00001 import os
00002 import sys
00003 from rs2_listener import CWaitForMessage
00005 import rosbag
00006 from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
00007 import numpy as np
00008 import tf
00009 import itertools
00010 import subprocess
00011 import rospy
00012 import time
00013 import rosservice
00015 global tf_timeout
00016 tf_timeout = 5
00018 def ImuGetData(rec_filename, topic):
00022 bag = rosbag.Bag(rec_filename)
00023 res = dict()
00024 res['value'] = None
00025 res['max_diff'] = [0,0,0]
00026 for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=topic):
00027 value = np.array([msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z])
00028 if res['value'] is None:
00029 res['value'] = value
00030 else:
00031 diff = abs(value - res['value'])
00032 res['max_diff'] = [max(diff[x], res['max_diff'][x]) for x in range(len(diff))]
00033 res['max_diff'] = np.array(res['max_diff'])
00034 return res
00036 def AccelGetData(rec_filename):
00037 return ImuGetData(rec_filename, '/device_0/sensor_2/Accel_0/imu/data')
00039 def AccelGetDataDeviceStandStraight(rec_filename):
00040 gt_data = AccelGetData(rec_filename)
00041 gt_data['ros_value'] = np.array([0.63839424, 0.05380408, 9.85343552])
00042 gt_data['ros_max_diff'] = np.array([1.97013582e-02, 4.65862500e-09, 4.06165277e-02])
00043 return gt_data
00045 def ImuTest(data, gt_data):
00048 try:
00049 v_data = np.array([data['value'][0].x, data['value'][0].y, data['value'][0].z])
00050 v_gt_data = gt_data['value']
00051 diff = v_data - v_gt_data
00052 max_diff = abs(diff).max()
00053 msg = 'original accel: Expect max diff of %.3f. Got %.3f.' % (gt_data['max_diff'].max(), max_diff)
00054 print msg
00055 if max_diff > gt_data['max_diff'].max():
00056 return False, msg
00058 v_data = data['ros_value'][0]
00059 v_gt_data = gt_data['ros_value']
00060 diff = v_data - v_gt_data
00061 max_diff = abs(diff).max()
00062 msg = 'rotated to ROS: Expect max diff of %.3f. Got %.3f.' % (gt_data['ros_max_diff'].max(), max_diff)
00063 print msg
00064 if max_diff > gt_data['ros_max_diff'].max():
00065 return False, msg
00066 except Exception as e:
00067 msg = '%s' % e
00068 print 'Test Failed: %s' % msg
00069 return False, msg
00070 return True, ''
00072 def ImageGetData(rec_filename, topic):
00073 bag = rosbag.Bag(rec_filename)
00074 bridge = CvBridge()
00075 all_avg = []
00076 ok_percent = []
00077 res = dict()
00079 for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=topic):
00080 try:
00081 cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, msg.encoding)
00082 except CvBridgeError as e:
00083 print(e)
00084 continue
00085 pyimg = np.asarray(cv_image)
00086 ok_number = (pyimg != 0).sum()
00087 ok_percent.append(float(ok_number) / (pyimg.shape[0] * pyimg.shape[1]))
00088 all_avg.append(pyimg.sum() / ok_number)
00090 all_avg = np.array(all_avg)
00091 channels = cv_image.shape[2] if len(cv_image.shape) > 2 else 1
00092 res['num_channels'] = channels
00093 res['shape'] = cv_image.shape
00094 res['avg'] = all_avg.mean()
00095 res['ok_percent'] = {'value': (np.array(ok_percent).mean()) / channels, 'epsilon': 0.01}
00096 res['epsilon'] = max(all_avg.max() - res['avg'], res['avg'] - all_avg.min())
00097 res['reported_size'] = [msg.width, msg.height, msg.step]
00099 return res
00102 def ImageColorGetData(rec_filename):
00103 return ImageGetData(rec_filename, '/device_0/sensor_1/Color_0/image/data')
