Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces |
namespace | mrp2_diag_publisher |
Functions |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.aux_lights_callback |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.batt_high_callback |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.batt_low_callback |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.controller_callback |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.motor_stall_l_callback |
def | mrp2_diag_publisher.motor_stall_r_callback |
Variables |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.array = DiagnosticArray() |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.aux_lights = False |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.batt_high = False |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.batt_low = False |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.battery_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name = 'Battery', level = 0, message = 'OK') |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.controller = False |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.lights_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name = 'Lights', level = 0, message = 'OK') |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.motor_l_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name = 'Motor Left', level = 0, message = 'Running') |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.motor_r_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name = 'Motor Right', level = 0, message = 'Running') |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.my_rate = rospy.Rate(1.0) |
tuple | mrp2_diag_publisher.pub = rospy.Publisher('/diagnostics', DiagnosticArray, queue_size = 10) |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.stall_l = False |
| mrp2_diag_publisher.stall_r = False |