File: mbf_msgs/CheckPath.srv
Raw Message Definition
nav_msgs/Path path # the path to be checked after transforming to costmap frame
float32 safety_dist # minimum distance allowed to the closest obstacle (footprint padding)
float32 lethal_cost_mult # cost multiplier for cells marked as lethal obstacle (zero is ignored)
float32 inscrib_cost_mult # cost multiplier for cells marked as inscribed obstacle (zero is ignored)
float32 unknown_cost_mult # cost multiplier for cells marked as unknown space (zero is ignored)
uint8 costmap # costmap in which to check the pose
uint8 return_on # abort check on finding a pose with this state or worse (zero is ignored)
uint8 skip_poses # skip this number of poses between checks, to speedup processing
bool path_cells_only # check only cells directly traversed by the path, ignoring robot footprint
# (if true, safety_dist is ignored)
uint8 FREE = 0 # robot is completely in traversable space
uint8 INSCRIBED = 1 # robot is partially in inscribed space
uint8 LETHAL = 2 # robot is partially in collision
uint8 UNKNOWN = 3 # robot is partially in unknown space
uint8 OUTSIDE = 4 # robot is completely outside the map
uint32 last_checked # index of the first pose along the path with return_on state or worse
uint8 state # path worst state (until last_checked): FREE, INFLATED, LETHAL, UNKNOWN...
uint32 cost # cost of all cells traversed by path within footprint padded by safety_dist
# or just by the path if path_cells_only is true
Compact Message Definition
nav_msgs/Path path
float32 safety_dist
float32 lethal_cost_mult
float32 inscrib_cost_mult
float32 unknown_cost_mult
uint8 costmap
uint8 return_on
uint8 skip_poses
bool path_cells_only
uint8 FREE=0
uint8 LETHAL=2
uint8 UNKNOWN=3
uint8 OUTSIDE=4
uint32 last_checked
uint8 state
uint32 cost