File: grasp_planning_graspit_msgs/AddToDatabase.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Requests to add a Graspit model to the database
# This does not load it into the current GraspIt world.
# Request loading of the databse into the GraspIt world
# needs to be done with another service.
# the GraspIt! XML file to load. Can only be a robot or
# object file. Adding whole worlds to databases is not
# supported.
string filename
# true if the file is a robot file, false if it is an object file
bool isRobot
# only used if isRobot=false: Load the object as graspable
# object. If false, the object is loaded as obstacle.
bool asGraspable
# set a unique model name for the database. If a model
# with this name exists in the database already, the service
# request will fail, and you have to try another name.
string modelName
# if this is a robot file, this array contains the URDF finger
# joint names in the order they are specified in the graspit file.
string[] jointNames
# success flag (see return codes below)
int32 returnCode
# returns the model ID which was assigned to this loaded
# model in the database.
int32 modelID
# adding to database successful.
int32 SUCCESS = 0
# model with this name exists in database.
int32 MODEL_EXISTS = 1
# could nto find the file.
int32 FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2
# graspit world not ready to take objects.
int32 NOT_READY = 3
# cannot add a model with empty name
int32 NO_NAME = 4
# other error occurred.
int32 OTHER_ERROR = 5
Compact Message Definition
string filename
bool isRobot
bool asGraspable
string modelName
string[] jointNames
int32 SUCCESS=0
int32 NOT_READY=3
int32 NO_NAME=4
int32 returnCode
int32 modelID