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00001 # --------------------------------------------------------
00002 # Deformable Convolutional Networks
00003 # Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft
00004 # Licensed under The Apache-2.0 License [see LICENSE for details]
00005 # Written by Yi Li
00006 # --------------------------------------------------------
00008 from skimage.draw import polygon
00009 import numpy as np
00011 def segToMask( S, h, w ):
00012     """
00013     Convert polygon segmentation to binary mask.
00014     :param   S (float array)   : polygon segmentation mask
00015     :param   h (int)           : target mask height
00016     :param   w (int)           : target mask width
00017     :return: M (bool 2D array) : binary mask
00018     """
00019     M = np.zeros((h,w), dtype=np.bool)
00020     for s in S:
00021         N = len(s)
00022         rr, cc = polygon(np.array(s[1:N:2]).clip(max=h-1), \
00023                       np.array(s[0:N:2]).clip(max=w-1)) # (y, x)
00024         M[rr, cc] = 1
00025     return M
00028 def decodeMask(R):
00029     """
00030     Decode binary mask M encoded via run-length encoding.
00031     :param   R (object RLE)    : run-length encoding of binary mask
00032     :return: M (bool 2D array) : decoded binary mask
00033     """
00034     N = len(R['counts'])
00035     M = np.zeros( (R['size'][0]*R['size'][1], ))
00036     n = 0
00037     val = 1
00038     for pos in range(N):
00039         val = not val
00040         for c in range(R['counts'][pos]):
00041             R['counts'][pos]
00042             M[n] = val
00043             n += 1
00044     return M.reshape((R['size']), order='F')
00046 def mask_coco2voc(coco_masks, im_height, im_width):
00047     voc_masks = np.zeros((len(coco_masks), im_height, im_width))
00048     for i, ann in enumerate(coco_masks):
00049         if type(ann) == list:
00050             # polygon
00051             m = segToMask(ann, im_height, im_width)
00052         else:
00053             # rle
00054             m = decodeMask(ann)
00055         voc_masks[i,:,:]=m;
00056     return voc_masks

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:26:30