cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > Member List
This is the complete list of members for cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >, including all inherited members.
addCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
addCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
addCloud(const sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
addCloud(const PclPointCloudPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform &transform)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
clear(void)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [virtual]
cOctreeBasePaRos(double resolution)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
current_output_time_cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
getChildKey(const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &child, const int child_pos) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getChildKeySimple(const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &child, const int child_pos) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
getLastInsertionTime(void) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [virtual]
getOctomap(void) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getOctomapFull(void) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getOctomapPcd(const int tree_depth=0, const bool expand=false) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getOctomapPcdFree(const int tree_depth=0, const bool expand=false) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getOctomapPcdSub(const OctKey &key, const int current_level, const int min_level, PclPointCloud &cloud) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
getOutputTime(void) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getParentKey(const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &parent) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
getParentKeySimple(const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &parent) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
keyToPoint(const OctKey &key) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
keyToPoint(const OctKey &key, double &x, double &y, double &z) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
last_insertion_time_cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [protected]
OctKey typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
PclPointCloud typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
PclPointCloudConstPtr typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
PclPointCloudPtr typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
pointToKey(const geometry_msgs::Point &point) const cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
readFull(const std::string &filename)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
rosparams_base_cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
setLastInsertionTime(const ros::Time &time)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [virtual]
setOutputTime(const ros::Time &time)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
TreeTypeBase typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
TreeTypeFull typedefcOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
updateTime(const ros::Time &time)cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE >
~cOctreeBasePaRos()cOctreeBasePaRos< OCTREE > [virtual]

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:53:30