moveit_goal_builder module


class moveit_goal_builder.moveit_goal_builder.MoveItGoalBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Builds a MoveGroupGoal.


# To do a reachability check from the current robot pose.
builder = MoveItGoalBuilder()
builder.allowed_planning_time = 5
builder.plan_only = True
goal =

# To move to a current robot pose with a few options changed.
builder = MoveItGoalBuilder()
builder.replan = True
builder.replan_attempts = 10
goal =

Use set_pose_goal or set_joint_goal to set the actual goal. Pose goals and joint goals are mutually exclusive; setting one will overwrite the other.

Most of the builder is configured by setting public members. Below is a list of all the public members you can set as well as their default values:

allowed_planning_time = 10.0
float. How much time to allow the planner, in seconds.
fixed_frame = ‘base_link’
string. The MoveIt planning frame.
gripper_frame = ‘wrist_roll_link’
string. The name of the end-effector link.
group_name = ‘arm’
string. The name of the MoveIt group to plan for.
moveit_msgs.msg.PlanningScene. Changes to the planning scene to apply. By default this is set to an empty planning scene.
look_around = False
bool. Whether or not the robot can look around during execution.
max_acceleration_scaling_factor = 0
float. The scaling factor for the maximum joint acceleration, in the range [0, 1]. A value of 0 means there is no scaling factor.
max_velocity_scaling_factor = 0
float. Used to slow the executed action, this specifies the scaling factor for the maximum velocity, in the range [0, 1]. A value of 0 means there is no scaling factor.
num_planning_attempts = 1
int. How many times to compute the same plan (most planners are randomized). The shortest plan will be used.
plan_only = False
bool. Whether to only compute the plan but not execute it.
planner_id = ‘RRTConnectkConfigDefault’
string. The name of the planner to use. A list of planner names can be found using the rviz MotionPlanning plugin.
replan = False
bool. Whether to come up with a new plan if there was an error executing the original plan.
replan_attempts = 5
int. How many times to do replanning.
replan_delay = 1.0
float. How long to wait in between replanning, in seconds.
tolerance = 0.01:
float. The tolerance radius, in meters, for the goal pose. If the builder is used for a joint angle action, then tolerance specifies the joint angle tolerance (both above and below) in radians.

Adds an orientation constraint to the path.


Make more advanced edits to the orientation constraints by modifying _orientation_constraints directly.

Parameters:o_constraint (moveit_msgs.msg.OrientationConstraint) – The orientation constraint to add.

Builds the goal message.

To set a pose or joint goal, call set_pose_goal or set_joint_goal before calling build. To add a path orientation constraint, call add_path_orientation_constraint first.

Parameters:tf_timeout (rospy.Duration) – How long to wait for a TF message. Only used with pose goals.
Returns:The MoveGroup action goal.
Return type:moveit_msgs.msg.MoveGroupGoal
set_joint_goal(joint_names, joint_positions)[source]

Sets a joint-space planning goal.

  • joint_names (list of strings) – The names of the joints in the goal.
  • joint_positions (list of floats) – The joint angles to achieve.

Sets a pose goal.


The pose will be transformed into the planning frame when build is called.

Parameters:pose_stamped (geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped) – The pose goal for the end-effector.

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