Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "test_common.h"
00002 #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
00004 // TEST CASES
00005 TEST_F(FourWheelSteeringControllerTest, testForward)
00006 {
00007   // wait for ROS
00008   while(!isControllerAlive())
00009   {
00010     ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00011   }
00012   // zero everything before test
00013   four_wheel_steering_msgs::FourWheelSteering cmd_vel;
00014   cmd_vel.speed = 0.0;
00015   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = 0.0;
00016   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = 0.0;
00017   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00018   ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00019   // get initial odom
00020   nav_msgs::Odometry old_odom = getLastOdom();
00021   // send a velocity command of 0.1 m/s
00022   cmd_vel.speed = 0.1;
00023   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00024   // wait for 10s
00025   ros::Duration(10.0).sleep();
00027   nav_msgs::Odometry new_odom = getLastOdom();
00029   // check if the robot traveled 1 meter in XY plane, changes in z should be ~~0
00030   const double dx = new_odom.pose.pose.position.x - old_odom.pose.pose.position.x;
00031   const double dy = new_odom.pose.pose.position.y - old_odom.pose.pose.position.y;
00032   const double dz = new_odom.pose.pose.position.z - old_odom.pose.pose.position.z;
00033   EXPECT_NEAR(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), 1.0, POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00034   EXPECT_LT(fabs(dz), EPS);
00036   // convert to rpy and test that way
00037   double roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old;
00038   double roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new;
00039   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(old_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old);
00040   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(new_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new);
00041   EXPECT_LT(fabs(roll_new - roll_old), EPS);
00042   EXPECT_LT(fabs(pitch_new - pitch_old), EPS);
00043   EXPECT_LT(fabs(yaw_new - yaw_old), EPS);
00044   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.x), cmd_vel.speed, EPS);
00045   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.y), EPS);
00046   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.z), EPS);
00048   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.x), EPS);
00049   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.y), EPS);
00050   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.z), EPS);
00051 }
00053 TEST_F(FourWheelSteeringControllerTest, testCrab)
00054 {
00055   // wait for ROS
00056   while(!isControllerAlive())
00057   {
00058     ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00059   }
00060   // zero everything before test
00061   four_wheel_steering_msgs::FourWheelSteering cmd_vel;
00062   cmd_vel.speed = 0.0;
00063   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = 0.0;
00064   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = 0.0;
00065   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00066   ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00067   // get initial odom
00068   nav_msgs::Odometry old_odom = getLastOdom();
00069   // send a velocityand steering command
00070   cmd_vel.speed = 0.2;
00071   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = M_PI/8.0;
00072   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = cmd_vel.front_steering_angle;
00073   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00074   // wait for 10s
00075   double travel_time = 8.0;
00076   ros::Duration(travel_time).sleep();
00078   nav_msgs::Odometry new_odom = getLastOdom();
00080   // check if the robot traveled 5 meter in XY plane, changes in z should be ~~0
00081   const double dx = new_odom.pose.pose.position.x - old_odom.pose.pose.position.x;
00082   const double dy = new_odom.pose.pose.position.y - old_odom.pose.pose.position.y;
00083   const double dz = new_odom.pose.pose.position.z - old_odom.pose.pose.position.z;
00084   EXPECT_NEAR(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), cmd_vel.speed*travel_time, POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00085   EXPECT_NEAR(dx, cmd_vel.speed*travel_time*cos(cmd_vel.front_steering_angle), POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00086   EXPECT_NEAR(dy, cmd_vel.speed*travel_time*sin(cmd_vel.front_steering_angle), POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00087   EXPECT_LT(fabs(dz), EPS);
00089   // convert to rpy and test that way
00090   double roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old;
00091   double roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new;
00092   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(old_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old);
00093   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(new_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new);
00094   EXPECT_LT(fabs(roll_new - roll_old), EPS);
00095   EXPECT_LT(fabs(pitch_new - pitch_old), EPS);
00096   EXPECT_LT(fabs(yaw_new - yaw_old), EPS);
00097   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.x), cmd_vel.speed*cos(cmd_vel.front_steering_angle), EPS);
00098   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.y), cmd_vel.speed*sin(cmd_vel.front_steering_angle), EPS);
00099   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.z), EPS);
00101   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.x), EPS);
00102   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.y), EPS);
00103   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.z), EPS);
00104 }
00106 TEST_F(FourWheelSteeringControllerTest, testSymmetricTurn)
00107 {
00108   // wait for ROS
00109   while(!isControllerAlive())
00110   {
00111     ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00112   }
00113   // zero everything before test
00114   four_wheel_steering_msgs::FourWheelSteering cmd_vel;
00115   cmd_vel.speed = 0.0;
00116   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = 0.0;
