This is the complete list of members for
fcu::FlightController, including all inherited members.
board_name_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
box_name_ids_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
capabilities_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
channel_map_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
client_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
connect(const std::string &device, const size_t baudrate=115200, const double &timeout=0.0, const bool print_info=false) | fcu::FlightController | |
control_source_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
disconnect() | fcu::FlightController | |
flight_mode_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
FlightController() | fcu::FlightController | |
fw_variant_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
generateMSP() | fcu::FlightController | |
getBoardName() const | fcu::FlightController | |
getBoxNames() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
getControlSource() | fcu::FlightController | |
getFlightMode() const | fcu::FlightController | |
getFwVariant() const | fcu::FlightController | |
getProtocolVersion() const | fcu::FlightController | |
getSubscription(const msp::ID &id) | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasAccelerometer() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasBarometer() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasBind() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasCapability(const msp::msg::Capability &cap) const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasDynBal() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasFlap() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasGPS() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasMagnetometer() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasSensor(const msp::msg::Sensor &sensor) const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasSonar() const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
hasSubscription(const msp::ID &id) const | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
initBoxes() | fcu::FlightController | |
isArmed() | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
isConnected() const | fcu::FlightController | |
isStatusActive(const std::string &status_name) | fcu::FlightController | |
isStatusFailsafe() | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
msp_timer_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
msp_updates_mutex | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
msp_version_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
reboot() | fcu::FlightController | |
rpyt_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
saveSettings() | fcu::FlightController | |
sendMessage(msp::Message &message, const double timeout=0) | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
sensors_ | fcu::FlightController | [private] |
setControlSource(const ControlSource source) | fcu::FlightController | |
setFlightMode(const FlightMode mode) | fcu::FlightController | |
setLoggingLevel(const msp::client::LoggingLevel &level) | fcu::FlightController | |
setMotors(const std::array< uint16_t, msp::msg::N_MOTOR > &motor_values) | fcu::FlightController | |
setRc(const uint16_t roll, const uint16_t pitch, const uint16_t yaw, const uint16_t throttle, const uint16_t aux1=1000, const uint16_t aux2=1000, const uint16_t aux3=1000, const uint16_t aux4=1000, const std::vector< uint16_t > auxs=std::vector< uint16_t >()) | fcu::FlightController | |
setRc(const std::vector< uint16_t > channels) | fcu::FlightController | |
setRPYT(std::array< double, 4 > &&rpyt) | fcu::FlightController | |
subscribe(void(C::*callback)(const T &), C *context, const double tp=0.0) | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
subscribe(const std::function< void(const T &)> &callback, const double tp=0.0) | fcu::FlightController | [inline] |
updateFeatures(const std::set< std::string > &add=std::set< std::string >(), const std::set< std::string > &remove=std::set< std::string >()) | fcu::FlightController | |
~FlightController() | fcu::FlightController | |