00106 def ImageDepthGetData(rec_filename):
00107 return ImageGetData(rec_filename, '/device_0/sensor_0/Depth_0/image/data')
00110 def ImageDepthInColorShapeGetData(rec_filename):
00111 gt_data = ImageDepthGetData(rec_filename)
00112 color_data = ImageColorGetData(rec_filename)
00113 gt_data['shape'] = color_data['shape'][:2]
00114 gt_data['reported_size'] = color_data['reported_size']
00115 gt_data['reported_size'][2] = gt_data['reported_size'][0]*2
00116 gt_data['ok_percent']['epsilon'] *= 3
00117 return gt_data
00119 def ImageDepthGetData_decimation(rec_filename):
00120 gt_data = ImageDepthGetData(rec_filename)
00121 gt_data['shape'] = [x/2 for x in gt_data['shape']]
00122 gt_data['reported_size'] = [x/2 for x in gt_data['reported_size']]
00123 gt_data['epsilon'] *= 3
00124 return gt_data
00126 def ImageColorTest(data, gt_data):
00129 try:
00130 channels = list(set(data['num_channels']))
00131 msg = 'Expect %d channels. Got %d channels.' % (gt_data['num_channels'], channels[0])
00132 print msg
00133 if len(channels) > 1 or channels[0] != gt_data['num_channels']:
00134 return False, msg
00135 msg = 'Expected all received images to be the same shape. Got %s' % str(set(data['shape']))
00136 print msg
00137 if len(set(data['shape'])) > 1:
00138 return False, msg
00139 msg = 'Expected shape to be %s. Got %s' % (gt_data['shape'], list(set(data['shape']))[0])
00140 print msg
00141 if (np.array(list(set(data['shape']))[0]) != np.array(gt_data['shape'])).any():
00142 return False, msg
00143 msg = 'Expected header [width, height, step] to be %s. Got %s' % (gt_data['reported_size'], list(set(data['reported_size']))[0])
00144 print msg
00145 if (np.array(list(set(data['reported_size']))[0]) != np.array(gt_data['reported_size'])).any():
00146 return False, msg
00147 msg = 'Expect average of %.3f (+-%.3f). Got average of %.3f.' % (gt_data['avg'].mean(), gt_data['epsilon'], np.array(data['avg']).mean())
00148 print msg
00149 if abs(np.array(data['avg']).mean() - gt_data['avg'].mean()) > gt_data['epsilon']:
00150 return False, msg
00152 msg = 'Expect no holes percent > %.3f. Got %.3f.' % (gt_data['ok_percent']['value']-gt_data['ok_percent']['epsilon'], np.array(data['ok_percent']).mean())
00153 print msg
00154 if np.array(data['ok_percent']).mean() < gt_data['ok_percent']['value']-gt_data['ok_percent']['epsilon']:
00155 return False, msg
00157 except Exception as e:
00158 msg = '%s' % e
00159 print 'Test Failed: %s' % msg
00160 return False, msg
00161 return True, ''
00164 def ImageColorTest_3epsilon(data, gt_data):
00165 gt_data['epsilon'] *= 3
00166 return ImageColorTest(data, gt_data)
00168 def NotImageColorTest(data, gt_data):
00169 res = ImageColorTest(data, gt_data)
00170 return (not res[0], res[1])
00172 def PointCloudTest(data, gt_data):
00173 width = np.array(data['width']).mean()
00174 height = np.array(data['height']).mean()
00175 msg = 'Expect image size %d(+-%d), %d. Got %d, %d.' % (gt_data['width'][0], gt_data['width'][1], gt_data['height'][0], width, height)
00176 print msg
00177 if abs(width - gt_data['width'][0]) > gt_data['width'][1] or height != gt_data['height'][0]:
00178 return False, msg
00179 mean_pos = np.array([xx[:3] for xx in data['avg']]).mean(0)
00180 msg = 'Expect average position of %s (+-%.3f). Got average of %s.' % (gt_data['avg'][0][:3], gt_data['epsilon'][0], mean_pos)
