Matcher Member List
This is the complete list of members for Matcher, including all inherited members.
bucketFeatures(int32_t max_features, float bucket_width, float bucket_height)Matcher
computeDescriptor(const uint8_t *I_du, const uint8_t *I_dv, const int32_t &bpl, const int32_t &u, const int32_t &v, uint8_t *desc_addr)Matcher [inline, private]
computeDescriptors(uint8_t *I_du, uint8_t *I_dv, const int32_t bpl, std::vector< Matcher::maximum > &maxima)Matcher [private]
computeFeatures(uint8_t *I, const int32_t *dims, int32_t *&max1, int32_t &num1, int32_t *&max2, int32_t &num2, uint8_t *&I_du, uint8_t *&I_dv, uint8_t *&I_du_full, uint8_t *&I_dv_full)Matcher [private]
computePriorStatistics(std::vector< Matcher::p_match > &p_matched, int32_t method)Matcher [private]
computeSmallDescriptor(const uint8_t *I_du, const uint8_t *I_dv, const int32_t &bpl, const int32_t &u, const int32_t &v, uint8_t *desc_addr)Matcher [inline, private]
createHalfResolutionImage(uint8_t *I, const int32_t *dims)Matcher [private]
createIndexVector(int32_t *m, int32_t n, std::vector< int32_t > *k, const int32_t &u_bin_num, const int32_t &v_bin_num)Matcher [private]
dims_cMatcher [private]
dims_pMatcher [private]
filterImageAll(uint8_t *I, uint8_t *I_du, uint8_t *I_dv, int16_t *I_f1, int16_t *I_f2, const int *dims)Matcher [private]
filterImageSobel(uint8_t *I, uint8_t *I_du, uint8_t *I_dv, const int *dims)Matcher [private]
findMatch(int32_t *m1, const int32_t &i1, int32_t *m2, const int32_t &step_size, std::vector< int32_t > *k2, const int32_t &u_bin_num, const int32_t &v_bin_num, const int32_t &stat_bin, int32_t &min_ind, int32_t stage, bool flow, bool use_prior, double u_=-1, double v_=-1)Matcher [inline, private]
getAddressOffsetImage(const int32_t &u, const int32_t &v, const int32_t &width)Matcher [inline, private]
getGain(std::vector< int32_t > inliers)Matcher
getHalfResolutionDimensions(const int32_t *dims, int32_t *dims_half)Matcher [private]
getMatches()Matcher [inline]
I1cMatcher [private]
I1c_duMatcher [private]
I1c_du_fullMatcher [private]
I1c_dvMatcher [private]
I1c_dv_fullMatcher [private]
I1pMatcher [private]
I1p_duMatcher [private]
I1p_du_fullMatcher [private]
I1p_dvMatcher [private]
I1p_dv_fullMatcher [private]
I2cMatcher [private]
I2c_duMatcher [private]
I2c_du_fullMatcher [private]
I2c_dvMatcher [private]
I2c_dv_fullMatcher [private]
I2pMatcher [private]
I2p_duMatcher [private]
I2p_du_fullMatcher [private]
I2p_dvMatcher [private]
I2p_dv_fullMatcher [private]
m1c1Matcher [private]
m1c2Matcher [private]
m1p1Matcher [private]
m1p2Matcher [private]
m2c1Matcher [private]
m2c2Matcher [private]
m2p1Matcher [private]
m2p2Matcher [private]
marginMatcher [private]
Matcher(parameters param)Matcher
matchFeatures(int32_t method, Matrix *Tr_delta=0)Matcher
matching(int32_t *m1p, int32_t *m2p, int32_t *m1c, int32_t *m2c, int32_t n1p, int32_t n2p, int32_t n1c, int32_t n2c, std::vector< Matcher::p_match > &p_matched, int32_t method, bool use_prior, Matrix *Tr_delta=0)Matcher [private]
mean(const uint8_t *I, const int32_t &bpl, const int32_t &u_min, const int32_t &u_max, const int32_t &v_min, const int32_t &v_max)Matcher [inline, private]
n1c1Matcher [private]
n1c2Matcher [private]
n1p1Matcher [private]
n1p2Matcher [private]
n2c1Matcher [private]
n2c2Matcher [private]
n2p1Matcher [private]
n2p2Matcher [private]
nonMaximumSuppression(int16_t *I_f1, int16_t *I_f2, const int32_t *dims, std::vector< Matcher::maximum > &maxima, int32_t nms_n)Matcher [private]
p_matched_1Matcher [private]
p_matched_2Matcher [private]
parabolicFitting(const uint8_t *I1_du, const uint8_t *I1_dv, const int32_t *dims1, const uint8_t *I2_du, const uint8_t *I2_dv, const int32_t *dims2, const float &u1, const float &v1, float &u2, float &v2, Matrix At, Matrix AtA, uint8_t *desc_buffer)Matcher [private]
paramMatcher [private]
pushBack(uint8_t *I1, uint8_t *I2, int32_t *dims, const bool replace)Matcher
pushBack(uint8_t *I1, int32_t *dims, const bool replace)Matcher [inline]
rangesMatcher [private]
refinement(std::vector< Matcher::p_match > &p_matched, int32_t method)Matcher [private]
relocateMinimum(const uint8_t *I1_du, const uint8_t *I1_dv, const int32_t *dims1, const uint8_t *I2_du, const uint8_t *I2_dv, const int32_t *dims2, const float &u1, const float &v1, float &u2, float &v2, uint8_t *desc_buffer)Matcher [private]
removeOutliers(std::vector< Matcher::p_match > &p_matched, int32_t method)Matcher [private]
saturate(int16_t in)Matcher [inline, private]
setIntrinsics(double f, double cu, double cv, double base)Matcher [inline]
setMatches(std::vector< Matcher::p_match > p_matched)Matcher [inline]

Author(s): Zhuang Yan
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:03:29