00117   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = 0.0;
00118   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00119   ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00120   // get initial odom
00121   nav_msgs::Odometry old_odom = getLastOdom();
00122   // send a velocity command
00123   cmd_vel.speed = M_PI/2.0;
00124   // send steering for angular speed of M_PI/10.0
00125   double cmd_angular = M_PI/10.0;
00127   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = 0.18776;
00128   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = -0.18776;
00129   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00130   // wait for 10s to make a half turn
00131   ros::Duration(10.0).sleep();
00133   nav_msgs::Odometry new_odom = getLastOdom();
00135   // check if the robot traveled 20 meter in XY plane, changes in z should be ~~0
00136   const double dx = new_odom.pose.pose.position.x - old_odom.pose.pose.position.x;
00137   const double dy = new_odom.pose.pose.position.y - old_odom.pose.pose.position.y;
00138   const double dz = new_odom.pose.pose.position.z - old_odom.pose.pose.position.z;
00139   EXPECT_NEAR(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), fabs(2*cmd_vel.speed/(cmd_angular)), POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00140   EXPECT_LT(fabs(dz), EPS);
00142   // convert to rpy and test that way
00143   double roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old;
00144   double roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new;
00145   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(old_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old);
00146   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(new_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new);
00147   EXPECT_LT(fabs(roll_new - roll_old), EPS);
00148   EXPECT_LT(fabs(pitch_new - pitch_old), EPS);
00149   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(yaw_new - yaw_old), M_PI, ORIENTATION_TOLERANCE);
00151   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.x), cmd_vel.speed, EPS);
00152   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.y), EPS);
00153   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.z), EPS);
00155   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.x), EPS);
00156   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.y), EPS);
00157   EXPECT_NEAR(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.z, cmd_angular, EPS);
00158 }
00160 TEST_F(FourWheelSteeringControllerTest, testNonSymmetricTurn)
00161 {
00162   // wait for ROS
00163   while(!isControllerAlive())
00164   {
00165     ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00166   }
00167   // zero everything before test
00168   four_wheel_steering_msgs::FourWheelSteering cmd_vel;
00169   cmd_vel.speed = 0.0;
00170   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = 0.0;
00171   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = 0.0;
00172   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00173   ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00174   // get initial odom
00175   nav_msgs::Odometry old_odom = getLastOdom();
00176   // send a velocity command
00177   cmd_vel.speed = M_PI/2.0;
00178   // send steering for angular speed
00179   double cmd_angular = -M_PI/10.0;
00182   cmd_vel.front_steering_angle = -0.21655;
00183   cmd_vel.rear_steering_angle = 0.15866;
00184   publish_4ws(cmd_vel);
00185   // wait for 10s to make a half turn
00186   ros::Duration(10.0).sleep();
00188   nav_msgs::Odometry new_odom = getLastOdom();
00190   // check if the robot traveled 20 meter in XY plane, changes in z should be ~~0
00191   const double dx = new_odom.pose.pose.position.x - old_odom.pose.pose.position.x;
00192   const double dy = new_odom.pose.pose.position.y - old_odom.pose.pose.position.y;
00193   const double dz = new_odom.pose.pose.position.z - old_odom.pose.pose.position.z;
00194   EXPECT_NEAR(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), fabs(2*cmd_vel.speed/(cmd_angular)), POSITION_TOLERANCE);
00195   EXPECT_LT(fabs(dz), EPS);
00197   // convert to rpy and test that way
00198   double roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old;
00199   double roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new;
00200   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(old_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_old, pitch_old, yaw_old);
00201   tf::Matrix3x3(tfQuatFromGeomQuat(new_odom.pose.pose.orientation)).getRPY(roll_new, pitch_new, yaw_new);
00202   EXPECT_LT(fabs(roll_new - roll_old), EPS);
00203   EXPECT_LT(fabs(pitch_new - pitch_old), EPS);
00204   EXPECT_NEAR(fabs(yaw_new - yaw_old), M_PI, ORIENTATION_TOLERANCE);
00206   EXPECT_NEAR(sqrt(pow(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.x,2)+pow(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.y,2)),
00207               fabs(cmd_vel.speed), EPS);
00208   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.linear.z), EPS);
00210   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.x), EPS);
00211   EXPECT_LT(fabs(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.y), EPS);
00212   EXPECT_NEAR(new_odom.twist.twist.angular.z, cmd_angular, EPS);
00213 }
00215 TEST_F(FourWheelSteeringControllerTest, testOdomFrame)
00216 {
00217   // wait for ROS
00218   while(!isControllerAlive())
00219   {
00220     ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
00221   }
00222   // set up tf listener
00223   tf::TransformListener listener;
00224   ros::Duration(2.0).sleep();
00225   // check the odom frame exist
00226   EXPECT_TRUE(listener.frameExists("odom"));
00227 }
00229 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00230 {
00231   testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
00232   ros::init(argc, argv, "four_wheel_steering_4ws_cmd_test");
00234   ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
00235   spinner.start();
00236   //ros::Duration(0.5).sleep();
00237   int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
00238   spinner.stop();
00239   ros::shutdown();
00240   return ret;
00241 }

Author(s): Vincent Rousseau
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:06:24