00181 print msg
00182 if abs(mean_pos - gt_data['avg'][0][:3]).max() > gt_data['epsilon'][0]:
00183 return False, msg
00184 mean_col = np.array([xx[3:] for xx in data['avg']]).mean(0)
00185 msg = 'Expect average color of %s (+-%.3f). Got average of %s.' % (gt_data['avg'][0][3:], gt_data['epsilon'][1], mean_col)
00186 print msg
00187 if abs(mean_col - gt_data['avg'][0][3:]).max() > gt_data['epsilon'][1]:
00188 return False, msg
00190 return True, ''
00193 def staticTFTest(data, gt_data):
00194 for couple in gt_data.keys():
00195 if data[couple] is None:
00196 msg = 'Tf is None for couple %s' % '->'.join(couple)
00197 return False, msg
00198 if any(abs((np.array(data[couple][0]) - np.array(gt_data[couple][0]))) > 1e-5) or \
00199 any(abs((np.array(data[couple][1]) - np.array(gt_data[couple][1]))) > 1e-5):
00200 msg = 'Tf is changed for couple %s' % '->'.join(couple)
00201 return False, msg
00202 return True, ''
00204 test_types = {'vis_avg': {'listener_theme': 'colorStream',
00205 'data_func': ImageColorGetData,
00206 'test_func': ImageColorTest},
00207 'depth_avg': {'listener_theme': 'depthStream',
00208 'data_func': ImageDepthGetData,
00209 'test_func': ImageColorTest},
00210 'no_file': {'listener_theme': 'colorStream',
00211 'data_func': lambda x: None,
00212 'test_func': NotImageColorTest},
00213 'pointscloud_avg': {'listener_theme': 'pointscloud',
00216 'data_func': lambda x: {'width': [660353, 2300], 'height': [1], 'avg': [np.array([ 1.28251814, -0.15839984, 4.82235184, 123, 124, 113])], 'epsilon': [0.04, 5]},
00217 'test_func': PointCloudTest},
00218 'align_depth_ir1': {'listener_theme': 'alignedDepthInfra1',
00219 'data_func': ImageDepthGetData,
00220 'test_func': ImageColorTest},
00221 'align_depth_color': {'listener_theme': 'alignedDepthColor',
00222 'data_func': ImageDepthInColorShapeGetData,
00223 'test_func': ImageColorTest_3epsilon},
00224 'depth_avg_decimation': {'listener_theme': 'depthStream',
00225 'data_func': ImageDepthGetData_decimation,
00226 'test_func': ImageColorTest},
00227 'align_depth_ir1_decimation': {'listener_theme': 'alignedDepthInfra1',
00228 'data_func': ImageDepthGetData,
00229 'test_func': ImageColorTest},
00230 'static_tf': {'listener_theme': 'static_tf',
00231 'data_func': lambda x: {('camera_link', 'camera_color_frame'): ([-0.00010158783697988838, 0.014841210097074509, -0.00022671300393994898], [-0.0008337442995980382, 0.0010442184284329414, -0.0009920650627464056, 0.9999986290931702]),
00232 ('camera_link', 'camera_depth_frame'): ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
00233 ('camera_link', 'camera_infra1_frame'): ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
00234 ('camera_depth_frame', 'camera_infra1_frame'): ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
00235 ('camera_depth_frame', 'camera_color_frame'): ([-0.00010158783697988838, 0.014841210097074509, -0.00022671300393994898], [-0.0008337442995980382, 0.0010442184284329414, -0.0009920650627464056, 0.9999986290931702]),
00236 ('camera_infra1_frame', 'camera_color_frame'): ([-0.00010158783697988838, 0.014841210097074509, -0.00022671300393994898], [-0.0008337442995980382, 0.0010442184284329414, -0.0009920650627464056, 0.9999986290931702])}
00237 ,
00238 'test_func': staticTFTest},
00239 'accel_up': {'listener_theme': 'accelStream',
00240 'data_func': AccelGetDataDeviceStandStraight,
