File: grasp_planning_graspit_msgs/LoadDatabaseModel.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Instructs GraspIt to load a database model and place it at a given location in the world.
# The current version only allows a single instance of any database object in the graspit world;
# if the object is already in the world, it will be moved to the new location
# the id of the model to be loaded
int32 model_id
# the pose of the model in the world
geometry_msgs/Pose model_pose
# whether any other models in the GraspIt world should be cleared
# somewhat hack-ish, needed for wuick testing for the robust planner
bool clear_other_models
int32 LOAD_SUCCESS = 0
int32 LOAD_FAILURE = 1
int32 result
Compact Message Definition
int32 model_id
geometry_msgs/Pose model_pose
bool clear_other_models
int32 result