bitwidth
00419 duration = duration / self.respeaker_audio.rate / self.respeaker_audio.bitdepth
00420 rospy.loginfo("Speech detected for %.3f seconds" % duration)
00421 if self.speech_min_duration <= duration < self.speech_max_duration:
00423 self.pub_speech_audio.publish(AudioData(data=buf))
00426 if __name__ == '__main__':
00427 rospy.init_node("respeaker_node")
00428 n = RespeakerNode()
00429 rospy.spin()