00241 'test_func': ImuTest},
00242 }
00245 def run_test(test, listener_res):
00248 test_type = test_types[test['type']]
00249 gt_data = test_type['data_func'](test['params']['rosbag_filename'])
00250 return test_type['test_func'](listener_res[test_type['listener_theme']], gt_data)
00253 def print_results(results):
00254 title = 'TEST RESULTS'
00255 headers = ['index', 'test name', 'score', 'message']
00256 col_0_width = len(headers[0]) + 1
00257 col_1_width = max([len(headers[1])] + [len(test[0]) for test in results]) + 1
00258 col_2_width = max([len(headers[2]), len('OK'), len('FAILED')]) + 1
00259 col_3_width = max([len(headers[3])] + [len(test[1][1]) for test in results]) + 1
00260 total_width = col_0_width + col_1_width + col_2_width + col_3_width
00261 print
00262 print ('{:^%ds}'%total_width).format(title)
00263 print '-'*total_width
00264 print ('{:<%ds}{:<%ds}{:>%ds} : {:<%ds}' % (col_0_width, col_1_width, col_2_width, col_3_width)).format(*headers)
00265 print '-'*(col_0_width-1) + ' '*1 + '-'*(col_1_width-1) + ' '*2 + '-'*(col_2_width-1) + ' '*3 + '-'*(col_3_width-1)
00266 print '\n'.join([('{:<%dd}{:<%ds}{:>%ds} : {:<s}' % (col_0_width, col_1_width, col_2_width)).format(idx, test[0], 'OK' if test[1][0] else 'FAILED', test[1][1]) for idx, test in enumerate(results)])
00267 print
00270 def get_tf(tf_listener, from_id, to_id):
00271 global tf_timeout
00272 try:
00273 start_time = time.time()
00275 tf_listener.waitForTransform(from_id, to_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(tf_timeout))
00276 res = tf_listener.lookupTransform(from_id, to_id, rospy.Time())
00277 except Exception as e:
00278 res = None
00279 finally:
00280 waited_for = time.time() - start_time
00281 tf_timeout = max(0.0, tf_timeout - waited_for)
00282 return res
00285 def run_tests(tests):
00286 msg_params = {'timeout_secs': 5}
00287 results = []
00288 params_strs = set([test['params_str'] for test in tests])
00289 for params_str in params_strs:
00290 rec_tests = [test for test in tests if test['params_str'] == params_str]
00291 themes = [test_types[test['type']]['listener_theme'] for test in rec_tests]
00292 msg_retriever = CWaitForMessage(msg_params)
00293 print '*'*30
00294 print 'Running the following tests: %s' % ('\n' + '\n'.join([test['name'] for test in rec_tests]))
00295 print '*'*30
00296 num_of_startups = 5
00297 is_node_up = False
00298 for run_no in range(num_of_startups):
00299 print
00300 print '*'*8 + ' Starting ROS ' + '*'*8
00301 print 'running node (%d/%d)' % (run_no, num_of_startups)
00302 cmd_params = ['roslaunch', 'realsense2_camera', 'rs_from_file.launch'] + params_str.split(' ')
00303 print 'running command: ' + ' '.join(cmd_params)
00304 p_wrapper = subprocess.Popen(cmd_params, stdout=None, stderr=None)
00305 time.sleep(2)
00306 service_list = rosservice.get_service_list()
00307 is_node_up = len([service for service in service_list if 'realsense2_camera/' in service]) > 0
00308 if is_node_up:
00309 print 'Node is UP'
00310 break
00311 print 'Node is NOT UP'
00312 print '*'*8 + ' Killing ROS ' + '*'*9
00313 p_wrapper.terminate()
00314 p_wrapper.wait()
00315 print 'DONE'
00317 if is_node_up:
00318 listener_res = msg_retriever.wait_for_messages(themes)
00319 if 'static_tf' in [test['type'] for test in rec_tests]:
00320 print 'Gathering static transforms'
00321 frame_ids = ['camera_link', 'camera_depth_frame', 'camera_infra1_frame', 'camera_infra2_frame', 'camera_color_frame', 'camera_fisheye_frame', 'camera_pose']
00322 tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
00323 listener_res['static_tf'] = dict([(xx, get_tf(tf_listener, xx[0], xx[1])) for xx in itertools.combinations(frame_ids, 2)])
00324 print '*'*8 + ' Killing ROS ' + '*'*9
00325 p_wrapper.terminate()
00326 p_wrapper.wait()
00327 else:
00328 listener_res = dict([[theme_name, {}] for theme_name in themes])
00330 print '*'*30
00331 print 'DONE run'
00332 print '*'*30
00334 for test in rec_tests:
00335 try:
00336 res = run_test(test, listener_res)
00337 except Exception as e:
00338 print 'Test %s Failed: %s' % (test['name'], e)
00339 res = False, '%s' % e
00340 results.append([test['name'], res])
00342 return results
00344 def main():
00345 all_tests = [{'name': 'non_existent_file', 'type': 'no_file', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': '/home/non_existent_file.txt'}},
00346 {'name': 'vis_avg_2', 'type': 'vis_avg', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag'}},
00347 {'name': 'depth_avg_1', 'type': 'depth_avg', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag'}},
00348 {'name': 'depth_w_cloud_1', 'type': 'depth_avg', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'enable_pointcloud': 'true'}},
00349 {'name': 'points_cloud_1', 'type': 'pointscloud_avg', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'enable_pointcloud': 'true'}},
00350 {'name': 'align_depth_color_1', 'type': 'align_depth_color', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'align_depth': 'true'}},
00351 {'name': 'align_depth_ir1_1', 'type': 'align_depth_ir1', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'align_depth': 'true'}},
00352 {'name': 'depth_decimation_1', 'type': 'align_depth_ir1_decimation', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'filters': 'decimation', 'align_depth': 'true'}},
00353 {'name': 'depth_avg_decimation_1', 'type': 'depth_avg_decimation', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'filters': 'decimation'}},
00354 {'name': 'align_depth_ir1_decimation_1', 'type': 'align_depth_ir1_decimation', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/outdoors.bag', 'filters': 'decimation', 'align_depth': 'true'}},
00356 {'name': 'accel_up_1', 'type': 'accel_up', 'params': {'rosbag_filename': './records/D435i_Depth_and_IMU_Stands_still.bag'}},
00357 ]
00360 for test in all_tests:
00361 test['params']['rosbag_filename'] = os.path.abspath(test['params']['rosbag_filename'])
00362 test['params_str'] = ' '.join([key + ':=' + test['params'][key] for key in sorted(test['params'].keys())])
00364 if len(sys.argv) < 2 or '--help' in sys.argv or '/?' in sys.argv:
00365 print 'USAGE:'
00366 print '------'
00367 print 'rs2_test.py --all | <test_name> [<test_name> [...]]'
00368 print
00369 print 'Available tests are:'
00370 print '\n'.join([test['name'] for test in all_tests])
00371 exit(-1)
00373 if '--all' in sys.argv[1:]:
00374 tests_to_run = all_tests
00375 else:
00376 tests_to_run = [test for test in all_tests if test['name'] in sys.argv[1:]]
00378 results = run_tests(tests_to_run)
00379 print_results(results)
00381 res = int(all([result[1][0] for result in results])) - 1
00382 print 'exit (%d)' % res
00383 exit(res)
00385 if __name__ == '__main__':
00386 main()